Paladins everywhere!

True that!

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I think the question perhaps should be: do people want things to be hard?

Because some do, but many don’t. If I look at my own life, how much things I have to do and learn, things I stress about, how much headspace daily life demands, then no, I often am not in the mood to try wrestle with some spec where the opener is 18 steps. And then I won’t build the muscle memory necessary to get to a point where it starts to flow.

I think a lot of people want specs that flow well and are sort of transparent and feel natural. I don’t think it’s so much about wanting it easy, as hard often just being the opposite of that.

I stoped playing paladin already :joy: now im tryin to Master rogue and having fun on disc priest.
In guild there is like 5 paladins online everyday it took interest in that class out of the game for me.

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“Which class is best?”
“Which spec is best?”

How about you (that is general you) play the class/spec that you find the most fun, and stop worrying about what whoever’s hanging around in Dornogal (or orgrimmar, stormwind, valdrakken, or anywhere else) does

Dwarves are half furries, I mean look at their beards and hairy arms.

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Tis true and look at earthen body 2 paladins around Dornogal :dracthyr_a1:


Easy DPS spec and easy Tank spec.
Just the Tank spec alone is almost a red carpet to some content these days

Ret has great utility, and has some of the best “oh crap” tools. You can trade dps for healing if you’re needing to be a bit tanky, so is perfect for solo players in open-world. It’s the jack-of-all-trades class, and works well for Delves, Awaken the Machine, rares etc. It has high burst, which is handy for content where you can wait for cooldowns. It’s a great class for newbies or casual players who don’t like dying.

However, it’s overall sustained DPS is not great and very rarely is it more than average for a DPS. Iirc, in all the 6 years I’ve mained Ret it’s only been near the top of the DPS charts you see on WoWhead maybe once or twice and only for a few weeks. And the Ret utility advantage runs out pretty quickly once you’ve played the game for a while. I’ve levelled 5 DPS classes to 80 now and have another at 77 (Ret, DPS Evoker, BM Hunter, Destro Warlock, WW Monk, Spriest) and with a few notable exceptions (I hear Zek on ?.? is very class dependent) I wouldn’t say any is particularly any better than the other for most things for a casual player of reasonable ability.

Last part is a Blizzard problem… 1st part lmao DPS DH hunter is 1 button well built around it, Fury, ret, Destro, Frost <either one these are all simple specs.

Really? Seems to me its still eyebeams pew pew pew then nothing Eyebeams pew pew… what changed for you… as for Fury and Frost pressing CD’s as they are ready is hard? lol…

I no longer play it because to play it right, you need to manage your movement abilities to get your damage buff and work around essence break and then you also have throw glaives as dps spell on top of it; if it still was only eyebeam, bladedance and demon bite, I’d still play the spec, but sadly they ruined that during SL.

It’s not about pressing them when they are ready, you need to press them at the right moment in time during each dungeon run (and in the right combination), knowing in advance when they are required for which mob group and then again how that falls together with bosses - too much work for me, as - like you put it - I prefer pressing buttons whenever they are ready of not having special ones.

It’s time for us to welcome our Void overlords. :octopus:

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I like that they will remove the paladins bubbles with mass dispels :dracthyr_a1:

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The hard part is not dying to mechanics during fel rush and vengeful retreat, the no mover build is still easy to play.

Icy veins say use on cooldown…

Holds the sign
‘I want Vulpera Paladins, Blizzard.’

So what it’s the most fun class

A Dark Ranger.

Depends if fun is allowed. I thought mop frost mage was fun, legion also had fun design for affli :dracthyr_a1:

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Not a fan of mage prefer demo to aff

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