Onyx Annulet and primordial stones relevant?

Is this thing relevant in endgame content like m+ and raids? (I’m 417 ilvl and only do +20s) Cause if it’s borrowed power stuff yet again i’m out.

Seems to be. You should get it.

Though I’ve heard the effects are reduced by 75% in PvP so not sure it’s good for PvP. Hopefully a PvP’er so come along and explain.

We once again have borrowed power!
This time only relevant for like 2 months aswell…


From what ive heard due to not having stats the rings are kinda bad atm if you already have high ilv gear.

some people say crafted rings with 2nd stats are better than this ring. But i dont know.

Apparently some of the buffs(stones) for certain classes were a buff to dmg pre buffs, believe rogue was one of them

It depends on your class, for example for me the stones are useless as I actually want my secondary stats.

OMG a small fun system to see us through the last few weeks of a Season!!1 But it’s borrowed power!!! OMG NoooooooOOOOoooOOO. /ragequit.

Its purely something to keep the last few weeks of the season interesting. If its not for you, don’t use it.


That is fine if it only lasts through the tail end of S1.

The wording from before implied they should last until S2 heroic tier though, so I would say next roughly 2 months.

whole patch is basically catch up before 10.1
even the ring is not bis for a lot of classes.

It is nice for returners and Alts tho.

Two things about this statement.

1: There is a gem combo that, while likely working in an unintended way, does make the ring an upgrade for every dps spec at 424.

2: Blizzard have stated their design intent for the ring is that everyone will be using it until 10.1. If that’s not the case now (Once they bugfix the current combo or don’t) then they will change / buff it to make it so.

Personally I really dislike this ring, trading stats that make my character feel good for random damage procs makes my character play worse. I really hope Blizzard address this in another way than just buff the damage procs even more than they did (25%).

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a catch up to catch up once 10.1 lands .

like why would you want to catch up now when there will be another system like this giving away 420 itlv in 10.0 .

its waste of resources thats what it is.

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In my Class discord it is actively spoken against that ring if you have anything better than 380

This is a bug that was discovered on live last night, prior to that it was also worth about 370 ilvl ring for Shadow too. The bug was found on ptr as well, and reported, it was just assumed it would have been fixed so wasn’t accounted for in modelling.

I expect the bug will be fixed though, which is why a lot of TCers aren’t chomping at the bit to push it through. Nightly SimC builds should have it though (Not weekly)

Edit: Some specs do have stat scaling good enough to make it still not BIS. I think Frost Dk it’s close but not quite there, there’s also the eranog fire ring to consider.

Bottom line is this combo makes it a potential upgrade for damn near everyone, and if that’s the route blizzard are going down I’d rather they’d do it with stats than random damage procs.

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You shouldn’t bother with that, it’s a great 405 catch up ring for alts but that’s aboot it.


I think the only thing we can tell is that bliz seem to want this new borrowed power to be as small an increase in dps as possible.

by this point, bliz balancing department just needs sacking. stick them on diablo or something.

they buffed the stones 25% and its still a dps loss for anything except outlaw.

As someone else said, this is an item for alts, or its intended to be deliberately shat so you feel shat after grinding it?

Who knows what bliz thinking is, or even if there is any.

And bliz still think they can censor freedom of expression in a European forum. (hint i didn’t want to type shat)

Think it’s mostly meh.

My class discord says it’s definitely not worth it if you have a good stat ring above 408.

There’s a bug with one of the combos that is gradually being added to SimC which makes it much stronger on single target, strong enough for most specs to want it for terros / ST adjacent content. Still not good on AoE.

The balancing team is doing great since borrowed powers shouldn’t be a thing.

We should instead give diablo teams designers found of those patch long powers.