Onyx Annulet and primordial stones relevant?

do whatever you like with them

and its interesting you think a good job of balancing consists of massively reworking talents for a number of specs/builds 4 months into an expansion.

I dunno… fun maybe? Something to keep us busy? It’s better than not having anything to do.

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im not at home currently and cant really check the new stuff from the patch out.

But is this onyx amulet something you got to grind artifact power for? Or is it just some strong mandatory item?

I’d say another endlless ap grind would be a no go for me

According to Iongodx probably yes except for bm hunters I guess.

It is also not useful for PvP, 75℅ reduced effectiveness, which is a great change, it is difficult to balance PvP around borrowed powers, because when they are gone/change you have to balance again.

Even if they are currently useless I assure you Blizzard will make them mandatory with buffs soon.

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it is basically the Mechagon trinket as a ring

it will be buffed to be a slight dps positive once bliz realise no one is using it.

Give it 3 months i reckon.

is that soon ™ ? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

3 months then?

In a week I would say, my prediction.

not as terrible as an endless AP grind. But still not pleasant because likely good parts of it are going to be hidden behind a rep grind and content people might not like to do

only behind content.
like you get the stones you need from the new gameplay Vault… not sure if that is the only source.

The ring is no where good for any dps class atm atleast not for hunter, priest, pala, we need secondary stats

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Had an ilev 392 ring which I replaced with the ilev 411 ring with the stones which I found to be good.
Lost about 1500 dps because that ring has no stats ( according to the raid bot sim )

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i don’t want to do fire damage on my unholy dk

its possible the sims are wrong. equally one person’s anecdotal evidence doesn’t help much :slight_smile:

According to some reports it sims pretty bad for most most classes. The best way to find out if this is any good for you is to sim it. Otherwise a 418 crafted ring with your stats will be just fine so you welcome to ignore it.

Yep thats what most reports are saying. Its a dps loss for most classes and the ring is really only good for open world.

It was buffed by 25% just before patch release and then nerfed by 75% for PvP. As I said the ring is major improvement for alts in open world but not for mains in raids and m+. For it to be viable it should have had secondary stats to it. Not sure the reason or thoughts behind why this was not added.


BM hunter has issues with it because of how it doesn’t interact with pets. Priest however.

The Onyx Annulet ring is only worth using as a Shadow Priest in single target.
There is a specific gem combination with Prophetic Twilight Stone (PTS) and Desirous Blood Stone (DBS) where DBS is counting as a healing action. This lets you double proc with the 3rd stone you slot in (typically Humming Arcane Stone).
This interaction is likely not intended, but until it is changed or fixed a 424 Onyx Annulet with these stones can see up to a 1% DPS gain in single target compared to a 418 crafted ring. Anything more than single target is a DPS loss compared to a 405 crafted ring.

The fact it manages to be an upgrade at all despite the loss of 1300 secondaries is kinda astounding to me, given shadows hefty reliance on them. I’m sure specs that care less about stats are seeing a substantial upgrade.

What do you think tier-set bonus is?

There’s nothing inherently bad about borrowed power. Most of the ire is a result of how Blizzard poorly implemented the ways players acquired them.


that combo did 15% of my total on 22 melandrus

12% overall

This doesn’t surprise me as outlaw was one of the specs positioned best to get value from the ring already. How they’re going to make this thing good for everyone else without making it stupid for outlaw is beyond me.

Where can I find info about what classes and specs benefit from the ring and what do not?
I’m kinda confused since I’ve got all bis stones for both healing and dps spec, and now I simply don’t know if it’s worth wearing in m+/raid.