Onyxia Threat bug p3

Can’t wait for this to happen to Razorgore.

Onyxia’s fireballs while in Phase 2, wipes threat from people hit.
Easiest way to deal with aggro should be 2 tanks.
Main tank & off tank, off tank staying around 15 on the list and staying clear of anyone higher than him on the threatmeter.

Onyxia will be throwing the Fireballs on the highest threat target:
if you as DPS wish to survive Phase 3, stay close to the highest threat player near the end of Phase 2.

If ranged/healers stack in clusters of 5 (I think), from 50% to 40%, you will massively increase your chance of wiping threat and surviving start of phase 3.


Killed her twice now on the first go.
She has never been easier before.
Seems like the “bug” appears only for a select few.
Or you do something wrong.

[Onyxia’s threat at the start of Phase Three is a hot topic of debate. Research in November of 2006 strongly indicates that her Phase Two fireball attack, when it scores a targeted (not AoE) hit, is a complete threat wipe. This would go a long way toward explaining the strange behavior at the start of Phase Three.]

The fireball targets the member who is highest on the threat table and resets his aggro, and most often its the tanks. It works exactly like that in Classic.

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