Orc racial stun resist 25% more like 95%

Had silly encounter on my human rogue with orc rogue in silithus today;
resisted my cheap shot, then kidney at 4 points, and after vanish and another cheap shot still resisted.

Its kinda weird that one side has all the PvP racials and other one just eats the dust. But thats the classic for ya.

charge resist - intersept resist- grenade resist all in a raw in 90% cases on orcs and priests…was like this on some pserver…wasnt like this back in vanilla for sure

I hate orcs


intervene, RESISTS

like god damn man…

This seems weird. Ive been stunnlocked most times a rogue got a opening on me.
Im not trolling or so,but i have not seen naything near 90-100% on this char.

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Fixed it for you


to me its 100% because i never landed a pet stun on any orc since the start of wow classic

and getting killed by a class like a rogue just because he/she can press a couple of buttons in the right order isn’t a joke? Resist is the only way to win against a stunlock until Trinket is available for purchase. O wait did a OP class just nag about racials. You know orcs have it so why you still trying to stun him?

The winners in this thread: horde!
The whiners in this thread: allys lol…


The chance of resisting a stun is higher than 25% for orcs. It’s the normal chance + 25%.

25% is op
if i couldve played priest as an orc I would, WoTF is also really strong, fear ward can be dispelled LULW.

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