Optional Questmarker will be removed because we should choose with Mods

The ingame Quest Marker that showed you with Patch 3.3 where the area for the quest is will not be in WotLK Classic because it would prevent people from finding them the questobjectives themselves and so the people that want it should stay with Mods.
The point is back then already it whas toogable if you wanted to the quest areas or if you wanted to explore. So removing it is only an annoing of the people that looked forward to it as their arguments are invalid of it being shoven in your face.
Source: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/news/in-game-quest-helper-removed-in-wrath-of-the-lich-king-classic-327512

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So just download Questie? It was not a thing at launch and they chose to keep it out … big deal
Like do people really feel this urge to moan about everything, including the things they have a solution for?

For what it’s worth, the quests I did without Questhelper during vanilla, TBC and Wrath, I still remember the storylines, while ever since they added I barley remember anything.

Also, based on seeing people trying to kill the elite mobs at Brutallus on foot because questie pointed there instead of reading the quest and realizing it’s a bombing one, was pretty funny.


The Clock whas not in Classic and they still add it.
And I complain because it is a willfull sabotage of WotLK. It whas as long in WotLK as it whas not and it whas optional in contrary to what Brian Birningham says. So saying it shall be removed and you should just use a mod because only this is providing choice as it is not optional is plain wrong and willfully damaging wotlk. How about next removing the threat meter that came with wotlk too because it is unimmersive and you could just use a mod?

If you had the possibility to “fix” every flaws in WoW with addons you’ll be glad.

They give you this opportunity. So, install Questie and that’s it.

This only proves that Blizzard now thinks that everything wotlk was, any wotlk feature, was bad and should be altered/removed. They could make a checkbox in the options to choose to use it or not, but instead 90% of the players will have to download the new version of questie again. Its unreal how they keep listening to the wotlk haters when it comes to wotlk, instead of acknowledging the fact that vanilla fans are better off with playing vanilla.


Why shoud I fix something with Add-ons what they willfully made. They do not give me the opportunity. They mislead and saying I should have extra work and other people should do the work because it whas not optional and not part of WotLK when it is not true.
It is optional for those few that do not like it and it whas part of WotLK nearly as long as it whas not. That is like saying we should add an ingame clock with alarm not before WotLK as it whas only part of 3 months of TBC and so it is not fitting to be in TBC.

Which actually whas a thing back then as you could see in the screenshot of the feature from back then on WoWhead.

Well the WotLK quest helper was crap anyway. On Warmane I had the chance to test it again and I was just wishing Questie would exist for Warmane.

But the reasons Blizzard gives is just nonsense, because you can turn it off entirely. So who doesn’t want it, doesn’t need to bother with it. I guess they just doubt want to put money into the development of the tool, when the whole community will just use an addon for quests, because it’s much more precise and has features, the WotLK Quest Helper lacks.

But I still don’t like it, because it’s just another step to a WotLK Classic, that won’t have anything WotLK anymore.


They are already.

Now it’s just about “Classic” players who have different tastes/expectations of the game.

Sounds to me like a very convenient excuse to not have to implement a feature that was introduced in Wrath and appreciated by the community at the time. And would be now too.


Now all the #nochanges crew are probably saying “We told you Blizzard couldn’t be trusted to make changes” and I must say they are right. WOTLK will be better if they just release the original WOTLK exactly as it was back then with everything from 3.3.5 at launch and maybe some features initially disabled to be enabled on future phases simulating the original patches, including LFD.

I hate to say it but #nochanges were right.


I took some parts from the article.

Right, SOME players get to dictate MOST players, it’s the same situation with LFD tool.

Reading the quest text, yes i know there’s ppl that do that but again, it’s only some ppl doing that.

Why can’t you just be straight forward and tell us that you are doing everything to prevent us from burning through content and sum up what changes ur gonna make to help this burning through from happening. Why do you pick the road of deception and smokescreens? Why can’t you understand that the path you chose is a plain insult to this player base?

This is getting beyond funny, it’s becoming a tragicomedy with Benny Hill music as soon as Blizzard HQ gets in the picture.


I literally wouldn’t play the game without questie these days, too annoying. Blizzard catering to the 0.001% super hardcore purists over here while making their choices on what to “change” in the classic games.


That is not how it was. If you want it as it was you need to make it progressive with patches and remove same faction battlegrounds.

Meh, apparantly they changed their mind and will put it in, at some point.

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This will be Frankenstein and not a WOTLK. My frustration level on what they effin do to this game is so big its hard to contain.

Wish there was someone with balls at Blizzard to t throw the current classic team to other projects and bring ppl who really loved WOTLK the way it was to just connect db to the client and polish some bugs and release the way it was at 3.3.5.


I had similar Questie zombies story. TBC Twisting Neither zone has a Consortium quest about triangulation. People just run to point where Questie showed them, activated item and wondered why nothing happens.

Item mechanic is following: you need to activated it afar from objective, look to where it is pointing and walk into the area. But you won’t understand it, unless you red the quest journal.

While I mined ore around that area I met 4 people with exact behaviour and begun guiding them on the issue)

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There is that. And then there are quests like the plant thing you have to get from near Shat on a area that isnt even locatable on the map. The quest just says “Get these plants”. And there arent any.

You have to kill a specific mob, that drops an item which you then use to controll another mob that has a skill which you use near the mulds.

That damm quest was just freaking annoiying. Standing there and wondering the frick im doing wrong or if i missed the part where i should be.
And we have a bunch of these.

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THIS is what I have been saying about UI changes since day one and I have been ridiculed and called names.
Now that Blizz changes something almost everybody used we have an uproar. But for once this is a change that makes me happy.
Should I now stop saying #NoChanges and instead rub my hands in glee?
No! I still go for #NoChanges.

Why do you call it “optional” questmarker?
None of the settings allowed me to only open the map OR the Questlog iirc.
The questhelper map was forced upon us, and I for one would be happy to see it gone - or made truly optional so the M still opened only my map and L only my Questlog!

And could we please have those un-classic carets removed from the Minimap?

Who cares ?

Calm your **** it will be in game… Been confirmed