Other MMORPGS: "I wonder what they'll add next expansion!"

World of Warcraft: “I wonder what features and class mechanics they’ll take away next expansion!”

Flightmaster’s whistle is gone in Shadowlands. Yeaaay! Fun!


Go ahead name “OTHER MMORPGS” and things you are hyped for!

since you have said it.

And i mostly think this is troll bait post 45 level worgen 1 post nothing else.


I barely ever use it in BFA. Why does it matter if it’s gone?


here let me rub this salt in a lil deeper
you wont even be able to mount horse at the Maw xD

It was useful pre flying on occasion. But in general the flight paths were well placed.


Flightmaster’s Whistle?

Couldn’t care less. It always feels wonky and a little bit dangerous like “I wonder which one I’m closest to…”

Oh, I can fix it by going slightly closer to the one I want to go to.
But then I’m mounted up. Might as well just go there now.

Y’all get worked up about the oddest things. Like damn if that’s your take away from the entirety of the expansion then just don’t play it.

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It’s most probably replaced with a covenant specific ability.

Lol why does it matter which flight path you get teleported to?
It is still quicker than running.

I think it is a shame it is being removed, but I don’t think a month into release people will actively pine for it.

There could be a very logical reason for it that just is not apparent to people without beta.
For example world quests are not mandatory so it’s not like you’re being forced out into the world every day if you do not want to go out.


More like

WoW: What are we getting next expac?

Other MMOs: Are we getting another expac?


I do because it’s another example of removing qol stuff for the sole reason of increase playtime artificially.

which is stupid. you spent 2 yrs on design of a beatiful world, to have people not actively going into it by removing every activity that revolves around it?
at that point, spare the effort, design a city and a set of portals to the instances and gg.

WoW: “Can’t wait for feral to be crap again! yay!!”

Never used whistle since i have flight. B4 is useful. Just that.
Anyway… now the other MMORPG are just 2 or 3…

How can it be a bait if it’s rooted in truth?
WoW expansions ever since WoD, but especially since Legion, have kept removing things from players:

  • locking flight behind a grind
  • nerfing fun toys such as Aviana’s feather
  • removing spells & core class mechanics altogether
  • removing PvP vendors and elite weapon skins
  • taking some spells away from your spellbook and locking them behind a grind thanks to “systems”: artifact weapons, necklace, covenants, etc.

Do I need to keep listing more or do you get the point?


There is a gigantic difference between “not mandatory” and nothing to do.
SL has a ton to do. it’s just stuff that helps your Covenant, things for fun or personal accomplishments. Not loot and “Azeirte power”.

I’m confident that PvP players won’t be forced into these amazing activities if they want to stay relevant and competitive.

Are they taking away the Whistle for older zones too? It was the only way I could more easily travel across Highmountain, Stormheim and Boralus…

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Do you even understand what the systems are in Shadowlands, Dimwit?
Please give a quick run down on the world content available and why PVP players will be forced into it.

PVP Vendors SL - Surely a joke?

How bad pvp gear is... In SL, stoopzzTV. No buy SL

Why are you linking me to topics about PVP vendors?
Not what I asked, not what the conversation is about.

Demonstrating that you do not know what you’re talking about. :slight_smile:

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