[Pandaria] [Event] 3rd Celestial Fist Tournament

Pandaren-taught fighting styles.


Looking forward to it! Hiyo ain’t a fighter but she’ll be there to watch.

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Change of plans, GM just told me we’ll be busy after all. Remove my signup!

I really adore Pandaren events, its such a great place to have some nice and pleasant events.

Looking forward to this especially to meet everyone.

We’re going around advertising ingame to maximize our outreach but there’s only so much a handful of monks can do. Let me know if you’d like to help out the advertising team in getting word out!


Count me in for the Novice bracket, can’t wait for this!


Fenchuo will surely be there to watch, and possibly provide healing for the fighters. So they can step into the arena with a fresh face!

Hopefully her twin-brother will participate too.

Sign me up for the Master Bracket :slight_smile: Loved the last tournament!


Liususuke’s going for the Master Bracket!

This is just looking better and better!

Nice to see this still going, good luck with it.



Besides personally trying to reach out, we’re trying to entice the participants to help spread the word so we can hopefully double attendance in the coming 2 weeks for the spectators’ sake :panda_face:

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Im ready to come and try my luck this year
Count me in :smiley: (Intermediate Bracket)

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Just under a TWO weeks until the big day! I look forward to seeing both the competitors and spectators. It’s not too late to sign up!

It’s not, you know…

No Kung Fu cows yet? Tc, tc, tc, can’t have that.

Sign this bull up. Intermediate. :muscle: :cow:


From Draenor? :o We don’t mind as long as you’ve read the rules and emote expectations but I strongly encourage you to find a convenient way of phasing to our realm :panda_face:


Im sorry this is kung fu, not kung moo.

Sign me up for the novice bracket!

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If there are still open spots in the intermediate bracket, I would like to participate. Fan Fireblush, ready to brawl!