Paladin Nerf When?

I go PvE with PvP talent/gear and do no damage??? Blizzard fix this INSTANTLY.
This is you right now, in terms you can understand.

There is no nerf shaman’s post because atleast you can kill them, and don’t go invincible while you continue to kill them :clown_face:

Purge / dispel

I think the twisting and stacking mechanics are terrible, there is no alternative to playing as a paladin, you need to press 5 buttons to deal damage. I don’t understand why Blizzard won’t give something like wind fury and slightly increase the damage from abilities. Why do other classes press 3-4 buttons and kill, but I have to play the piano? Hunter, shaman, druid, mages press 2-3 buttons and win. All ranged classes need a 30-40% damage nerf. When will Blizzard pay attention to this huge problem?! Tank shaman with ench skills do damahe more than ret paladin! Hunetrs did 2 kill shots and u die. Delete starfall from the game! Its realy looks loake a joke. Infinity controls from rogues and poison delete 2500 armors…

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Lol. You really don’t know the game you’re playing it’s hilarious.


there is no alternative to playing as a paladin, you need to press 5 buttons to deal damage

5buttons… You talking about the blessings then… “Sealtwist” Is basically a castsequence macro of 2 Seals =1button, Crusader strike and judge, its 3. Far less than most other classes.

Infinity controls from rogues and poison delete 2500 armors…

Blizzard should REDUCE the dmg of the paladins abilities, make all your melee spells physical dmg while at it, seeing you talking about rogues ignoring armor 2500armor…
Paladins ignore everything and there is 0 resistance against Holy.

Why do other classes press 3-4 buttons and kill, but I have to play the piano? Hunter, shaman, druid, mages press 2-3 buttons and win

Bubble 12sec can still 100>0 any target, even with 50% reduction.
You know why you die against hunters? They use Rapid fire with killshot 1time every minute, just bubble it.
Mages? Bubble it nuke them, if not dead within bubble, freedom pony 1shot it.
Druids? Hoj starfall if trinket Repeteance bubble and kill it.
Shaman? If you cant kill a shaman as paladin you either got green gear or forgot half ur spells in the spellbook. Tip: Dispel Flameshock bubble kill it.

Paladins need a big nerf in pvp for real, been too overtuned since p1.
Try play any other class and see how you manage vs a paladin, youll probably quit the game.

Purge is the downfall of ret paladins, any ok geared shaman win vs ret. Shockadins is a different fight, they have no counter.

Those guys need a nerf in pvp for sure

Sealtwisting need to delete from the game. But retri paladin hit by exorcism 1100 crt dmg, jug 1300-1500, mage ice lance 2400, shaman lava burst 3000 +, fireshock 1200 and 200-400 dmg dot , druid 3600-4000 starfire and starfall 300-800 dmg per sec! , hunters chimera shot 2k, kill shot 1800-2600, SP mind blast 3000 +, all range classes need hard nerfs, paladin should be stay near for dmg, range classes push 3 buttons and win! Shamans tank kill u with fire and earth shocks and shield with dagger. Shaman tank take 400 dmg and give 2400 lavaburst xD B-balance game. When u play BG u can see horde players, only elems, boomie, hunters and SP, warlocks tanks with terrible dots. all range classes.

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Why is it always only purge getting mentioned when priests have a clearly better dispel.

Is it maybe because cleanse hits them in the nuts as well?

Let’s say tomorrow all shamans lose purge, what does a shaman even have against a paladin at that point? A class that can cleanse any magical effect- thus removing shaman slows/dots, much better mobility(remember no more purge to remove freedom) aka - no kiting whatsoever.

Shamans will only have an interrupt over paladins, something paladins barely need or use with two CC’s at their disposal.

This grudge against purge seems to me like such a petty thing, it betrays the hero complex of so many of the frequent paladin posters, as if only their class should be the only one not countered by any other class.

Purge IS meant to counter a lot of things the paladin does, it is an intended weakness. This whining about purge just seems like a tantrum that not every class can be steamrolled.

Guess what, some classes get steamrolled by just about everyone right now. If any real PvP balance patch is ever going to happen in SoD - paladins and elemental shamans, balance druids can take their spot at the back of the line when it comes to fixes or buffs, anyone that doesn’t know this either hasn’t touched PvP since P3 or is arguing in bad faith.

So I’ve read a lot of the comments on threads like these, and done my bit to empathise with paladin players. Reading their responses you actually learn they’re the victims in all this. Turns out there’s some things that are seemingly unique to them and they might actually need more…

  • First off, ranged classes - all of them. If the paladins defensives and gap closers are on CD, they actually get kited. When you look at this through the eyes of a paladin you do realise this is bad game design and range should never actually have the chance to kite or use their ranged advantage against them. Don’t bother bringing up bubble, we’ll just ignore you or remind you they’ve actually been nerfed.
  • Next, you don’t actually realise there are other classes that are OP. Boomkins, Hunters and Ele shamans are actually capable of killing paladins, which isn’t ok. They also all fall under the first point too. It’s far more important to address these classes first because any paladin will tell you they’re actually OP but palas just have “high burst”.
  • Purge - this is a stupid skill. It removes their seals which are essential to paladin combat. Seals and seal twisting should be unable to be countered. It’s also unimportant as to whether the shaman is doing anything else during this, they’re ruining paladin DPS.
  • No mobility - ignoring the in combat mount (of course, it’s too short. Shamans get a 15sec sprint), freedom, bubble and cleanse. They’re called the wheelchair class for a reason, they never actually catch any of the targets they’re chasing. From what I understand, this is the main reason they HAVE to be able to kill anyone and everyone in a global, maybe 2 if we’re going to push it… maybe.
  • Finally the only reason they’re actually able to global people is because they’re all using a combo of set bonuses and the AQ set shoulder ench. They’re basically a house of cards they’re so fragile. Once again, ignore bubble.

Now, once you actually take the time to absorb all this information you’ll understand that we’re all wrong. It doesn’t matter whether they’re the most complained about class currently and that everyone wants them nerfed. We need to learn to play around them and their limitations. They cannot have a diverse playstyle for each class, all they can do is Rep > HoJ and Delete.

We’re the problem.


I have never read something more BASED and beautiful coming from a Shaman player in my near 20 years of Classic. You, good man, have earned the respect of all Alliance.

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It is a pity that blizzard does not watch forums and does not listen to the opinion of the community

This is like reading some sort of tilted addicts /self infuriating anonymous group

Guys sorry but I have to ask this, are you all OK in the head?

Did the talented team behind sod not admit to having more interested in a KFC mega bucket rather than sod pvp?

Are you new to sod and not seen the state of pvp through the phases?

sod pvp is baaaaad mkay

The devs would rather go on a diet than work on sod pvp.