Opinion: rIO score

Well my 100k overeall carried myself this week-end. Tvm. And I wasnt even using aoe essences or corruptions!

Now it is a suddenly a bad thing I have a guild ?

Call it whatever you want. At the end of the day its an inaccurate elitist tool to serve elitist needs.
Not more and not less. Its just a cringe to watch people try and defend it like it was some sort of infallible carbon copy of reality with no chance at failure, then open topic like these asking… hey btw guys… is 1500 points supposed to be good? Do those ppl do good?

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Or maybe time to stop blaming OTHERS of your failures. This is MMORPG, try filling your friend-list with some name. might work well. My DK is not even on the guild, and I have no RIO. but if people like YOU (hey look I can type nonsensical generalisation too) wouldn’t whine so much on tanks on PUGs, maybe I would PUG more too.

Well. You got a better idea? An addon is nothing more than 0101011101s put together to try to calculate somebody’s “skill”. But how can you teach a program to “judge somebody”? Heck…even humans can’t get it right(John A is Pro in my eyes but a pathetic failure in your eyes),

Also nobody claims it to be the “best tool in the universe”. People use it cause there is no better alternative. How do you suggest peps to “judge and decide” if this completely unknown stranger is up to the task? Prettiest transmog? Coolest name? “First come-first served”(the one who signs up first ->wins)"?
Don’t criticize the tool if you can’t offer a viable alternative(in a PUG world. Not talking about friends,guilds,communities and etc.)

Just for your information and assumptions: I played this game for 13 years. I am perfectly and fully aware of the group dynamics that go down in pug groups, including the blame game, and i always stand up against it.
I dont care how frustrated you are, you do not just vent it on the tank and the healer. If you do, the get called out for it.

So no. You are knocking on the wrong door with what you said.
I do not blame the tank for failing my role somehow.

Rio is nothing more than a money making tool for those who created and manage it. The fact that its masked as an aid to players via the use of its scoring system is a brilliant way to mask the real intention in its creation (money).

have you even read what you answered him or just 0815 low level forum troll trying to bait people ?

Errr… that wasn’t the point of my Original post at all.
I asked what’s consider high and medium so I can choose people who are similar to me (totally average players who do mistakes) without going every time to Warcraftlogs.

I am not frustrated, you are one here enraging blaming how RIO and ‘elitists’ ruined your life. I do not need to presume etc. It is funny how angry people presume that everyone else are maddening, when point out their own problems. Like you and RIO. You blame RIO for making info from armory more handy… keep going same way and blame others if it makes you sleep better.

He would take me on my 380 Ilvl rogue with no score at all too :flushed:

I haven’t done it yet?
All I’ve done this season is boost a week of 13-15s on my rogue and boost 10s on my warrior xd?

I could finish it today, I just don’t have the motivation to play, I’d rather go out with my friends or bang gym :woman_shrugging:
But do post on your main babes <3

This zoomer attitude to nerd affairs disgust me.
We have nothing more to discuss :unamused:

I guess not being a neek makes me a zoomer now

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Blizzard allows rio to kill this game which it happens now. Also people are not allowed to do mythic due to rio. I think it needs to change, no more push or time. Everyone should able to do mythic, I dont know how to solve this. I hope we dont see old mythic system in Shadowlands, it should change something.

I can suggest you to add between 1-5 masks like in Horrific Vision.

1 - easiest
5 - hardest

It means you dont need to push or time more.

Add completetly new affixes and remove old affixes.

Hmm medium like 10-12 in time from all dungeons.

15-18 high

Above 18 ultra high in my opinion.

In any 120 level stuff i expect players to know thier class and specs and ability to read.

If you do m+ you should know dungeon mechanics and be creative/improvise.

I love calling people on BS mind explaining how ?

It did and does opposite .

PRetty sure you are one of these who found X to put blame and unlock on etc instead of getting good.

What nonsense are you talkign about?

I see now shadow priest xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Because ?

is up to you what you do and what you choose to do nothing else.

Those people who cant do mythic+ due to rio.

Friends, guilds, communities. Check out the community Zen Horde, perfect place to do m+ without caring about rio. In pug world u will be judged in one way or another always.


Do people even understand from where RIO gets their data from ? RIO only makes information more handy to look at.

I think you should start campaign to disable Blizzard armoury for the start. Just like the Classic people did want it not to exist.

Holystyle argument command lines;
-If player comes with opinion, be toxic
-Player responds, keep being stubborn
-If youre wrong just say its BS or call them a hypocrite
-If player complains, act out in rage saying the game is fine