One more Cyclone thread

We are talking here about 3s Bracket not some clown fiesta bracket that nobody cares about.You are a joke.
Done with you like the last time,not gonna reply to mentally ill one

But in real 3s you’re also stuck on low rating while top shamans have proven that it’s not only r1 viable but also great in a competitive environment like AWC

I agree that clone isn’t the main reason why rdruid is so strong right now in 3s. But you can’t deny that giving that ability 30 yard range now will be completely over the top and comes with so many design issues that will make the class a complete nightmare to balance.

Also clone is beyond broken in 2s. You might say that this doesn’t matter but I disagree. If something is broken in 2s while it’s not used much in 3s/Shuffle and doesn’t affect these brackets much then that’s such an easy fix that they should go for it.

Wanna trade clone vs mindcontrol?

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If you expect them to nerf a class whose fantasy is being an animal, then you haven’t figured out what convention you’re attending…

anything is R1 viable

there’s Frost DKs on NA that get R1 most seasons even if their spec is unplayable for most people

this is a trash bait arguement that achieves no point

you’re literally defending the most represented healer in all brackets on 2400+

which heals with pets and instants

never casts

has the most OP CC out of all healers by a long mile

cannot die unless you make 4+ gos in a row on him (and even then it’s not guaranteed)

yet you keep on going

it’s like those Karens in the supermarket who will argue with the cashier for 30 minutes just because the price says 10 euro but they think the real price should be 9.50

and keep everybody else hostage

get a grip on reality

we understand you require your main healer class to be the #1 healer spec so you can keep achieving your ranks and titles

now go touch some grass

Wtf man. Why are you make this noncence up out of your head.
Spell casting time is always one of the main factors of spell balance. Any caster who currently has few instant spells will suffer from a monstrous number of microcc and different interrupts

It has no cd but it can be interrupted/dodged/los. Its absolutely fair. As I said, give him a cd, but make it instant and you will suffer 10 times more from the fact that the druid no longer has to risk dying after kick in nature school with no lifebloom on him. (Usually even the stupidest monkeys on dh are able to notice at least the second cyclone in a row and interrupt it.) Druid will use one cyclone right on cd and start spamming instant wrath from the tree form. The number of cyclones in the shuffle will increase from this, I guarantee it

Trap and imprison have a lower cd than any defensive ability too…and trap cant be md-ed…but uh…cyclone is overpowered

Yeah, thats true.
But its pvptalent slot. The druid has only one conditionally variable pvp tal - purge protection

Sounds like rshammy gameplay with other spell names

Its pvp talent giving him immune to kicks and silence while wall up
It has 2 charges, not too big cd and evokers usually use it offensive in any spec. For example, using this he can safely purge all hots despite druid purge protection talent. Therefore, rdruid suffers in every lobby with evoker

I’m not the one having a mental breakdown over the easiest to avoid cc in the game in the forums.

Remove cyclone by all means, but then rdruid needs to have the highest healing output in the game to make up for the lack of cc, I’m sure you’ll like that :wink:
If that finally means I won’t have to go guaranteed 0-6 in FW/Pres melee lobbies anymore due to higher healing output go ahead.

Not sure what this rank argument is since it’s easier to push shuffle r1 (the only bracket I played for rating in DF) when your healer is below S tier.

The easiest CC to avoid is not cyclone.

It’s psychic scream. Especially from a disc priest.

Cyclone is only “easy” to avoid if you don’t have to heal people while the druid is going for you. That’s if he’s even going for you and not casting it on your DPS to stop your CDs from having any effect.

an instant aoe cc is the easiest to avoid?

Yes? They need to run into melee with you to fear you. Quite hard for them to get into melee with me. You can also sw:d or fade it if they get into melee with you and it be worthwhile to actually do so, because it has a long CD and they can’t just fear you instantly again.

Fade a cyclone? They just cast it again. SW:d? No, doesn’t break on damage.

run to the druid and fear him then

Ah yes, run to the most mobile of healers as one of the slowest healers. A healer that also has instant roots(which they often use when you fade their cyclone) and typhoon to stop you from getting into melee with them, that’s not to even mention you can get bashed if you actually do get into melee with them and they cyclone you.

didnt know clone was castable while moving, I’ve been doing it all wrong then

noone plays typhoon

Just shows how disconnected you are from reality

I’ve met resto druids that do.

So “noone” just isn’t accurate.

So first druid I even checked now:

What’s that… dude is running typhoon.

But I guess noone plays it.

0 locks, shadows or dks in R1 range. I guess some people if they cared enough but there have been multiple seasons without R1 shadows or locks, i guess they’re all just bad players? (Ofc not talking about NA)

I explained why your comment made 0 sense. Thank you for understanding how dumb it was.

So why dont we give everyone that CC then.

And whats the biggest difference?
Dum dum dum… No cd vs cds.
Oh right, it also have longer duration. Huh. Weird right?

