Only 2 weeks Pre Patch? thanks blizzard

how is possible to level to 60 in 14days and plus maxs out the Professions?
i really want to play shaman in alliance side but now thinking should i?
i heard even boosting is nerf anyone given any tip what should i do do how to levelup faster enough…i can play 6-7hours a day…please help


Start on Tuesday and don’t stop.

Only 2 Weeks Pre-Patch? - WoW Classic / The Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

Leveling should be about 30% faster with TBC around.
So with good preparation lvl 60 is achievable before the portal opens

what u meant by preparation ? can u explain in detail? i mean what i have to do what not

It depends how far you want to take preparation.

What you can do for example:

  • have guidies summon you to a different starting zone (draenei one is going to be crowded)
  • buy a starter set with enchants (minor speed on boots, fiery enchant on weapon, +7 stam on wrists I believe, +3 stats on chest, idk)
  • buy common quest items for your level path (for example the Green Hills of Stranglethorn pages, specific tooths/feathers/idk what quest drops are common)
  • buy different green/blue weapons for specific level ranges. A good weapon speeds up your leveling a lot as an enhancement shaman.
  • have enough gold to mail to your toon to buy dungeon boosts or pre-arrange a guildie to boost you non-stop for free. Have enough gold for (epic) mount.
  • have all the profession mats for 2 professions pre-bought for 1-300 (there are guides)
  • etc

It’s definitely possible, but where does it state it’s required in order to continue playing? What happens if you don’t reach lvl 60 and max out professions in 14 days? Oh right, nothing happens, you don’t have 14 days, you have a few years.


thanks got it

There will be so many gankers and other people leveling it’s probably not gonna happen in two weeks realistically even if you play alot.

looking at stress test it looks like people will have problems playing outland at launch anyway the dark portal opening will be worse than stormwind world buff without layering.

What to do if u want to increase leveling speed without buying dungeon boosts.The best bet would be if you can afford it would be to boost a hunter on a second account or get a friend to help.

Basically have him follow you around with aspect of the pact for 30% speed then leave the party to let you tag mob and then kill it just try to speed through all the quests pick up all dungeon quests and run the dungeon once for the quests. If everywhere is too busy best bet would be to try find a secluded spot out the way of any quests or money making and just farm mobs over and over.

other things to do if not using a second account that are obvious would be fiery weapon enchants to speed up killing and get mage to make multiple food and waters to reduce downtime.

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And that’s the 2 weeks they are given, compared to the original 0 weeks.
Back in 2006 people managed to get alliance shamans and horde paladins up to speed to raid with their guilds with 2 weeks less than we have now.

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Completely untrue

Maybe it’s the point, to have still people leveling while the Dark Portal opens, so not everyone is there at the same time ?

Ok let’s not have a copy of the exact same thread that is already up, also crying about ‘only 2 weeks to level shamans/paladins’ when originally YOU HAD ZERO.

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edited content


They had alot of time to prepare it got delayed

What are you even talking about lol? So what it got delayed? You had 0 days to level horde paladins and alliance shamans before the release of TBC.
Now you get 2 weeks.


For casual and unprepared players

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I think you underestimate how busy it will be getting to level 10 alone will be a challenge can’t you remember wow classic launch it took months of playing for most people to level to 60 you will be lucky if 1% of the players will reach it in two weeks not everyone can play for 10+ hrs a day it’s nothing to do with how prepared you are.

Ok? People only have themselves to blame for poor preparation.

Having confirmed with a mage and having enough gold for him to boost you pretty much all the way to 60 has everything to do with how prepared you are.

Hello Team,

the last two bans i received here made my remaining IQ points drop as well. When will i be able to play the TBC prepatch? I´m located in the CET zone. Will it be on the 18th or the 19th of may?

thank you, friends.

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