Paladins everywhere!

Well as long as its warlock :dracthyr_shrug:

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Locks great mostly in classic tho.

If you’re having fun, then the Raid Leader doesn’t want you to be that class.

Fun always gets denied… :face_exhaling:

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Yeah, those are starter guides.

I hate bm hunter for me is sv all the way with mm os.

Good for you, i like surv as well but my comments was about what the most popular specs among casual players is.

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Bm with 2 pet is ok but this design that fills screen with some dire beasts is terrible. They are not even minor so cant get rid of them with demos imps. They are guardians or something and I need to see sp psyfiend and things like that. Just make a default option in game to hide those useless bm dire beasts or make them minor so they are treated with same as locks imps, nobody needs to see 500 dire beasts nameplates clutter their screen. Just terrible.

Yh ik bit others mentioned the hunter class so i pitched in.

in addition to the hunter comment my second toon i ever made in 2005 was a pally which is played to this day.
i also now have 3 of them.on retail 1 in classic era and 2 on cata servers.

Id change ur guild then lol the game should be fun no matter what.
Nobody else has any rights to rule or ruin your fun.

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Blizzard keeps changing the designs of the specs I find fun :dracthyr_comfy_black:

So what your saying is bc its not easy you lost interest ?

Ive not really noted any huge diff on mine bc i always use throw glaive in my rotatation hell especially as the pull move for tanking as os is awesome bc it hits several targets same with the dps varient as well.

Im glad eyebeams are not the go move to decimate anymore bc its interuptable as for blade dance it always felt weak to look at visually.

The fact that things get changed is good but every now and then classes get destroyed by new attempts.

The warrior in og cata prepatch required you to rend a target then thunderclap to generate more aggro the downside was they made it a must to rend b4 tc snd if not tc did zero threat, i recall patchday not knowing and being unable to draw any aggro to me the change was that bad thr hotfixed it within a few days bc warrior tanks vanished over night.

Going back the dh for a mo always preferred to tank on a dh.

Not only easy class but has almost best utility and defencives… Blizzard are clueless about design

Um, we were talking about dps DH, tank DH is quite all right and my go to whenever I do play DH. In the dps version I prefer easy specs so I can keep a keener eye on enemy mechanics… and having to use fel rush and retreat regulary to increase my dps is absolutely horrible to deal with mechanics (voids; interrupts) at the same time. I also don’t like classes who only do damage during certain windows (essence break).

Yh im aware of this i also use my dh as a dpser not solely as a tanker bc if i did just tank id hey nowhere.
What i stated was my own take on the class from my own xp.

As i said b4 i cant tell too much difference in feel its pretty much the same sort of gameplay it had since its inception.

I get offended any time i see another monk player. It’s my class. gtfo.

lol. Yeah… pitty they are under M+ and Raid… I guess that’s starter stuff so where is the real content to use these complex rotations.

It’s because Ret is unga bunga dummy damage. On my undergeared Ret I can solo T8 delves half asleep, on this Rogue I have to sweat and force poor Brann to tank. They do dummy damage and have a bunch of OH CRAP buttons to save themselves.

Then have a look at their “rotation” page; CDs have their place there and not just “on cool down”; or if it is “on cool down”, then only because the statement assumes you chain up the rest of your rotation/abilities perfectly so “on cool down” falls together with thw correct moment in time - which usually won’t happen.

The raw damage numbers aren’t really ret’s problem - it can top overall (or close to it) it keys, and in pure st raid fights its very strong - the reason why its not meta is because of its damage profile. It has to sacrifice st for aoe and vice versa whereas more meta specs can do passive aoe damage while doing st, in fact some will do more st in that case (funnel damage). A lot of ret’s damage can be pad damage on do-nothing mobs rather than the priority targets.

In fact, it ends up having anti-synergy with specs like sin rogue and enhance shaman because most rets will kill off adds fast whereas other specs can use them to increase priority damage via funnel. And there’s no way most rets are pressing final verdict when there’s 10 mobs they can divine storm instead :rofl: However it can be very strong bursting down packs of dangerous mobs / totems, something a lot of specs can struggle with.

With regards to holding or not holding cds, typically these guides are written with raid fights in mind. On a standard patchwerk raid fight you’re gonna just pop cds on cooldown usually, but if you’re in a m+ key or a raid fight with phases you have to decide when you’re going to get most value out of them. It’s not rocket science but its an extra thing to think about.