One more Cyclone thread

Look as a feral , i totally win by restos bring nerfed.
Nerf them
Dont however forget to nerf DHs ceause theyre stupidly broken and their visuals are ducking annoying.

You aren’t.

Whenever your spec is not great, then you start praying for getting lucky with lobbies.

That is the very nature of Solo Shuffle - randomness.

Try to abstain from your bias as a Rogue player for a minute (because Rogues are universally good in almost every matchup unless people keep putting enemies on stun DR) and understand this. I’m not saying Rogues can’t have bad lobbies, but in general they are way less lobby-depedant than many other DPS specs.

And as a reminder, this thread is about healers. And Resto Druids in particular.

I already gave my example about 2 Resto Shamans pushing Shuffle. Both are mediocre healer specs (giving S4 as an example) compared to Rdruid and Prevoker.

One gets a few caster-filled lobbies in a row while facing things like Disc priests. Gets 250 rating and gets in cutoff. The other gets melee cleave games and goes negative in most of them vs Rdruid or Prevoker. Loses 250 rating. Gets very far away from cutoff.

Yes of course at the end of the day your arguement will be “if the person deserves it, they will get it” - but this is not always the case. Many people have dropped out of range just barely, queued up, dropped even more, and didn’t get it. Others got very close, then dropped, and didn’t get it. Why? - bad lobbies for their spec + lack of time towards the end.

I will not use names, but I have a Resto Shaman friend who had this exact situation happen to him. He was 20 rating below cutoff, and proceeded to get full melee games many times in a row, and despite how good he played or tried, ended up getting spam 3-3 results or negative ones.

Bad lobbies can gatekeep people with mediocre to not great specs.

Cool I had 3 resto druids 1 match away from safe r1 and went 0-6 on 2 of them because I got full melee lobbies with broken pres.
Are you trying to say this is only a rshaman thing or?

In S2 rdruid was on the better end too and I lost my titles because I queued into wintraders on the last day who afk’d in my team.

If your class is good not only do you have to pray for lucky lobbies, you have to pray for them on the last 1-2 days of the season which has an even higher risk for bad lobbies or wintraders

Again, irrelevant. You hope for better lobbies than your competition regardless of whether your spec is good or bad.

Yes, if it is bad you need more specific lobbies than if it is not in order to get 6-0s and stuff, but even when your spec is top tier lobbies matters, counters exist and you want to have it easier than the next guy.

Again, for the third time, understand that the title is spec bound so all that matters is beating all players of your spec, not others, so you always want luckier lobbies than the other players of your spec. Always.

Stupid comment as to be expected. Rogue, for one, is a class and not a spec. All three specs at least in s4 wanted very, very different lobbies and only Assa had more good than bad lobbies in the meta. And even then it had really really bad lobbies mostly when MM was involved and, what do you know, MM was the most played spec at high elo the last days. Anyways that’s going off topic.

And my first message is, in essence, “from someone who’s gotten in SS R1 range multiple times, both when the spec was one of the best ones and one of the worst ones, it felt the hardest when it was good, and while this is DPS PoV my reasons for this would apply the same rule to healers”.

Then you felt the need to comment when you have nothing of value to bring because you cannot relate.

It is a stupid example so I didn’t even waste time commenting on it, because it applies to every single spec even the #1 one. But if you insist…

Every spec has bad lobbies. Get a terrible lobby at the end, and you lose. Get a great one, and you win. Compare one guy who got a terrible one to one who got a good one, and woah, there is a big gap ! Such a genius !

You can’t really believe that this only applies to RSham but not RDruid or any other healer. That’s too dumb.

By the way the last day I got into a lobby with PEvoker, Deva Unholy Ele and me as Assa. The Druid won one game, and that’s already a miracle. He dies to Assa DK PEvoker training him and pressing Kidney on Breath CD, he loses all 3 of the 2x Evoker games, he loses to Assa Ele PEvoker for obvious reasons, and we managed to win as Assa Devoker RDruid half randomly. I did not check because I do not care, but that guy went 1-5 a couple hours before the end (lost 60 points) solely because he got a mordor lobby and so might have missed a title that he would have gotten if it was Warlock and Disc instead of Deva and Pres because then he’d get +60 instead for a 120 ooints difference.

But yeah, you gave a similar example for Shaman so Druids are immune to it. Priceless posts.

They tune a lot of CC ingame
Incap monk from 4 sec too 3
Kidneyshot from 20 sec cd too 30?
Gouge cooldown increased
Hunter binding shot duration reduced 1 sec
And a view more

How is Cyclone untouched, if they alrdy put there fingers on cc
Druid main player dev confirmed

What are you talking about?
Every lobby with deva is extremely bad for a druid. It completely counter restodruid with his purge and ability to constantly switch and cc. As a rshammy or priest you gonna usually win 6-0 VS rdru if there are deva in lobby and no big skill gape between players. Btw this can happen to any other lobby that is able to purge, control and switch. But usually dudes prefer to tunnel target with full pack of hots, which makes druid the best healer

Do you understand English?

That sentence means what it means.

Do you think Devokers stay in Earthen totems? Do you think Mages do? Hunters?

Do you think Priest can heal Warlocks even half as long as Druids can?

Do you think Fistweaver can heal casters 40 yards away?

Do you think Resto Shaman can do anything being trained in full melee game?

Because Rdruid can heal all those specs easy + all other DPS in the game.

But oh no, Devoker, noooo

Yeah well you can also heal the Devoker easily, so worst you’re going to get is 3-3

Rdruid heals with instants and NPCs

You never cast

Even if DPS lines, hots are ticking
Even if DPS outranges heal, hots are ticking
Even if you are being attacked, you can still do 100% of your healing with instants
You aren’t scared of being kicked because the only thing you cast is Cyclone

If they’re half good yea

Yup, also lobby dependent obviously

Yup, that’s what casterweaver is for

Definitely can if dps peel a bit

Honestly I find it impressive that someone can get 2.9 with that little understanding of the game.
Must be really easy to push as DH

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Actually the funny thing is they do touch Clone in TWW,there is new PvP talent giving 5 more yards to Rdruid roots/Clone…So ye they buff it…Isnt that nice ? :smiley:

It is, especially since resto druid healing got nerfed a ton so now you have to clone to be able to heal the incoming damage.

Still waiting for the much needed dragon nerf, also rshaman looks op on beta I wonder what you’re gonna complain about this time

Rsham is OP idd just behind Evoker and Rdruid as always

not behind rdruid lol and definitely not as always

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