Open paid character transfer for Vanilla

I have never attacked you personally, only your point of view, so there is no need for name calling.

Surely you must see the problem.

This issue is at least 50% of players who choose to roll on a PvP server regret it or a at least the realm they chose to play on. Most of those are alliance players, but i’m aware the their are a handful of purported alliance dominated servers.

As i’ve stated numerous times i think Blizzard will eventually submit to your requests and when that happens about a month later wPvP and servers will “die” on most if not all realms. Due to the snowball effect of players leaving servers in droves. Every man and his dog knows this including blizzard, just some of us knew this when we chose are initial realms.

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There is only one realm in Spanish and that is PvP. And it is mostly Horde. They need to open a PvE server and offer free transfer. But knowing Blizzard 2019, they won’t. Their mouths are watering with so many people asking for paid transfer$.

They are fixing this by adding BGs earlier. So just chill until 10 december. Play some other games in the meanwhile.

Been waiting for this service to come out for a long time now. please Blizzard!

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Yes please add paid transfer so at-least one PvP server will become alliance dominated like back in the days. I would pay for that in a heart beat! :blush:

My server is way to unbalanced to be fun atm.

It will probably happens soon as you could transfer back in the days! :slight_smile:

I’ve heard from countless transfers to Earthshaker that the situation in Gehennas and a few other servers has reached over 80% Horde and people have no way to actually play the game.

I don’t think they’ll implement the option. As some dude said above, they created this mess, but they won’t fix it.

They’ll only act if they really, really begin to lose subscriptions. Horde players are telling me they can’t get groups to dungeons because everyone is just sitting AFK at flypaths and taking 5-7 Honor per kill that comes once every 20-60 minutes. It’s not something only Alliance players hate, but it’s something that only Alliance players are FORCED to experience.

The only real solution for this would be to open up server transfers from PvP to 2 or 3 new PvE realms. This will leave some servers with a 95%+ Horde population, but at the rate things are going, that’s how things will turn out anyway.

It takes a lot of guts, especially for a company known for it’s reluctance to address game-breaking issues to come forth and say they fugged up. Odds are they won’t do it.

What most players don’t understand however, is that these servers they are playing on, they are already ruined. No Alliance players will roll there anymore, even after battlegrounds arrive. In about 2-3 weeks Horde players will get bored to death and they will also be facing 1hour + queues for WSG and maybe 2-3 hours for AV.

They need to act, yesterday.

Also, if you are looking to transfer, go to Dragonfang. Earthshaker is like 70% Horde and it’s absolutely the same as the high pop servers just with fewer people.

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PVP -> PVE transfers was never a thing back in vanilla, and probably wont be in classic either

Yes it was. PvP to PvE was possible from the beginning when paid transfers were introduced in 2006 (around the same time as patch 1.12).

PvE to PvP was introduced in 2008.

baby noises intensify

just C A N C E L your subscription guys

Good riddance then. Should have not camped lowbies.

Hey Crimson, I feel your pain but Blizzard really can not do this because they are protection something precious, that is the server reputation and we could as well say the whole identity of people on the server.
By this I mean, people can not be a total prick and ninja loot whatever they want and do weird stuff, as they will have a reputation on the server in the end.
Paid transfers end this. You can ninja the guild bank and then transfer. Blizzard (and well actually most people, me included) want the chars to be a long term investment, also in server reputation.

No one cares about reputation.

And paid transfer was in vanilla as well so #nochanges :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart::heart_eyes:


I fail to see the reason behind the paid transfers. Why should i pay for something thats not my fault but its impact my gameplay? Blizzard fcked it up and you want to pay them even more to make the game more playable for yourself as it should be without that extra payment? Blizzard should give everyone one free character transfer to any server. Anyway in the long run blizzard will suffer it not us because we will just stop paying and vanilla will die from all of these little problems that even simple players could solve it easily. The devs are too incompetent and egoists.

It is actually their fault. Blizzard never should have made servers so crowded and should have had a lot more servers at launch.

Research? What research? Did Blizzard tell people servers would be many times larger than they were back in Vanilla? No they didn’t. So how would anyone know better? I played on a PVP server in Vanilla and it was never like this. Not even close.

This is such a stupid suggestion. Why don’t you just throw away all the progress you’ve made: all the grinding, all the farming, everything and just do it all over again, just because Blizzard decided that “no changes” meant massive servers many times larger than Vanilla. This from a level 111 character.

Free transfers were in Vanilla and not paid transfers. With 5 times the number of players on each server Blizzard crushed the thought of “no-changes” on the first day.

Must be one of those toxic players ruining the game for others.