Wowhead has a solid guide on them.
I’ve only found bis lists on wowhead
Guess I’ll have to look more carefully then
Every dps is using the same combo, how good / bad it is based on how much value your spec puts on secondary stats and how much vers / crit you have as they’re the only stats that scale the damage of the procs.
WW and Outlaw both don’t care about secondaries and have large amounts of crit and vers, meaning they’re ideal specs to give a bunch of random damage procs instead of stats.
The BIS lists on wowhead likely don’t contain the bugged build, I know mine doesn’t. I’ll add it if it seems like bliz don’t plan on changing anything.
So, if my dps spec depends on vers or crit, there’s no use of the ring for me, right?
Or it’s vice versa?
The opposite. Vers crit specs get a lot from the ring. Haste mastery specs do not.
Except BM hunter who get nothing because the ring doesnt work with pets.
Got ya, thanks a lot!
I haven’t read all the class sections, but with resto druids, wowhead states that they are equivalent to 408 ilvl regular rings. The problem is most of the effects don’t scale with your stats and only offer a flat bonus, so the more you progress through higher difficulties the worse they become.
That’s what I’m confused about. These proc things seem kinda “tasty” when you look at them, but what would happen in reality - I don’t know.
Anyway, I’ll try to test healing combo on my hpala tomorrow in myth raid. Gonna see it with my own eyes, though I don’t have high expectations about the ring and its healing output.
Yeah, that seems to be the general consensus. Especially if they don’t get buffed.
have not tried it yet in dungeons or a raid, but i got the poison stone, wich hits many targets and it is looks crazy, combine that whit a fire stone, and the healing one, and then eranog ring it feels like an dps increase but I could be wrong.
And this isnt hard to get immo, problem is blizzard is making this game too easy to gear up or to get your tier slot even, this ‘borrowed power’ is also easy to get.
I think it is really good currently for tank specs, Outlaw and WW monk.
I got to test out the ring (though with the aforementioned bug Ellipsis highlighted) and the total procs amounted to roughly 12-13% of my damage, roughly a 3k DPS increase.
I did not get to try it out on windwalker, but the base ring (411) is a 6.1k sim DPS increase for me for single target.
I think they will be hard pressed to balance this in a way that will not break both Outlaw and Windwalker in the process.
It is really embarrassing if the 411 version of the annulet with the best stones for caster dpsing manages to fall slightly short of the 402 ilvl Signet of Dancing Jade.
How on earth did they came up with the conclusion that everyone bellow the mythic raid geared players would see it as an upgrade.
Here is an easy fix:
Add primary or secondary stats to the gemstones.
As the Assembly Scholar’s Loop and the Eranog + Diurna rings have shown us, a really good ring needs both stats and effects, not just effects.
personally I’m glad the ring is a bit bad because I dislike the concept, I do feel like its ilvl is deceptive for the power it gives because as a protection paladin I don’t feel like its worth switching out a haste/mastery ring of ilvl 376 (moreso for survivability then dps or damage granted so I’m not looking at maximum damage output for this choice).
I would like stat stones though, I’d actively go out of my way to get those. Generic effects still bore me though, reminds me of azerite powers
In case of tanks it is always a trade-off, and a matter of question if you need more damage, more survivability, or a balance between the two.
For my brewmaster for example this is a perfect alternative offensive option to swap the Cobalt Assembly ring (DPS one) out for. While I lose secondary stats (crit and versa) the damage proc on them is currently too good for single target to pass up.
For prot paladin, who scale well with haste, this is likely a whole different matter entirely. Likely it still wins out on single target in terms of damage increase, but definitely not on AoE, for now.
“How on earth did they came up with the”…not sure if you’re new to warcraft but historically bliz are terrible at this stuff, and they’re really mailing it in for this expansion.
I am around since late 2005-6 and I still cannot get used to it
same here really. its hard to work out if this stuff if deliberate (for whatever reason) or incompetence.
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