One more Cyclone thread

move, cc, press an immunity, press a kick. The possibilities are endless.

I’d much prefer having sleep walk that’s uninterruptible, higher range and castable while moving.

Why can’t AWC druids land a single clone? I guess they are just too bad and 1800 players in the forum know better, huh?

Ye so many possibilities when you are in bash to counter the druid casting clone,so smart

you can only bash 1 target at a time on 1min cd. And you have to leap into melee range for it

And that is more than enough

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You have 2 other players in your team? Tell them to press an ability maybe. Also I think you’ll manage to survive 1 clone a minute even if that’s too hard

One is already in clone fella,if we arent in voice 3rd one must be insane player to stop every time Rdruid if he even has the tools to do it.
But just keep defending your broken spec,its fine.

Insane player to stop 1 clone per minute?

You could also just stop the low clone before

As I said, give me sleep walk and see what happens, also give me an aoe stun and a near permanent cc immunity on top of it

Yep he needs to be already in position/have something to stop the druid cast.If he doesnt have kick that means he have to save an ability that he use for offensive setups just to stop solo Resto Druids that win the games on solo missions every minute

Nothing will happen,it will shows that you can play only broken Resto druids spec,you will get SWD by Priests,pre tremored/grounded by Shamans and so on and so on

When did they make it so you cant interrupt sleep walk? x_X
Sleep walk is longer than 25-30 yards?

The guy is just delusional,he just protect his precious broken spec cuz he know he wont even come close to the raitings he reach on it with other spec or Resto druid on the level with other healers

half of the time they have auramastery, the other half they have literally no drawback from getting kicked because they have like 10 different spell schools apparently

rdruid was one of the worse healers last season and it was much easier to get shuffle r1 on it so :person_shrugging:

You are delusional thats all.btw i see you didnt play Rdruid S1 of DF,why is that ? You didnt have your precious broken treants ?

Think thoroughly. Try to use 100% of your brain power

Dont need to was a retorical question.You only play when your precious Rdruid is beyond broken and you defend it on forums so you can play it for as long as you can.
The moment it isnt 2 tiers infront of every other healer and they balance it,you forgot it exists,aka fotm player.Sad story

Doesn’t seem to matter much since you were also stuck on low rating when shaman was the best healer :person_shrugging:

maybe learn to play instead of crying in forums about complete non-issues. The fact someone like you can get 2.6 on rsham seems to suggest it’s not as unviable as you make it seem.

Can you link it since I cant find it?

and when was Rsham best healer ?

Never, it has always been unviable. Keep crying in the forums, you’re making it work and the shamans at ~3k are wintraders

For once you were correct

What Shamans,its only Lontar,2nd shaman is 2.7
You are Delusional beyond belief

Weird, Lontar must be playing on 3 different accounts then when rsham cutoff is 2933

Also I could’ve sworn last AWC finals had rshamans in both teams, I must be misremembering since it’s completely unviable