Open Firemaw for players with level 70 characters on the server

@Sèra: Actually, in a sense it probably is a limitation, but not directly of the transfer system itself, but rather the coding of the “Locked”-status into it. It is highly probable that “Locked” means “No transfers in.” with absolutely no toggles of any other kind.

I am super massively oversimplifying here, but basically the code effects might look something like this:

If target realm = “Locked”, do no further checks, do not show realm as possible transfer target realm.
If target realm = “Not locked”, check the following before listing:
Realm specific character count full → Disallow.
Realm is PvP (or PvP-RP) and faction mismatch. → Disallow.
If previous checks succeeded, run checks for existing mail, auctions, too much gold, etc. Any failures. → Disallow.
If all good, initiate transfer process.

In short, the “Locked” status may function as indicator to disallow further checks. Additionally, even if that condition were to be removed, there is question of how easily the system sees into existing characters while examining target realm. Checking if all 10 (or whatever the applicable number may have been at a specific time) slots are used is much easier than running a check of every single slot individually (because the slots from 1st to xth could contain either a viable character (in your idea a 70) or not). Such checks are of course possible (DK or DH creation do spring to mind), they would just require some work to code in (how much work, I am not able to say and prefer not to guess as I am not really a programmer / coder).

Also, I am not saying that what you are suggesting is impossible. It is more (in my humble opinion) a question of whether it really is necessary. It is very rare for realms to be in long term lockdown, but as far as Firemaw is concerned it may be a technical necesity from Blizzard’s perspective in order to keep Firemaw stable and running as much of the time as possible. I am fairly sure you are well aware that even a “Low” realm may go into lockdown, but such locks are in my experience usually very short term, normally a few hours at the absolute maximum. Firemaw on the other hand is (from my understanding) extremely full and remains “Locked” for now even if it at some specific point just after a restart / reboot had exactly zero characters online.

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Are people still getting queues on firemaw?

I’ve tried a few times during the busy window and got straight in.

@Dottie: I got directly into character creation, when doing some tests earlier relevant to my previous reply. Sidenote, I have no chacters on Firemaw, just wanted check that my recollection of certain details was correct in order not to write utter humbug into that reply. :smiley:

Thank you for a good and constructive answer! I agree with everything u said, and i hope they would take the time to solve the issue. I really do believe they can if they deem it worthy to do so.

Again, i can create 50 new characters and play them, so how does me transferring chars instead of playing new ones really impact the population please explain that to me.

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It doesn’t, the system is just not setup to let you transfer to a locked server

Again, I don’t think they have a conditional for already having characters on a realm. Locked or unlocked is a binary flag.

You can’t create 50 new characters on that one specific server on your one wow account.
50 just happens to be account-wide limit (spanning all realms).

So, he can create 49 new characters on Firemaw :wink:

You clearly have no clue what you are talking about.
Please stop this hyperbolic nonsense.

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It’s you having no clue here. The limit of characters per realm was lifted with the PvE => PvP transfer and the coming “consolidation” of realms. So if he has only Qwix on Firemaw and no ohter toons on other realms then yes he CAN create 49 new characters there.

As far as I can see realm limit is 12 characters and no going over it.

Irrelevant discussion, but they did announce the limit per realm is lifted, so you should be able to make 50 chars on one server now. Anyway, Qvix made a good point, it doesnt matter for the server population whether he’s playing on his warrior that is transfered vs the level 1 warrior he has to create and level up instead.

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I just made 16 on HW - so certainly more than 12. This discussion we had before, First they said 50 then 12, then 20, a guy here reached 25 before calling quits.

You are ever so right.
No matter if it is transferred characters or newly made, he can have Horde and Alliance both in the amount he likes, but only ever play one at a time.

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Oh dear, I have more than 12 on some realms. I must be hacking, oh wait, they changed it a few weeks ago. You need to keep up to date with the patch notes.

I fear it will be too late by the time they reopen Firemaw. Horde population on Firemaw is on constant decline and lately crossed below 40%.

To be fair the closing did horde dirty. No alliance would want to leave, and no horde is able to transfer in. Now the only opportunity is to stay at a pop below 40% or leave, and the trend seems to be leave for gehennas.

The second you go under 35% the death spiral is unstoppable before that it can recover

Found it:

And yes, I know we agreed it was a moot point, but still I like to be proven right when I am :innocent: :icecream: