Paladin 100-0 Can Not Be Healed

As a healer a single Pala can take me from 100 to zero in seconds. That means the strategy used is tunnel the healer.

I assure you what will happen is less and less healers will join.

The 12 sec immunity needs to come at a cost of dmg.

The PvP burst on a player can not be healed, when a Pala is on some whatever I do simply will not matter.

We are seeing 3/4/5 Retri in BGs with a healer, this is NOT fun.


post on your horde toon, literally :poop: post here.

facing 5 shamans with aoe flameshock is the true endgame, they wont die whilst you are slowly dying to dots, whilst benefitting from Freedom+soak totems ontop of hardiness.

druids frenzied regen, especially horde druids, is broken

current healing is broken af, 3 healers will just heal anything coming from 6-8 players.

You really fail to see how strong paladins are… Lvl a horde toon and try to fight them in a bg.


been there done that. you are very fortunate to face paladins over shamans. just gotta survive till bubble is down and thats it.
shamans just spam overtuned abilities and have short CDs on a majority of CDs.

you hardly even need gear as shaman, i am soloing raidgeared characters without many issues.

But you dont. You dont survive 4-5 paladins charging inn. That’s a very strong front line which makes chaos in the back row of the horde.

Horde usually have 1-2 warriors which is the frontline. They get smashed really quick by ally hunter and Boomie.

Paladin,hunter, and Boomie are the most OP classes in-game. Shaman is strong for sure, but not as the 3 others.

You see a lot of paladins and hunters in the BGs. Like 4-5 paladins every round and at least 2 hunters. Usually there are max 2 shamans every round.

Usually ppl tend to play what is strong. Back in 2019 when I ran around on my pally, I was the only one. Cause any other than hpally was weak at that time.

Get the picture?

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I thought you were saying everything dies instantly to shamans, how is it that now people die slowly to dots?

Yes, horde druids get 50% extra healing :roll_eyes: :person_facepalming:

More bs…

Except nothing can survive a paladin using their bubble properly and not just to remove a snare or 1 dot, like so many do. That’s like saying “just win, ez”. How many classes can even get away now that you have the excellent mobility short cd that is the horse.

If the paladin chooses to heal during bubble you suddenly have them full hp after bubble “just survive bubble, that’s it!” lmao as if they will lay down after the bubble is over.

Pot calling kettle black :man_facepalming:.

Yea and then you wake up from the dream and go back to playing your 5 lives class. And spam the forum with crap in the hope they never take your easy ride away.

Play a mage, rogue, hunter, priest, warrior, hell even warlock(killing the pet takes like 10 seconds) against a ret paladin and then see how much of a free ride you have.

But no the only 2 classes you struggle with are OP, it’s balanced and fine obliterating most :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:


You’re arguing with a troll. Wave doesn’t actually believe any of what he says. He’s only out to waste your time.


Good luck with that one.

Ret paladins just plow through people. Paladin burst damage is through the roof.


You have 3-5 healers each game, if they are this bad at keeping you up for 12s then it isn’t paladin overtuned (it never has been you idiot).

Paladins damage is pathetic vs a druid using their selfheal, it is pathetic against shaman spamming riptide, decoy and SR on CD. They spam those CDs more often a paladin could ever use bubble. Paladin strong? More likely 2 tiers below Shamans/Hunters/Druids.

Taking melee without a feral druid and shamans is just a troll.

Morelikely to see 3-5 druids or/and shamans + a few of everything else, a literal hell for melee, which includes paladin.

Then watch what people play, paladin isn’t that high up compared to Shamans, Druids and Hunters. Even healers are more plentiful than paladins. Do you get what is happening here? No you don’t and yap some pretty dumb :poop:, but that is just classic horde players.

Any defensive, any mobility just to outrange them in melee is literally a free win and a wasted bubble.

If that heal ever crits.

Easy ride? That is literally shamans and druids in a nutshell. It is 2 lives at best every 5mins compared to spamming a 20% damage reduction as a druid and shaman even gets mana returns from just AFKing.

So many mages/priests/warriors/warlocks are terrible.
Good rogues and mages win a majority vs Ret paladin.
Hunters/Balance/Shamans can backpaddle and still have more value than a paladin or multiple. Defending broken racials and classes as horde is just pathetic.
Alliance would rather be in terrible conditions than playing Horde favored PvP/BGs advantages.

You mean it’s a joke compared to Frenzied Regen/Dispersion/Barkskin?
Yeah it is a joke, to even have a chance to blow someone up you wear 6pc t1+HoJ+Berserk buff, double stack judgements after autoattacks hit, hope your all attacks crit and you realize the enemy has 40%ish remaining in actual PvP gear. I’ve not seen a healer getting deleted 10s into a fight at BS, except 1 time out of 100s of BGs.

That is if they cared to do so, whilst they still finish any fight with loads of HP/Mana remaining. Utterly absurd class design to give em OP tools with OP racials ontop.

(look at the bots losing to a noob check and agreeing how “OP” paladins are)

Nobody is buying what you are selling anymore, anyone that had a chance to play against a ret knows you are full of :poop: and biased. There are plenty of videos and streams of ret paladins doing exactly what people in this thread are saying.

And y’all are unbiased or something?
Biased towards broken racials and/or shamans, there’s loads of that too if you bothered to look. Literally the same amount of :poop: you post if not tripled.

https:/ /
https:/ /
Failzz here just owning the “OP” class paladin.

https:/ /
Devils doing that for every phase.

Unlike you I can admit the class I’m playing is strong or broken in certain aspects(some things were rightfully nerfed). You start writing sagas and deflecting each time someone as much as suggests Paladin is too strong. Most of the push-back I pose are against “nerf to the ground/delete” threads like the ones you like to make and/or participate in.

How can something be the same or tripled? Quite a gap there between the same or tripled… And anyway I’m not anywhere close to 2700 posts, might want to check your eye sight.

multiple people writing horde propaganda, more than me which is truly impressive. its actually sad that horde propaganda is the basis for balancing on the SoD dev team.
biased balancing btw.

You can as a minority, what about the majority playing horde or shamans? They believe paladin is stronger than shaman, which is blatantly wrong on many levels. Paladins strong every 5mins, that’s it. Shamans by that logic alone are strong every minute they play in PvP, and they are perfectly able to stall for every minute. No paladin can stall a fight for 5mins for cooldowns.

just ask your friendly neighbourhood shaman or priest to chain dispel their seals and watch them sit there trying to reapply it in a loop ahahaha i love pushing the poo in to pallys


Oh look, a player realizes that dps isn’t everything and healers efficient too. :rofl:
Sorry to crush your 1vsX dreams when facing players who know how to play as a team.

That’s some good wholesome fun right there. Almost makes me want to play SoD again.

I don’t know why you’re whining.

If shamans took a slight nerf, Paladins would then be the most overpowered class. I’d understand why you’re complaining if you were playing a weak class like a priest or a mage, but you’re not.

Try telling me without telling me that you have played against balance druids. Oh right you have not. Ret paladins apparently beat them, waking up from delusions and you see rets doing tickle DPS vs balance druids with frenzied up. Thank god it is both factions.

Mage and priests are good enough, it is just the bad players playing them and/or certain other classes just do more damage per GCD, yes hunters/chickens/shamans you do more than FFBs (3s hardcast LUL). Good players sit on retri and if they are saying this then you know something is terribly wrong.

You don’t see shamans or druids complaining about their class, why? They have most things they need.

I never see paladins writing anything else than horde bias hate posts either, does that mean they know they are OP?

Summs up every PvP thread perfectily