Pandaria, a land of beauty and vibrant culture, yet intertwined with the denizens of this ancient land is their love and refinement for the production of brew. From Stormstout to Goldendraft, from Wanderbrew to…Mudmug? These beverages are famed throughout the land for their harmony of flavours and aromatics that make each cup a cherished work of art.
Greetings to all! Pandaria Tavern Nights began on 29/04/21 by Krasarang with the explicit aim of bringing together the Pandaren community on a regular basis as well as encouraging the would-be Pandaren characters of the future to dip their toes into one of the most vibrant and lore-rich races in the Warcraft universe.
A standard night of tavern/social roleplay. People are drawn together by the deep love for our community and our desire to see it flourish.
Date: 07/12/22
Time: 20:00 - Ends when it ends.
Venue: Turtle Beach - Krasarang
Items required: Elixir of Tongues (to be able to read emotes cross-faction) and an Inky Black Potion Feel free to attend, we look forward to meeting new faces!
Please note, this event is directed towards Pandaren roleplayers and creating roleplay among the Pandaren community , so we ask that you consider attending on a Pandaren character to experience Pandaria from a different perspective.
Always fun to interact with other Pandaren roleplayers at these get-togethers. Looking forward to another chance to do so.
Why do these keep happening on working nights, arghhh.
But to any Panda who isn’t like me, I HIGHLY suggest you come and hang out with these awesome people. I assure you, it’ll be a night well spent.
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This is tomorrow! Looking forward to it already!
In Binan the Tavern Nights was hosted, a night of drinks, games and good food. On this occasion the game was to throw discs into a series of nets set out in the water. Points given based on which nets they could land their shots in. The final scores in order taken below from the many participants that entered!
Hyarin: 5 points
Lin: 3 points
Yuan-Mei: 3 points
Ong-Ong: 6 points
Yan-Yan: 1 point
Yinghe: 7 points
Liao: 0 points
Guang: 3 points
Xao: 10 points
Vi: 5 points
Xaoh: 6 points
Raiqu: 0 points
Sujee: 16 points
The winner was Sujee! Afterwards the crowd reconvened inside for the drinking contest, hosted by Vi. After eight rounds of drinking, Yinghe was the final hold out with Liao Coming in a close second! More drinks and food were had well into the night, some perhaps taking the festivities too close to heart as property was damaged, a bannister and table among them! Followed with a scuffle that had to be broken up on the bridge, a dampening of moods… The night settled in once more soon enough with some talking well into the night.
See you all at the next one!
This is upcoming next week! Gonna be super nice, usually is! If you RP a pandaren, or have a pandaren alt, do swing by! 
This is tonight!
Still not sure if I’ll show up on Xuanwu here.
But at least here you got a deserved bump…
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The next Tavern nights will be on 30/06, in Mistfall village in the Vale!
This is tomorrow! Gonna be a blast, always is! If you’ve a pandaren char, come join in for some drinks! Usually some new faces around, so don’t be shy! 
Well. What can I say? We celebrated like true Pandaren.
the next date has been set for 30/07 in one-keg!
Not sure if this is continued or not, but this has my bump
Long live RP initiatives!
The next tavern nights will be in Dawn’s Blossom on 27/08 at 2000!
This is tonight, my fellow pandaren!
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The next Tavern Nights will be in the Dancing Serpent at the Jade Temple on the 24th! (Venue may change if sha invasion present on the day)
It’s this upcoming Saturday! If you ever felt like trying out pandaren RP, this is a great opportunity! 
This is tonight! Due to a sha invasion at the temple today, it will be taking place at the jerky shop in Dawns Blossom instead! On the eastern side of town.
Curses, I love the Temple tavern, but jerky it is!
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The next Tavern Nights will be in the Dancing Serpent at the Jade Temple on the 29th! (Venue may change if sha invasion present on the day)