[Pandaria] [Event] 3rd Celestial Fist Tournament

If it wasnt for this whole war thing going on, id defo come along and check this out. Maybe next time ;-p

If we don’t get other novice sign ups, then Khaltarr and Thieseli will team up to pick on Erithur, and that won’t be very nice, will it?

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Well, we can’t have that, now, can we!?

One month to go and we’re still looking for sign-ups! I know there are monks out there! I literally bumped into Fiami and Zeera the other day! (who both did an outstanding show in the tournament!)

Beyond that we are still open for at least 2 referees!

I’m with Hedris on this one.

It would be ridiculous for Mithralles to attend any neutral events, he despised Horde races since Cataclysm and its only gone downhill since then.

That said, I might come and take a look on another character, sadly I have no other monks!

With a month to go, we’d love to see more signups. Don’t be too scared to throw your hat into the ring, you’ve nothing to lose except your IC prestige in martial arts :wink:

This sounds like a lovely idea! Sad that I missed the last 2 tournaments!

Sign me up for attending it, Mao can put aside the faction differences on native soil within any Temple Grounds or the Tian Monastery. Will be a lovely experience too see how other people RP their monks.

A chance to test my mettle against Huojin without causing (permanent) harm to fellow Pandaren? I should very much like to attend, if only to give the crowd a longer show as intermediate.
I’m willing to step back from the fights entirely to referee as well. A quick eye ought to keep the fighters following the rules!


Deedi Dirgefuse signing up for the master’s bracket.

Looking forward to another round of fistycuffs with all the wonderful martial artists

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That’s grand! Feel free to join the discord if you want.

Of course, if anyone out there feels the urge to sign up, please don’t hesitate!

This time, I’m not missing it, nor am I losing.

Sign Zalthan Ironjaw up for the Master bracket. Fistycuff galore it is.


On one hand, yay! On the other hand, we really dearly need some referees! If you’d like to volunteer, I’d like you to poke me in the discord. We use it as a tool to prepare and pre-communicate everything before the event, and on occasion during (i.e. if it’s faster than sending the question through raid, and then somebody needs to poke somebody else for a reason)

Soooo while another intermediate sign up would be great, we’d be psyched to have another referee help us out!


My different orc is one of those referees, if I see any misbehaving then I will eat them.

well, count me as coming.


I’m glad to see Ho could be persuaded.


If you, for some reason, aren’t on the sign-up list, you haven’t yet been successful in communicating where you would like to sign your character up!


Always loved Monk related stuff, one of my favorite themes. Hopefully would be able to be there as another char. :smile:

I’m really looking forward to this! We need more sign ups! Come on people; showcase your martial arts characters! If you have even a bit of interest in Monk-related RP this is a wonderful chance to try it out!

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Alright, looks like we’re coming. Tirei Chieun signing up for the master’s bracket.

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Not sure if I’m reading the rules correctly, but is participation only open to non-monks if they are Pandaren?

A very good initiative for the RP community, looking forward to it meeting new faces aswell as old!