I can’t for the life of me figure out why my damage is barely average.
I’m running Hidden Opportunity and my starter rotation is solid, easily in the 50k region for the first few mobs. Then all of a sudden it turns to poop as the dungeon progresses.
Sometimes when the pistol procc flashes it’ll give me 1CP when it’s supposed to give me a lot more to easily reach finishers or ambushes.
I’m dealing with frequent lag too. Not FPS lag it’s constantly 144 - but the key que can lag out and I’ll double finisher for example or it’ll just take a few seconds to load. Anyone experienced that?
Either way I’m thinking of switching to assass or subt or a completely new class.
Bro…I am absolutely not happy with it. I capped my rogue like 4 days ago and now I’m about 375 ilvl and doing pretty poorly in m+, did up to +10 on that one.
I honestly find the spec exhausting to play just like I did momentum Havoc that I tried to main before switching to this Outlaw, both non stop 2000 apm ability spam, both are tracking 4-6 different cooldowns and keeping up maintainable buffs which I hate, and they both have to line up abilities and plan ahead on top of being spammy with no downtime. It’s just too much and it’s burning me out on the game because I don’t want to cap a third class just to see if I like it.
It’s also impossible to play outlaw decently without cluttering your screen with weakauras to track all the procs and buffs. The rng nature of roll the bones and bonus combo generation makes the class very unpredictable so it’s hard to drill in the muscle memory. I’m often making mistakes by using sinister with an active pistol/ambush proc, forgetting to pool energy before shadow dance, rerolling good buffs for worse ones, using killing store spree with near full/full energy, that adds up and amounts to me doing 50-70% of my dungeon slice sim dps at best, because I can’t process all the info and keep track of all the priorities while also paying attention to the mechanics. On a target dummy I’m not too far off from my single target sim which is 30k, but this goes to hell in m+.
My sin rogue in Wrath has literally 3 abilities in the rotation, this outlaw has 3 combo builders, 2 spenders, 4 cooldowns, 3 maintainable buffs, all of these are coming off of cd all the time. Something has gone very wrong somewhere along the way.
Outlaw is super strong even after the recent nerfs
however, the spec can be quite hectic in dungeons, lots of buffs and cooldowns to track
on top of all the dodging and the mess that is usually going on in melee
you need to manage your big and small cooldowns properly
concerning your input lag
yes this can be an issue with a high APM spec
due to who fast you smash your buttons there’s a high chance you double cast stuff
it happens
my latency is 20ms stable so i don’t experience this issue frequently
fyi, just my last 3 dungeons today
Ruby 17
Azure 17
Nokhud 18
i will be honest.i sucked at rogue from DF talents onwards… outlaw got alot harder to play.
it got insanely high in APM… and its rotation / priorities got alot longer, not saying thats everyones problem… but i noticed my performnce sucked because of it xD
These do look pretty great. What’s your ilvl and how long have you been playing the spec? I’m extremely demotivated to keep learning it because it seems like way too much and I’ve never been fond of piano specs which seems to be most of them at this point.
I mained mage till dragonflight
And leveled up my rogue literally in the prepatch
However i did play alts rogues low keys in shadowlands nothing serious so i kinda had an idea about what i’m getting into.
I would love to ask you a bazillion questions. I’m on the Ravenholdt discord which has a lot of helpful information but I’m at a brick wall atm. It’s the same situation in every dungeon.
Is there a way I can ask you some questions on here or somewhere else?
Just fyi I’m by no means an outlaw rogue savant or min maxer
Just post here and i’ll see what i can answer
However it’ll be tomorrow as i’m heading to bed now
i lvl’d up my rogue knowing i would not realy playing him to many couldowns and tings i need to track + raids are more and more complex so i will play destro lock this time very simpel rotation not to many couldown’s so i can keep more track on raid mechanics, but if its your thing a very complex rotation and a ton things to keep track on i guess rogue is the class for you.
The game is baiting you. It flashes for both Greenskin and Fan the Hammer. So if you only have the greenskin buff but no fan the hammer procs you will only get 1 CP. Youre better off getting an addon that disables the flashing entirely and track the buff for fan separately since you wont be using a greenskin proc without fan proc anyhow (no, greenskin doesnt buff all 3 fan shots inbefore that question arrives).
And if you have input lag the spec is pretty much dead for you.
I have 30ms and I still face situations where finishers don’t immediately eat up my combos so I press it again and it consumes 1-2 cps I got after the previous finisher actually does consume combos. This game will always have input lag so I’ve no idea why we need to have blazing fast specs that demand single player offline response times.
I had that issue at the start. I dont have it anymore. So i reckon it might have been an addon for me that wasnt properly updated and had an display error. Im currently not using any addon for my CP display.
Did they fix the personal resource display combo points bug
Actually i just remembered that i’m using a weakaura that fixes it
I still see the blizzard personal resource but a weakaura replaces the combo points due to the bug it has…
No idea. Just know that i currently dont have the CP display error or it refreshes so fast that i dont recognize it.
Opportunity procs from sinister strike and ambush (if specced into HO). Which is what im talking about when i speak about fan the hammer since fan the hammer is the talented version of it which will always give you 3 procs of opportunity instead of just 1. And yes you wait until you get said proc before you use pistol shot. It procs often enough so greenskin running out is more than unlikely and it also saves you a lot of globals/energy.
Which WA for the bug and what was the bug? Inaccurately showing cps or?
What are you using to track the other cooldowns and procs, especially RtB? Combined weakauras are kinda overwhelming me at this speed of play because I’m looking at it and watching energy/cp/cds 90% of the time, but without one, I can’t track sh$t.
Im using one WA for RTB and its reroll conditions. Procs are tracked by WA as well (stuff like Fan since i’ve disabled all glowing effects) as well as some CDs like Adrenaline and co. Stuff like Blade Rush is not being tracked by my WAs.
personal resource was driving me mad at the beginning of the expansion
sometime you see empty combo points while in fact you’re capped
sometimes you see full combo points while you have just 1
sometimes it goes nuts and shows you missing combo points in the middle
i don’t think Blizzard fixed it yet as i remember i was playing my feral just 2 days ago and had the same issue.
I’m using this weak aura that fixes it completely till the point that i forgot it exists
it doesn’t even change how the personal resource display looks.
no setup or configuration required.