Oribos - the most boring capital city in WoW?

I think Blizzard have created the most boring capital city in World of Warcraft in Oribos, even out boring’ing that Draenei capital.

You can’t duel, it has the most tedious NPCs you’ll find ever and about as much personality as a Toyota.

Who else agrees?


The most frustrating thing is probably the random dismount zones


Oh yes I forgot to include that. And the basement that you probably didn’t know existed

in one of the first hotfix patches they did add indicators for those on the map :smiley:

The best hub we had in years !

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I don’t mind Oribos as a hub, I prefer compact hubs to those spread out over large spaces. The pyramid was super annoying for Horde, in contrast most of the frequented part of Boralus was nice and compact.

It would have been much better if it had the flavour and flair of Tazavesh IMO.


I dont care about duels but it could be more interesting

I hate that I have to use braincells to orientate myself in that place.
Bane of a circular design with no features distinguishing one section from another at quick glance.

Also, not really a fan of the rune carved toilet paper roll design.


I don’t like it. After getting used to Boralus, I really can’t feel the vibe, it looks like a custom built zone of a private server… But I was disappointed since the reveal so, no big news there.

But I’d trade BFA starter zones anytime, they had way more character (which is odd because with Shadowlands literally anything could be done). I’m not saying they’re not original or nice but… I can’t feel their identity. Kyrian zone is all hay and sunshine, Maldraxxus is the plaguelands revised, Revendreth are grey terraces that don’t feel like a castle at all, and Ardenweald is just a wood where everything looks the same - nicely done, but disorientating. And Oribos is literally a cylinder - I can’t even distinguish where I’m going after months.

The Maw and Korthia are just the same…

I love to explore, I’ve spent hours just wandering around in BFA zones, but these are just boring to me.


The most important area has the second pair of huge guards in front its archway

The worst thing about Oribos is that its mostly inside. There are no views such as Boralus which was awesome.

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Depends, if you count Stormshield/Warspear those win b a mile. I’d understand if you didn’t even consider them a city though.

Oribos kinda feels like the buss station in this game… you go theer to go somewhere els :confused: .

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Oh, you’re running through the inn on a horse??? Think again!

dont mind if i do!

so much this. i have precious few left and i have plans for them!


CITIZENS OF DALARAN!!!111oneoneeleven. Now thats a hub to hate. Im probably alone in that statement though but dalaran is the one i hate the most.
Anytime im outside and find a sandbox i instantly jump into it and throw away any kid or cable company cats just so i can rebuild dalaran just to destroy it. sigh :weary:

Oribos is kinda cool but i always happen to take the wrong turn only to go a full circle before i reach my destination.

Boralus i liked alot.

Maybe u hate it,but its best we ever had(dalaran ofc)

To think we had a good circular city but Blizz just went like: “Nope, blight it and forget everything we learned from it”. One could have learned from the past and make something better.

Örebro is a badly and bland designed city with annoying dismounting and large spaces between sections. Hell, the entire portal level is such a waste of space.

Bit like Shadowland and its story I guess. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oribos is just pretty bad, too large and the dismount feature is annoying. Having multiple levels is also pretty stupid as well, everything could be on one level or in one wing.

there is addon for icons on MAP
no need to use brain for navigating in game