Nobody knows, she doesn’t care! All she knows is that she hails from super far south
My main universe Orc was born a Frostwolf and became a Shaman, however he died during the War against the Lich King and when he was resurrected as a Death Knight LK-Loyalist, abandoned any feelings he had for the clan. He died during the Legion war.
My alternate universe Orc (which is just the same character, but with a change in his path) was also born a Frostwolf but on his pilgrimage to the Throne of the Elements to properly become a Shaman he got lost and was captured by the Gorian Empire. He became part of the Shattered Hand when Kargath and the other slaves rebelled, and remained with them as he considered them his new family and refused to return back to the Frostwolves after his failure to even reach the Throne of the Elements.
My orc has been clanless for most of his life, so he has no clan identity. However, if I were to pick his origins, it would be Frostwolves because:
Hurr is a bum, wandering the lands with his wolf companion. It’s rather difficult to come up with any other clan. However, like I said:
he has no clan identity.
The Grim Gang
Mok’nathal, the few numbers and Rexxar’s own initiative was big inspiration to me when I started RPing in WoW for first time. Admittedly nobody gave me hard time for being a half breed, I bet it’s not because of being twice the size of other orcs.
Frostwolf, and because of Lord of the Clans.
Peep this guide and you’ll know why
Even though my favourite clans are Shadowmoon and Stormreaver, for different reasons, I went with Thunderlord for my hunter.
For starters, hunters go hand in hand with this clan. Tough monster hunters are always cool. Secondly, they appear to be underrepresented among the RPer population too.
Plus its fun to play an orc from a clan that is the antithesis of the Frostwolves in so many ways. Being a character that can be a little bit of a villain is fun.
I am planning to RP a Laughing Skull one day, I’m absolutely charmed by their mannerisms and aesthetics xD also I love to RP as crazy insane characters, so this clan fits in with my expectations quite well.
My orcs used to be their own clan which later was destroyed by the Arakkoa so they were forced to join the remaining clans as ‘‘outsiders’’ kinda and assimilated into the clans.
And they chose clans after lifestyle.
Laughing Skull represent!
My main Orc character, this un, is Laughing Skull because while the clan is sort of mad, they along with Bleeding Hollow are no doubt the two clans who know how to properly survive in extreme dangers! I also like the idea that he’s not actually insane, but takes spores that were gathered from crimson mushrooms in Gorgrond that keeps him going, when he stuffs them into his mask. Anyone can be a Laughing Skull after all, they just need a mask and enough initiative.
I also think the clan’s logic of never wanting to be forgotten by their enemy, lest they stop being feared is very fitting against the Lightforged on Draenor, and is a claim he makes as to why the clans should return as soon as possible.
I also just LOVE the aesthetic and idea of the clan! A bunch of mad savages living in a jungle that threatens your life on the daily, wearing and collecting skulls? Count me in!
If I ever made another Orc I’d probably make them Warsong, as I like the idea of this great warrior clan that prides themselves in being uncorrupted.
My Orcy boy, Orkhid Flowerpower is from
Please stop fetishising mental illness.
laughing skull aren’t " lol xDDD crazy!!" my man. pls brush up on what they actually are, play their quests, and reconsider whether they’re actually for you.
We have more, more than enough random=funny laughing skull
My orc is one of those that ended up rather clanless due to internment. This harrowing experience lead to her being positioned as a peon (she ended up effectively ‘giving in’, not responding to much or speaking often, and only following simple orders) before she started to recover and proved quite a formidable mage.
Turns out, her parents are Warsong, and this kind of shows through with her quick temper, and relentless streak. Been fun to RP a gradual learning of her own clan heritage.
Indeed. While the Laughing Skull are not exactly mentally stable, they’re still a sort of “controlled chaos” kind of clan. They’re certainly not the “go stupid go crazy” type more often than not, and are often fully aware of what’s right, and what’s too far. but I am not to say how people want to RP their specific character!
You know wh-
Well, y’know…
Guess I can’t really object to that
was that a quote from gigglesmirk, chucklesmile, laughtergrin, amusedmouth, or cackleteeth?
Burning blade, believe it or not. Her parents died as nameless mooks in Rage Fire Chasm, she’s an orphan and homeless, barely got raised in any of her clan’s traditions, it’s all very sad and depressing.