Paladins everywhere!

Ret is by far the easiest dps spec atm. Even BM has to think about things like barbed shot uptime. With ret you just blast all the time, you don’t even need to worry about cd timings cos they’re almost always up and you still do more damage than most other specs. It’s really strong defensively and has lots of group utility as well. The difficulty with ret lies in using your utility properly in group content.

I might be part of the problem …

I have 2 Paladins at level 80:

With 2 more joining them soon:

I play Holy most of the times. Sometimes I change to Protection when I don’t like how the Tanks on LFD are performing.
I don’t like Retribution as I already play all pure DPS classes and I hate their queue times in LFD.


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World of Paladin

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I always want to see more Brewmaster Monks, it’s a fun spec, good damage, you can fly on a cloud sleeping wth? Maybe you can try play a monk, just like paladin they have all the kit but with better mobility and CC. The downside is I guess that you have a buttonbloat and you certainly need 20+ keybinds.

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10 pallies in a yog saron skip checks out.
(I was a dk tank)

Yes. DH is no longer easy since SL, they actually turned Havoc into a rather complicated spec and for Fury and Frost you still have to manage your big cool downs.

With the recent rework, Ret Paladin no longer even needs to do that. It’s how I’d like all specs to be: all dmg in the base kit and extra damage on proccs that modify the base kit. Even fits on my MOBA keybinds, no need for barely used extra buttons.

Can you really blame them ?
This is how all classes should be.
Simple, decent, easy and enjoying for pve and pvp.
The difficulty in both pve and pvp should come from the encounters and not from bloatware that wow classes are atm.
Everyone have 300 power ramping cd’s , 200 type off CC and 3400 type of snares and mitigations.
Some classes can burst outright and some need like 1 min ramp up time lmao
Game developers are absolutely horrible since long time ago.
Pve should be hard and demand awareness and same goes for pvp , but that does not mean classes should be bloated and making no sense talents like now.
Ret pala happens to be what every class should feel and the numbers are speaking , its not the most bursty and neither the one with the best sustain dps in pvp and still it is the most played class at least in blitz and in top 5 solo shuffle for a reason .
The numbers are predictable , avoidable and not very impressive at high level pvp…yet still ppl love it cuz its simple and leave more room for awareness of what happens around you and who used what unlike the bloatware most other classes are that u need to ramp up and do heavy pve rotations and if u switch targets ur dps is in the gutter and so on .
I wish devs are more in the know of their own game and learn how to read the numbers .
Now knowing how "clever " they are they probably thinking that ret is OP when in reality in pvp it is far from impressive in terms of damage at high levels. All my other classes can do a lot more dps like balance druid , shadow priest , mage , rogue , warlock . The representation numbers are what they are simply because the class feels very good, simple, but at the same time helpful with sacs, freedoms , bops , loh and so on .
All classes should feel useful with meaningful for teamplay talents and simple to play if u want quality pvp in general.

Not everyone prefers dull class design and rotations tho. More power to simpletons but some actually enjoys the piano performance rotation some classes offer (ie enha shaman) and that is perfectly ok.

What is not OK is to have the simplest of class/spec, which requires minimal attention, to perform close to the best across all game modes.

Feeling simple and playing it simple does not mean 3 abilities :slight_smile: i can bet paladins have far more useful cd’s and talents to help team with and play around than the piano u described.
Neither piano pressing / mashing 300 useless stuff makes u any more complicated or hard to master its just a clutter and bloat.
I never said i should have 3 abilities and neither paladins do :slight_smile:
I also fail to see why u think we are simpletons and u think ur superior in any form of personal skills for playing a piano class hahaha
Being good in pvp and with a class in general was never about mashing many piano buttons but more about awareness, cd management and coordination with teammates.

I dont have anything against more meaningful cd’s and buttons … i have much against useless bloatware that makes the class feels bad like many of them and its so obvious that so many ppl like retribution even thou it does inferior damage to 80 % of the classes in pvp .

Anyway lol

Make all Classes like the Ret and let leave all people who like playing piano. I will miss the 10 people

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Hmm… I see you’ve managed to make my generalization a personal insult? It was not my intention (thus the “more power to”).

I also made fun of the piano rotation, if that wasn’t obvious. :sweat_smile::v:t3:

Anyway; while it’s true paladins, in general, has a million CDs in form of utility (I’m exaggerating ofc) the piano classes still has more, non useless buttons (:wink:) to press, on top of their CDs.

I get it, paladins are awesome (ugh, not really) and more roles/classes should be just as powerful. However there’s a reason why they’re a meme (tb to retLOL days - seal of blood forever RIP :heart:).

My point was, and still is; not everyone wants simplicity in a class. Some actually enjoy the harder rotation.

Both are OK, for those with the wrists to support them. :joy:

The last part about power still remains the same tho.

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Thats why the most played classes are the one who has easy rotation.

In the end there will be all like Ret/BM/Destruction WL to get played on XBox in the long run

Human ret paladin is soo stereotypish spec, just as sub undead rogues, that I just had to stop playing my holy pala, my original main, palas were everywhere.
I always imagined no-clue angry narcistic 15yo teenagers playing them, yes, i know, generalisation.
Switched to enhance shaman and feels like noone wants to play spec. Do people really want things to be easy?

Yep, Ret was one my most played alts but after the rework in Dragonflight i can’t play this spec anymore. It’s way too easy and absolute boring.

And an easy spec doesn’t has to be boring, Hunter or Warrior are easy too but still fun to play. But i get it why there are so many rets, most people like it when it’s almost impossible to do mistakes.

That’s for example one of the reasons why so many people don’t play a healer.


I am definitely the problem


Most people just wanne turn off the Brain after hard work and wanne blast.
They dont wanne studie a class for days.

Until you see them in abundance in pvp for 2 years now not using sac or bop or freedom on teammates or using lay on hands on hpalas and making them unable to use bubble and die. So many rolled retri for df rework and seem to have no clue how to even use basic utilities on team. They dont use sac or bop on you, 3 min rounds as lock in 3 melee lobbys in shuffle, everyone training the warlock and 0 bops and sac from retris from team in general, tells me everything about the player when its so easy and they still fail something so simple. Every spec has some skill ceiling and need of brain, even bm :+1:


never going to happen :stuck_out_tongue:

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But some classes/specs can climb higher than others while playing bad.

Imagine a new player jumps into the Arena as sub rogue or mage, he will suffer a lot.
But a new player on a ret will manage to climb a little bit.