[OPTIONAL] New Models Toggle in Classic

This feature was briefly present in the Classic Beta, where you could enable new models or disable them at wish. Was quickly removed after a gazillion of vocal players started the #nochanges absurdity.

Never heard of it or seen any footage.
How was the NPC models? Were they also changed with new models? How was the terrain texture? Did they only change character models and leave the entire rest low res and unpolished? How was the game physics? How did it interact with spells? Did it cause any technical issues? Was it tested throughly?

Sounds great then. If you somehow had this in beta, then it means the work for it has been done by Blizzard. I haven’t seen anything about it though.

It doesn’t. It does however matter how MY character looks on your screen.

Why? I mean, as long as the skin / eyes color match as well as details like hair style, then even when discussing a character’s look nobody will know the difference. In other words, if you are, say, a Tauren with black fur, white horns and brown eyes (Classic look), then with updated modern models you are still a Tauren with black fur, white horns and brown eyes. Description-wise nothing changes and your character is still your character. That someone else sees it with more detail is inconsequential.

That’s the thing. For gnomes specifically, some of the hair styles and skin colours aren’t even close to looking the same. In addition, some head pieces causes the eyebrows to be shaved off with the new character models. The implementation of the new models were just terrible.

I think if they look close enough then it won’t be a problem for anyone. I mean, it’s not like the difference is so significant.

My Screen, my business.
Your screen, your business.

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Whie I would love to see this happen, unfortunately it will 99.99999% never do, as it requires Blizz to actually code in that feature properly.

As mentioned above, this was already coded in Classic beta for a short while. So technically it’s doable. I’m hoping that this will be eventually added in TBC Classic or WotLK Classic.

Yeah the issue is getting it working right and without issues. Since it’s a purely cosmetic thing, I don’t see Blizz doing it.

It was discontinued because of endless bugs. not endless complaints.


Yeah, but the point is: The new modells just have to function once. They dont get new animations unlike Retail, where having old AND new would double the work. (Making new animations fit the very restricted old models would also be a pain)

Its not like they have to reanimate everything for every race. Taking the old animations and putting them on the new modell is far more easier then the other way around. Ofc its still work, but its a one time thing. And i would like to have the option


i am happy with old models in classic, they are great, just belfs should looks more like vanilla high elves.

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