Pacifist Alliance make me sick

Like, I get an actual unpleasant feeling.


think you would need a break from the game then, as it has gotten way to important in your life if you get ill from a game.

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Over a game? Calm yourself down Karen.

The solution is when told in say chat not to kill a Horde, kill it anyway. It does help convert negative emotion to positive emotion.

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You’re one weird guy.

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Pacifism is bad for WPvP. I encourage anyone that gets harassed by a pacifist, to stand up to them. Bullies hate that. Complete your kill, if you get whispered it’s a bonus - you are 100% in the right.

Alliance and Horde pacifist 120’s like to hang out in STV, but also Darkshire and sometimes Redridge, even Goldshire.

Whether you are Horde or Alliance, there is likely to be a pacifist you can kill in STV near the rebel base camp.

I exaggerated my symptoms, it’s more of a slight unease.

I am experincing déjà vu right now :no_mouth:

Should we relive the idea with the Traitor System? :wink:

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I love the idea of a traitor system. It has to be ultra simple tho.

How about this…

If war mode is enabled, but the player didn’t pvp when enemy players were in range, while pvp was happening, the pacifist receives an increasing over time traitor debuff. Lasting x minutes after pvp ends.

WoW could easily detect the pvp happening in x range, and the player not taking part.

The debuff can be something not too harmful to gameplay, even just an inert debuff titled ‘Traitor’, or ‘Pacifist’. Similar inert debuff already exists for those that don’t take part in naz battle. Kind of a phychological thing, rather than any real harm.

But, with an addon like flyplatebuffs, we can all see the traitor debuff above their heads. Good for when gauging the help, or not, you might get from nearby allies.

The best solution is ofc always pvp. WPvPers should simply kill pacifists on the opposite faction. STV rebel camp is usually the best spot in old zones.

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But… What if I am in Moonglade, and I break the unwritten rule? I have to choose between being very nasty towards a fellow druid or get a debuff :sweat:

So many things to consider here

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Oh don’t worry, it would only kick in if there was already pvp happening and you ignored it.


I still don’t think it would solve it… Now I have to be a tritor of attack a fellow druid

But an arrow on the mini map showing direction for pvp would be very usefull… So I could either run the other way or towards it :thinking:

Traitor debuff name might be too extreme, could just be named Pacifist instead. Then if you choose not to fight, you are a Pacifist which sounds nicer, and those around know not to count on you.

Pacifist debuff could add the arrow to minimap, up to player if they want to keep or lose the debuff.

The pacifist debuff could maybe be detected in a spit or booing emote macro, that would be handy!

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Something like when a new DK are created and enters SW or Org? Instead of the people and the guards are throwing bananas at you, they boo at you

Ye! Hmm, there should be an anti pacifist toy that boos and throws rotten fruit at your target. Maybe already exists, want it!

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so i must be a pacifist if i see 20 alliance kill a horde, for not joining him in death?
you insane why should i get a debuff of any kind for not joining an impossible fight.
there is a hell lot more to it and in Wpvp you also has the option of not fighting said player for different reasons, im in a hurry so im just doing x or y and dont care about you unless you attack me, there are way to many of the oposing faction close by for it to be vialbel for me to attack and think i could survive it or even call it a fight, im not in the mode for it, i dont like you so im not going to help you or any other reason you could think of is a good enough reason not to attack or help the other player ofc any reason you could think of is also a good enough reason to do it.
dont dictate how i should play the game.


Hmm, good points. I guess I originally envisaged the debuff for a particular situation, that maybe wouldn’t work well with all the variable situations in wpvp.

Rewinding, my op was about allied players that tell us not to kill an enemy. That ofc is their choice to demand, and our choice to comply, or not. But, to me, it’s against the spirit of wpvp, and the pacifist should somehow receive a debuff in this situation. Not sure how, perhaps based on the vote to kick system, with some additional factor. But it would be helpful in game if pacifists were easily identifiable. Then opposite faction players can focus them, maybe for extra honor points.

What if I still feel emotional connection with the blood elves since they’re my allies and I used to be one not so long ago? I don’t wanna hurt them.

Well you are a conditional-pacifist then. Not as bad as a total pacifist. Hey, I used to feel slightly bad for attacking Horde Druids. But one day I realized, kill em all!

Yeah, I suppose pacifism between factions is kinda weird and boring.
Even though I hate dying on 1v1s because of pride, I still absolutely destroyed this Mage in the crossroads. He was way better geared than me but maybe was just a PvE player with not much clue on how to fight Warriors.

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