Paladin Nerf When?

8k in 1 global ret pala seal twist, very balanced come on now :clown_face: try to gaslight me its balanced and can be outplayed :clown_face:

Blizz nerfed the feral t3 in 1 day but refuse to nerf paladins literally globaling you then typing on the forums outplay it.

Gj blizz this is why sod is dying, insted of snortin lines and trying to see who can get more bloated fix your fkin game, remove the double seal twist from t1 6 set or make it unsusable in pvp like you did to hunt and dudu tier sets!

P.S nerf shockadin as well, you can’t have a healer doing more dps then fkin pure dps specs like rogue, fix your shi!

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SoD PvP is cooked and not to be taken too seriously.
Of course you could L2P and delete most rets (they ain’t good players to begin with) but I get you’d rather cry on the forums. Hunters are def not good enough in PvP atm after all.

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Is that the hunter crying? ahahaha seriously? A class that needs a nerf like no other? which kills any target in 2 shots at a distance of 41 yards? xddd



i agree with all im fine if they nerf hunters for the 50th time but they gotta do something abt the fin hybrids man, and unlike any other hybrid, hunt survivability is 0 everyone thinks deterence is so good but they forget it literally does nothing aginst spell dmg and hunt unlike the other classes doesn’t have a way to heal up to full.

Pala’s deal 8k in 1 global shocka does 2.6k holy dmg in 1 cast :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

P.S. you meant “star fall” and the 2 dots learn the game!

2600? Is that why you’re crying? xd

Any shaman uses 2 lava instantly of 3300+
Hunters shoot killshots of 3600, Im can’t even reach them to deal 650 damage xdd

you don’t need more then 2.6k holy dmg per 6 sec when you got 600hps on urself :clown_face: , ohh and btw you got 500 armor if you taking 3.6k killshots but in reality they crit anyone with more then 5k armor for 1.7k so stop crying and go buy some armor, spell dmg tho is a problem because there is no way to avoid it. As i stated before go make a class like a meta lock ,druid, shaman,pala or warr and hunt’s will crit you for 1.2k killshots, and idk why you crying when good mages beat hunters any day of the week with pom sheep if he trinkers sheep again full heal and cc lock him with head rune l2p

Just delete paladins and buff hunters and shamans

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Get back in your green dress Surreal

Some areas of SoD pvp can actually be really fun and engaging.

Completely pointless comment. Regardless of how good either a hunter or paladin is, how about we look at the issue which is the amount of dmg in a single global so that the entire playerbase who pvp and don’t play hunter can enjoy pvp.

And for every genius who will respond to “lol shaman complaining” - I share all the same views on nerfing shamans, and don’t even play the specs that are an issue!

Everyone has the same pointless “counters” to these posts as if no one want this to improve

Hunter killshot on the same lvl opness btw

Oh I’m all for nerfing down the burst of the meta classes but paladins being the only OP melee in a caster/ranged heavy meta it should simply be nerfed last.
Especially since ret paladin relies on his burst as a mechanic since forever. Watch a paladin being dispelled, it’s a joke.

They could have added some Cata skills like a mov speed on judgement and undispellable seals so ret wouldn’t have to rely on a OS burst to face casters.
Instead they went and added some imba pve bonus tier sets that broke the already badly beaten pvp meta.
Which means you run full T2 with not even 5k hp as a melee. A boomie can drop you on a starfall, a hunter can 3 tap you spamming one button and shaman can do the same with a flame shock/insta LB macro.

They won’t nerf Rets on their damage since the issue lies with the seal stacking and it’s their main pve mechanic. They already nerfed the damage under bubble so you can forget about them nerfing it again.

yeah i don’t remeber pala’s 1 shottin in vanilla i remeber being a buff bot, and having good heals and survivability, not 1 shotting in 1 global wake up sheeple this isn’t balanced at all, i dont care if they nerf hunter for the 50th time i said, just put the t1 6 set for ret not to be able to work in pvp like they did to hunts, ferals, and on sham’s 2set earth shield, stop gaslighting people calling skill gap when it takes u 1 auto to do 8k dmg in a bg and u got 2 stuns so u cant even trinket out, atleast make pala do phys dmg not holy dmg so as the rest of us when someone has armor!

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Amen, let’s hope blizz wakes up from their drug coma!

For the record, I was the guy who killed the hunter that’s posting.

I had wings, Zerker buff and full world buffs, so yeah… he’s kinda salty about it since he’s PvE geared in PvP wondering why he’s getting one shot.

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Pvp gear wont help against that, should just ban worldbuffs in bgs if they are planning on to keep alowing premades to stomp pugs.

Btw have you seen the insane dmg warriors are doing with full buffs? Me neither

I agree 100% on the world buffs take, I think they should not be allowed in PvP at all!

But health scales harder than damage for the purpose of survival, Flask up, build properly and get a little bit of “l2p” thing going on.

bruh it’s not the wbuffs you get 4 autos 2 sealsa 2 judgment hits in 1 gcd due to the broken t1 6 set, they nerfed the other op set’s to not be usable in pvp, but aggrend is a filthy pala main so no nerfs will be coming i feel, he was playing the long game!

Paladins are fine, they can do very high burst dmg but they are weak as well. A good Rogue melts a paladin in a CS, KS go. ( Shout-out to Fistx - skilled rogue who camped me a lot ) A hunter doesn’t have an issue with Paladins because they have good traps, slows and create a big gap between themselves and paladin in no time. Shaman and boomies can blow them out of the water instantly seen shaman oneshot Paladins with a well timed lava burst. Mages have silence and good enough burst to off them.

All classes have high damage output in SOD, it’s rock paper scissors out there. Every class has a weakness every player has a weakness find it exploit it. Paladin players mostly go in face first popping their CDs. Get add-ons to track their seals, dispell / them stay in the back / outlines of the fights, circle around get them in back (camera blind spots etc…)

I’ve played a lot of classes in SOD, for me in PVP Rogue is still the best class since we have / can have excellent control, kite but one mistake or resist / FAP can kill us. I also have a Paladin in PvP, yes we can Burst if we get close but I lose very badly to a skilled mage / hunter or shaman.

There are days where I get dominated and there are days where I dominate, setup and team play is crucial. PvP Isn’t meant to be a Solo I win scenario play , fight, lose , cry m, learn … Any class can kill another. Gear is important but trust me I lost some fights to rely skilled rogues when I even out geared them… Don’t call for nerfs just watch learn and enjoy the ride

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This is my SOD char :melting_face:

Can you show me your “Nerf shamans post”? Oh, it doesn’t exist? Nevermind