Oribos - the most boring capital city in WoW?

I’m surprised that’s still even a thing, specially for areas that are big enough NOT to be considered indoors.

What is even the goal here, to be remembered as the next Professor Oak with bikes?

There should be a portal from the Covenant base directly to Oribos - I end up spending my time in Sinfall more than anything and only use Oribos as a through point or for the occasional quest or portal and the vault - I use Org for AH, various trainers, professions and mogs

Too much flitting about - bring back Dalaran, that was sweet

Shadowlands - the most boring expansion in WoW.


there is when you have rank3 sanctum upgrade transport network

I have the same with all the zones, Oribos included. Few weeks ago I realized that during this expansion I keep the map on the screen all the time. Without it I wouldn’t know where I was!

By far the worst was Legion’s, because I played 90% of the duration of WotLK and it triggered me that it was a copy paste of the layout.

I know that new players that didn’t play WotLK think is probably the best.

I agree for the same reasons and i spend most time in Stormwind more nowadays.

Kinda like the serwerpipe model of the “city”. Easy to navigate.

My only gripe and it’s my own fault is I land in Oribos, auto head to the elevator go up/ down without checking - and then realise I was on the correct level when I landed /doh! :flushed:

played both Wotlk and Legion, I’ve seen too much of Dalaran, but Oribos is a joke in comparison. Dalaran was designed over 10 years ago, one would expect modern cities to be somewhat more fun and unique but … Oribos … it is a pathetic joke designed by a 5 year old and that’s an insult to 5 year olds tbh

On one hand, from a lore perspective I can kind of understand why Oribos looks like it does–ICly it was never supposed to be a hub meant to accomodate mortals, so it sort of makes sense why it’s so… gosh, I wanted to say “utilitarian” but the utility of this place sucks. Bare-bones? Airportesque? Monotonous?

But as a player, holy cow does that place suck. It’s like somebody took Undercity, stripped it of all its nasty charm and atmosphere that we all know and love, and just… Yeah, all that’s left is the frustrating bits.


Think I’ve spent less than an hour in Oribos since launch, can’t imagine why people would, so why does it need to be pretty?

You meant the most boring airport.

there is after you unlock it. the stupid thing, is one way from your base to oribos and not the other way around.
if you can do it one way, you can surely do both way. choosing not to is just to annoy players even more.

I don’t mind the layout of Oribos, but I don’t like it’s… sterility. Can they not go pick some flowers from Ardenweald and Bastion, make a nice little park area, have some ornamental trees? Why does it have to look like there’s not a spec of organic disorder in the whole place? :confused:

It really was. The only thing that had to be central was the throne room, why not put every other facility down by the docks?

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Also this. There was a wave of disappointment went through everyone as they started unlocking that portal and “wait, it’s only one-way?” :frowning:

I really like Oribos, one of the best capital cities despite the stupid non-mount zones.

Zuldazar was better than Oribos. Yes it was less compact but in artistic design was a perfect Aztec inspired city. Best in my opinion was Bolarus, big living city, with small marketplace and hub.
Tazavesh can be one of best rp and hub spots if Blizzard will allow players to use it.

It is definitely an incredibly boring, and very generic feeling city. Much like how the maw feels to me like a generic villains homeland. Very dull, uncreative, and uninspired.

In lore perspective you don’t need this many space in Oribos, 70% of zone is unused space.