Ok, I played about 20 warsongs so far and only won 1. You know why because every time we get 4-5 paladins that absolute trash (including me)
4 of us can’t out DPS a single priest heal and we just get farmed by warlocks and hunters and mages that can just slow kite forever. I guess i am rolling a real class. I think my lvl 6 warlock does more damage then my raid geared ret and hey he doesn’t have to run across the map to kill someone. He can run and drain life and be more tanky then me! Love it! Season of Discovery is great.
Capturing the flag and win quickly requires team play not top dps.
But WSG randoms will never understand. 
It does feel pretty meh, my pala so far loses a 1v1 to nearly every class. I’ve also lost all but 1 of my 14 WSG games!
I find I can be somewhat useful at kiting people around base using avengers shield, freedom + swiftness potion. Even then, shamans can easily dispel freedom.
Focus on healers first, then nuke others down. Simple.
Capturing the flag is your goal anyway, organized team have much better chances for the victory.
It is 2023 now but still many of us are lost in 20 years old game, mainly alliance have that issue.
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By the time the swathes of paladins reach the horde healers, they’ve been killed by the mass of horde warlocks, hunters and shamans shooting from range.
Sounds like a skill issue to me
I have seen thousands times how alliance players take the biggest L of all times in BG’s.
I wonder why alliance mainly attacks one by one against horde, and then they cry here and in Reddit about how unbalanced every possible thing is in pvp.
Skill issue, alliance players on these servers are so bad it’s not even funny it’s sad. I won a wsg at level 11 against some 19 alli guys that literally did nothing but run at us like morons. It is what it is.
Not saying I didn’t get carried by my team but I pulled more weight than the 19 enemy rogue with my polies and slows for sure.
it’s look like you don’t know what you talking about. I challenge you to level a paladin to understand
I don’t want to level a paladin because I know full well it’s a wheelchair class, always has been, up to wotlk at least. The tradeoff is, you delete people if you get close, and for that you need a team. No need to thank me for explaining how the game works, I’m glad to help.
You said it all…
everybody laugh at paladins since 20 years now…
and everybody bow down to mighty shamans…
it’s time to get horde paladins and alliance shamans
being laughed since 20 years have to stop
I challenge you to level a paladin and be humble. You need that slap, kid
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Gear Issue? Paladin is proc dependant, but with good procs can often oneshot cloth wearers.
Oh yea?? One shot healers you say with what 220 crit?
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How is Avenger’s Shield not super useful in flag carrier gameplay? Can someone please elaborate?
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ret is trash like it’s allways been. The problem is holy pala is the second worst healer in the game, miles behind priest. Pala has no role to play in pvp
Kekw, you’ve not seen how wars doing.
We’re literally target dummies.
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Berny demands paladins get fixed.
And boomkins get starfall.
let me elaborate
all the paladins in wsg are lolret
avenger shield is a “tank” rune and rets and “tank” is like cat and water , im sure they dont even have the rune
People playing WSG like is just to kill and do dps instead of a strategy gamemode. The objective is to win, not to kill that warlock that is kiting you to death
paladins are mega strong lol