Other MMORPGS: "I wonder what they'll add next expansion!"

Even bfa in theory has a lot to do, yet the world still feels empty most of the time because outside wq or farming, after the levelling you don’t really have reason to go into the open world.
I think more activities should be out there.

What are you correcting, exactly?

You can’t just bend the language so it resembles yours more.
For me, it makes no sense that “minute” features a mute “e” at the end, whereas “second” does not, despite the fact that both words feature the mute “e” in my own native language.
Regardless, I’m not going to mutilate the English language in order to shape it in my image, am I?

Nobody, it is a :poop:post.

Will you say what other things are you hyped for in other mmorpg?

As title of thread says, somehow you are derailing your own thread.

I have come here to see what other mmorpg things are people hyped for.

I didn’t bend anything said why I do not use these things.

Well, every expansion, Guild Wars 2 adds new elite specs that add depth to already existing classes, instead of removing half of the pre-existing abilities.

When a new GW2 expansion, I’m excited to try the new changes made to my class.
When a new WoW expansion launch, ever since Legion, I’ve been worried about how much my class will be crippled.

I am waiting what has End of Dragons changes for gw2.

Somehow even as pvp game it is lacking in content amount of bgs, Arenas, World pvp.

And maybe they will finally put GUILD WARS like into the game.

You need to start looking things up first before you make silly threads.

Gone off on a tangent again, Legendary items are not related to world quests, but yes, there are ways to acquire Legendary recipes through PVP vendors.

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NOOOOO fudge sake! :rage:

Blizzard removes flying: Riots, Revolution, blood and fire everywere, even the use on nuclear weapons is mentioned;

Blizzard removes ANY mount, people have to run by foot in the Maw: Silence.

When i have read this news about not being able to even use a ground mount in the Maw, i thought that chaos would start.
Are people in shock or something, unable to react still?

This is very intriguing…

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While I don’t really care for the whistle much (Not that it was bad, it had its use)…
I do agree that its one of those games where I think: So what is being removed or abandoned on the same level as: what is added.

At least I find it common for Blizz/WoW to forget lessons learned and making the same mistakes over time. Could be the case of being too eager to come up with new stuff and too much abandoning older content.

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Can’t speak for other people, but I personally was not aware of this.
I guess if it’s just for 1 map, it can be okay, depending on its layout.
Having no mount on Arathi Highlands & no mount in Highmountain aren’t the same thing.

I see one zone a bit different than removing flying from an entire expansions or world.

With the maw it makes kind of sense… It’s a prison pretty much, not that I like not having access to any mounts. But there’s a case for it. No doubt most people (and me) will be hating it the moment it gets old. :>

I wish I could get back Rehgar as companion. I could almost outrun a mount in spirit wolf form…

I think they want to encourage players to get the flying achievements and many don’t feel it’s so bad if they cope with the whistle.

This is a pure guess on my part, I know nothing.

I will miss it but most zones have a reasonable number of flight paths.

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now that you have flying you dont really need whistle but if in SL we have to wait 1 year for flying again its gonna be a pain.

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I can imagine this already: Druids, Shamans, Monks and DHs laughing while Paladins and DKs crying.

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It is in the game. That name refers to the lore, not to pvp between player guilds.

??? That’s literally me every time we come close to an expansion announcement. I speculate what new things we might be getting. And I bet most people are like me too.

And then you fall in a hole in bastion and log out.

Source: Me. Twice.

I use that whistle a lot and I don’t understand why remove it and make us run around the detours in zones 10000th time.