Paragon Chests and No Mounts?

They were added so that rep wasn’t ‘wasted’ but turned into mount farms. There has been - and still is - so many complaints about paragon mounts.

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I think a fun solution to paragon mounts would be paragon rep that you get with every chest that you collect and spend on the mounts.
That way you have reason to go for the paragon rep, but don’t feel like you’re pushing boulders up hill.


I don’t collect mounts, I get them when I can if I can. I don’t feel entitled to have every mount in the game. Even then this is my EU account and I have played on US much more. This has nothing to do with my post anyways, so good try.

“if you do the task, you should be rewarded, or else why should we do the task?”
This is literally what’s wrong with this game and casuals who think they must have everything this game has to offer.

Paragon chests were never intended to be about the mounts though. Mounts where just reskins they made as one of the many possible rewards for doing it. They forgot how childish the playerbase is.

but I have no doubt they knew the mounts would be the main draw to get the paragon chests.
As this thread shows there are people that have little to no interest in the chests without the mounts.


Gold, resources and crafting materials don’t give a good enough incentive. Mounts, gear and maybe transmog are the best incentives in this game and since you cannot award high level items from trivial world quests the best incentive is mounts.

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yet you have the spider mount, the AH mount, and a couple of trading card mounts. not to mention, like i said, you have some mythic end boss mounts which can be bought with gold. it has everything to do with it cause you are not one of the people effected by it, yet you go about telling us how we should accept it.

how is this whats wrong with the game? how are people like completionists casuals? if the tasks have no reward, why would we do these out of the way things? we would stick to the core few things like we did in vanilla and TBC.


how are people like completionists casuals?

The fact that you still don’t have AOTC even and barely entered mythic Uldir makes you a casual. Not to mention your mentality of “every task should have a reward”.

Also don’t be mad about my gold. I also have 10mil sitting in my bag for carrying people in raid and m+ if you were wondering.

Paragon chests for the mounts was one of the worst things which did happen in this game, I played a lot in the Legion and never received any of such mounts and was exalted with all reps there, and now when I’m on a different server and have a new char there since the reputations aren’t account wide I cant do dailies on my level 120 char for the mounts.


wow Bladepro! you have pretend money in a game?? you must be so proud! (I get similarly excited when Im winning at Monopoly so I totally feel you there!).

Legion paragon mounts were a total fail because they had an appalling drop rate (and yes, Im still farming alot of mine) and also because for the first time the rep mounts were RNG.
Rep mounts should always be available after exalted. I dont mind if they put a mount in the paragon chests for BFA…just so long as it isnt a rep mount!


That’s where you are wrong. Valajar and Dreamweavers had unique models there. Farondis was the first HD hippogryph available to everyone. Nightfallen carpet is probably the only carpet not needing tailoring to use. Moose was fresh model added in late 6.2 (HC archimonde mount) that was no longer obtainable by that point and the other option - the ghost moose - requires profession as well.
The biggest problem was that all those (mostly) unique models were datamined in Legion beta already and players hoped to get their hands on them. Yet, instead of being base exlted rewards for already lackluster factions, they were put behind insane grind - 42000 rep is needed for exalted. Getting mount from 50th chest means 500,000 extra rep - like doing zero to exalted 12 more times over.


First HD hippogryph came from glory of legion dungeon. Moose was a reskin of the leatherworking mount which is extremely easy to get.

i dont raid cause i dont want to and work doesn’t allow it. i progression raided in WotLK but had enough. i help guildies when they are short, which is why i was 0 heroic an hour ago, but i have half of it done now. and my progression of 1/8M is not far behind top on our server, and most other small servers. i’ve made a post on this. so yeah, i dont have AoTC and mythic cause progression raiding does not interest me anymore. pvp is more fun personally.

so by your explination, anyone who has not cleared most or all of Uldir mythic is a casual? and flaunting that you have more than 20M (10M in bag, and other mounts bought for as much. i think your posts are calling you out as someone this does not effect, and have no position on making comment based on experience.


I’m on the most dead server and we still have 1-2 day raiding guilds that have at least 4-5/8m so don’t even start about “progression” or pvp since you have none to speak of.

Anyone who plays this game can comment on the state of it. Mounts are not only intended for “mount collectors” which probably consist of 1% of the player base.

Please stat your source and facts on paragon drop chances i would sooooo love to see them.


Maybe I’ll do it when you hit 351 ilvl or decide to make your profile public LUL

Whats my item lvl got to do with mounts ? And i guess using armoury is to hard for you .
But i guess you are busy trying to be the edgy troll DH who buys all there mounts for gold.


Their mounts*
Maybe if you went to school you would learn to spell or read that I said a better solution would be buffing the drop rates for mounts instead of getting rid of them(lazy and convenient solution for you obviously)

So lazy yeah as i have 4 X the amount of mounts you do without spending the amount of gold you have.


your server’s progression is joint 63rd. mine is 116th. your linked horde server pop is twice what my linked server pop is. i really think you are pulling statements out of your hole now and shows you have no idea what you’re talking about.

so you’re saying that people who barely do mount runs deserve the mounts equal to or more than people who farm them on cd? are you sure you’re not in the tory party you’re doing so many U-turns.

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