Operation mechagon was great

Completely agree with this and only wish Blizzard would release more content that didn’t have a faceroll version to cheapen it.

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Sounds absolutely awesome.

I thought his story sounded horrible. I’d have rage quit long before the run would’ve been over. Different strokes for different folks.

It’s a bit easy now that gear came rolling, but makes for some good laughs every week.

I can see it becoming a terrible addition to the M+ pool though. Some trash already 40-50% hp pool dmg bursts at its baseline tuning, so having like 300%+ modifiers to that is going to be a nightmare.

I like how casuals call something “locked” or “being unable to see” cause they limit themselves.

News flash, you’re not special snowflakes. The only thing that blocks you is you alone. I love that this dungeon is Mythic only, so it feels exclusive and has its identity, unlike 99% of other PvE content having 100 difficulties.

Don’t yell MaJoRiTy - you don’t know how many people is ENJOYING specific type of content, so don’t use made up facts -.-’


Pretty sure even the most casual of players can clear mechagon on mythic, guys. There’s no need for heroic/normal. Those difficulties were designed with lazy/entitled people in mind who don’t want to wipe a single time and still get the rewards. Content should be aimed at those who actually want to play the game, not those who wish to get a sightseeing-tour through the dungeons.


I fully agree on Mechagon being great, I hope they’ll even consider pulling it apart from dungeons and give megadungeons a kind of hybrid raid status with difficulties;

  • Normal (currently the full mythic run, rewards and all)
  • Heroic (or hardmode activation inside the dungeon, with higher ilvl loot)
    Not sure if you want to add mythic cause that would push the ilvl to mythic raiding and I’m not sure if you want this to keep up with mythic raiding

This also means they don’t have to kill the instance by splitting it up and slapping those godawful timed runs and affixes on it which imho ruins the experience cause you’re too busy rushing to enjoy something that was obviously intentionally designed to be enjoyed

I wonder when will you fix your head. Cheating in games, saying that “effort = reward” is bad, praising zerg runs, calling others opinions wrong, while you keep telling everyone your opinion is the best… Go play Diablo 3 or other H’n’S, not WoW. It looks like you went to veggie shop and started throwing tantrums cause there’s no meat in there.


Single player games only, so who cares.

I never said that. My definition of effort is probably just different from yours.
If you grind WQs for a long time imo that is effort and deserves a reward. :man_shrugging:

Different strokes…

Ehm… no? Only if they’re factually wrong.

That makes me sound like some megalomaniac. You don’t like me and want to portrait me in a negative way; that’s my take on you.

Nope. Don’t like it. I’m over isometric type games.

Not up to you to decide. Tough. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

you must be trolling hu?
never heard of a person who can notafford 1hour to do a dungeon ever xd
this dungeon is perfectly tuned and hope to see more of it. especially for casuals its a good challenge who cant afford to raid proper content.

just because you dont like any content that requires 3buttons to press doesnt mean casuals cant see it xd

I did it now multiple times with my rl mates and they are as casual as it can get (<2h wow /week) and they also think this is the best dungeon ever because its not some boring rushfiesta as heroic dungeons or has the timepressure which doesnt allow any mistakes.

you are not a casual you are some special kind =)

Mechagon zone/dungeon is a big win for BfA!


Not going to lie, did like Mechagon. Bit more than the M+ timers :wink:

Did it a couple of times on HM to get Vision of Perfection Rank 3 quick for raiding… that was an interesting challenge :rofl:

But yeah, I liked it. A patch highlight.

Sounds great. :+1:

Tried it, it was boring as heck, barely made it to the first boss out of boredom, why does every piece of trash needs 600billion hp. It the same boring outside as mechagon itself but suddenly everything, every tiny mob is elite, later you get inside i dunno i quit way before that.

And it only drops 415 gear, it takes hours, bosses are quite challenging, and it drops 415 so… who is this dungeon for. Without touching m+ or a serious raid i’m 419 and my friend 425…

Why invest all this time and repair for trash rewards. It’s been a terrible experience for me as to be expected from retail. Nothing in the expansion is rewarding to do. I bet we get to 430 without ever setting foot into a actual challenging heroic raid. Mythic plus completely killed the need for that, but ill also be skipping that largely

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Alliance only?

Yes, but i think horde has a likeminded community called zen hordes, u can find it in the communities recruitment section :slight_smile:

Edit to add link: Zen Hordes


I wish us causal player were worthy of entering the dungeon.

They ruin this patch for me

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The bracers at the end boss are legendary level for any fire mage. They at 415 are better than any other Bracers in this patch and likely better than anything coming with 8.2.5 or 8.3

It doesnt stop casuals it just stops people who dont care about dungeons

Aa well i’m frost, i’m not doing a whole 3 hour dungeon for 1 chance at some bracers that will be useless by 8.3 due to ilvl inflation xd. I find all of bfa unrewarding and the fact that we got to 419 and 425 without setting foot in any difficult content sums all of retail up.

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The hardmode gave me my helm from King Mechagon and the synergy with that on the punchcard gave me a metric ton of Mastery.

Things ilvl 435 upgraded. It aint all bad :wink: