Are there any Paladin, or light based guilds around?
She often spends long weeks alone out in the realms seeking out evil and lost causes delivering righteous retribution to those who would see the light cast out. This is usually followed by bouts of binge drinking and working the forge in Stormwind.
Hello there!
Surprisingly your Paladin is similar to my own in some ways, which feels nice.
And about the guilds, depending on your style, there are various choices.
For a more patriotic knightly order dedicated to defence of Lordaeron and its settlers, i recommend The Gallant, their approach to the Light may be more Zealous.
For a multiracial Light based guild with a close ties to the Army of the Light and the Draenei, can recommend the Hand of Xe’ra.
And if you look for Silver Hand guilds, i can recommend Sons of Silver and Call of the Silver Hand, both being a regiment of their own.
If you are interested in a Turalyon-esque human paladin character, the Hand of Xe’ra is the place for you. We fight for the glory of the Light and were taught by the Light Mother herself! What better way to serve the Naaru than to join the Army of the Light?
If you, however, would like a more traditional approach for your human paladin, I highly recommend the Sons of Silver. They’re close allies of our guild and they have provided excellent roleplay experiences so far. They provide amazing events and guild-intern meetings, discussing the tennants of the Holy Light, etc.
If you are interested in joining a Paladin-Priest-Light-themed community, I’d highly recommend joining the “Ardent Conclave” - which is a cross-faction effort which was formed during the armistice (so right now lol) following the Fourth War. We have a Discord server established for that.