2900+ high
<2800 low
<2400 very low
<2000 lmao
I find it both loathsome and useful. My key was done super well because the healer was 1.8K and actually knew how to soothe and heal and the tank was 1K and thus smashed it.
But I hate it because even though I’m applying for one key higher than the 2+ timed one I’ve got recorded, I get rejected because I’m not 1K.
who cant do m+ because of rio?
Personally I find
2.3-3k+ High
1.5k-2.2 K Med
Anything below is low
Peronally I find the RiO tool working reasonably well. Last season I did a bunch of keys with very good people from my guild, and thus had no care for it, but since they moved to alliance seeking better challenges, I have taken it upon myself to atleast get the Keystone master achievment while pugging. Disclamer: I am not the best or worst player, and I consider myself ok enough.
I recently got all 15s and some others done.
To get there, even with an OK score from last season, I had to earn my stripes again, working trough the levels.
People getting more picky as the keylevels get higher and thus it was harder to get into groups is a thing. Then again, it was never unreasonably hard, I could not jump from an 11 to a 15, even if I knew the dungeon, had the gear, but had to go do some 11, then 13s and 14, etc before I could get in.
I feel that this is an ok way to do it, the groupleader don’t know you, and thus act from the information they have. I met good players, terrible players and everything in between, but rarely elitist jerks, or flaming douchebags. Most people were actually just trying to do their darndest to get their key completed in time. I am currently 30 points okf 2k Rio, and the majority of that I got last week. Patience and perserveance goes a long way.
RiO is not a bad tool, as long as you are willing to show you care to do dungeons to get further. Applying for a +15 with best key beening a depleted 11 is not gonna work, but keep timing incrementaly higher WILL get you groups.
/thread. Nothing more to say.
im 2.1k rio score and i hate when 2.6k rio players get their egos hurt and start to complain instead of pulling the last boss on workshop +19 with 98% enemy forces and then leaves cause other dps in group hurt his ego
Yes, correct!
I don’t quite like RIO tbh.
It could not calculate my skill when I had 0 RIO, and it could not calculate it when I jumped straight to +15 and higher bracket.
At the very least it’s a simple tool which breeds high levels of toxicity throughout the community.
I don’t look at it. It can be 150, but if player did my dungeon on +12-15, I am taking him.
I also tend to avoid these elite 1500-2000+ RIO players, most of them are super toxic and leavers after 1death.
I think everyone can be toxic, no matter what their rio is. I admit tho, that for my 10-12 runs I avoid picking 2k+ since I fear they will leave after wipe cause of some simple mistake.
Well, from my experience, the most flaming players is found in the 5-10 and 9-12 bracket, when they think they are hotshots, but I did not really find that many even there. I think it more a conformation bias, where we are more likely to remeber bad experiences than the average run of the mill dungeon.
I have inspected alot of high rio guys, most of them have not even completed 5 masks visions, how is that skilled?
How is 5 masks visions even relevant to M+ ? Its like saying i should do pet battles to be shown that i can handle Nzoth in HC.
Well if u not good alone, i don’t se how u could be any better with more players, mostly looking for help.
Or maybe that player is not interested on running visions and farming assaults as well is main spec healer/tank and cannot be bothered to play dps. Also with 2+ people on visions it is already much easier - so why should anyone play solo if they have friends and can do it easier. Does not equal that they cannot.
Same with mythic+ not everyone got friends to play with, also i got no friends
You are a DK, you are automatically my friend!
well i did it, got keystone master as blood with 460ish avg gear and pugs
now with some 480 azurite pieces i can push upwards for the challenge, still wonder what i could do if i had 475 mythic gear
its also very usefull to pick which week affix (Tyranical/Fortified for ex) to do some dungs
There are many bad players who have +2k rio. Unbelievable that guy warrior was dying like chicken.
I’d say 1.8-2.4 - medium
What’s below - low
What’s higher - high
On medium I expect at least 50k overall dps, doing the mechanics properly, using ccs and kickIng the casts. Maybe a couple of tricks
I can’t say for high, because I haven’t played with those people yet. For low I don’t expect anything. Basically I’m getting ready for a very sloppy run, if there are ppl with 1.2-1.5 score