The longer range makes it less punishing still.
Freezing trap (Diamond Ice) is also a PvP talent.
Same with Imprison (Detainment).

Yea I did read that but I didnt believe ppl would be so stupid to use that as an argument for why they are immune to interrupt on sleep walk. That makes it a combination.

Specs have counters? God be damned.

Just so we’re clear, you do understand that shuffle is a spec ladder, right ? That means one spec’s power vs other specs is irrelevant when it comes to the titles. You only compete against your very own spec for them. If you get one of those you performed better than 99.9% of the other players who tried, regardless of whether your spec is excellent or horrible.

Also, from having obtained the title both when my spec was great and when it was really bad I can assure you it is way, way harder when it is good, at least from a DPS point of view. But considering the reason as to why, I can only assume the same goes for healers.

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This is not necessarily true

Yes you have more competition if your spec is good, but at the same time, you are competing to win rounds against other good specs.

So if your spec is “horrible” then you require a much larger amount of lobby LUCK, than baseline being able to push with it.

As an example, Resto Shaman (which isn’t horrible, but is lobby dependant). 2 Restoration Shamans could be fighting for their spots at the end of the season. One gets a bunch of casters a few lobbies in a row. The other gets full melees + fistweaver or resto druid or prevoker opponents.

Try to guess which one will actually get their spot and which one wont.

Similar examples for “worse” healer specs such as Caster Mistweaver and Holy Paladin.

If a Holy paladin kept being matched against Resto Druids over and over, with specs like Ret constantly in their games, they wouldn’t find good success.

So if a spec is overperforming, yes you have more competition, but at the same time you are much less gatekept by luck of lobbies and more so by your own skill since your spec can go positive in nearly any lobby.

There is no DPS in this game which Resto Druid is bad at healing.

Meanwhile Resto Shaman cannot really heal Mages (or people that don’t care about Earthen), Hpals struggle with Rets, the 2 Priest specs usually autolose in a full pve heal match against Pres and Rdruid, and Fistweaver simply can’t play the game on big maps with multiple ranged specs with high CC.

For DPS it’s similar. A lot of DPS specs are good to decent in almost every lobby, while others require specific things to not be in the game. Just because a spec is worse in a given season and the cutoff is 100-200 rating lower, doesn’t mean it becomes way easier.

Lol what are you saying, half of my lobbies last season were guaranteed 0-6s because it was pres full melee.

If you got a pres with bad classes (which 70% of the lobbies were) you’d know from the starting room that you’ll go 0-6 and there’s nothing you can do.

And if your class is good you are likely to have to Q on the last day of the season into these hardcounter and wintrader lobbies hoping that you don’t get completely screwed over

I wasn’t asking you, I was telling you from the PoV of someone who did it. It gets tiring having to justify things with people who have no experience on the topic to base their words on, but type about it anyway.

Your little argument, with all its flaws, is all well and good but it fails to mention the actual reason as to why it is harder when the spec is top tier, so I can only assume you don’t realize what it is.

I really am too lazy to quote what you said that is wrong and explain why every time so I’ll just try to make you understand and if you don’t then you don’t.

Competing against bad specs or good specs is irrelevant. It is a spec ladder which means that as a player you only compete with the same spec for the title. If your spec has the lowest cutoff because it is bad, doesn’t beat most specs and can’t climb high then it is the case for all players of your spec. You don’t need to be graced with divine luck for good lobbies, not more than the other players you compete with. If your spec has a high cutoff because it beats most specs that is quite the same. You are once again in the same situation as other players of your spec.

You understand, I hope, that regardless of how good or bad your spec is, you and the other players that try for the title on it are on even grounds. Always, no matter what.

So why do I say it felt harder when the spec was good ? Because you face better players. Actual good ones. If your spec is amazing then the Mages you will face are Thesia and Raiku. The Ele will be Swapxy and Jaime. Etc etc. And while you are still on an even grounds with the other players of your spec (since they also face these renowned players), you - and all the people you are on an even grounds with - have to play better to win than if you were 100 rating below facing random players because beating people like Raiku, Thesia, Swapxy, Jaime etc, takes more effort than beating well, someone like you for instance. They are good enough that you having a better shuffle spec doesn’t matter so much, and the actual effort you have to put in to win rounds against them on your good spec is vastly superior to the effort you need to beat lesser players on your bad spec. The overall level of play of everyone within the cutoff of a spec when it is good has to be higher than when it is bad because the top 0.1% has to deal with those “pro” players, which isn’t the case (or not as much) when the spec is bad.

There is a second minor reason as well but I didn’t really account for it and that is that when a spec is great more of the high ladder players of the class are likely to pick it as their R1 attempt, and the amount of slots doesn’t follow. But this is very minor, it isn’t the main reason really… it’s more what I explained above.