Party sync is busy

Whenever I go to party sync this morning I get the error “party sync is busy” and it doesn’t work.


Hey, can you please Bug Report that through in-game Help menu, so devs could get more info? Thanks!

Same message here also. I read it’s happening in the US too.

Sure, can do.

Edit: Done

Same problem here. US is also having the problem. I’ve been wanting to get leveling done all day but can’t.


Any information if it’s being looked at? I actually have friends who’s thinking about coming back due to this feature. There is people who are stuck not being able to quest as they want to wait on each other. I wrote the bug report. Still have the same issue. Any update/information?


Same problem here. :frowning:

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Also been having these issues today just get up that party sync is busy.

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Both me and my GF Having this problem. After some classic we decided to lvl up her druid, then we found out the only major feature we waited is not working. Instant alt+f4

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I am wondering if it’s down because of issues with it in pvp? Just a theory though…


It’s working for me in dungeons… don’t have to sync just queue together.

It’s been over a day now since this wasn’t working for most people. I think it’s a little shocking that a main feature be down for so long with no information why? or if it’s getting fixed? Intentional take down or not? As I said people have subbed just for this feature and it’s not working.


I bet it was taken down intentionally. We had so much fun doing classic dungeons with returning friends, and it was more efficient for me than leveling through BFA. That was when it hit us that they will nerf the living **** out of it. Won’t buy boosts if we have fun and level fast, right?

If they nerf it, it will become a useless feature and people will unsub, There is legit lots of hype about being able to do other stuff with returning friends. If it’s something to do with nerfs to the point that it’s way slower than BFA questing etc. Then the feature is pointless. I personally seen people unsub because they couldn’t be boosted through content anymore as they hate questing at low level. This feature finally added some fun and variety back into leveling. It finally got friends to be able to enjoy something together again at lower level.

As for the scaling issue in pvp, If that’s the reason it’s down. Why don’t they just disable battlegrounds with it and explain to everyone why that part is disabled until they fix it? Some communication would be nice.

So turns out that it’s working for certain servers but not others? It works for some of my characters but the actual ones I want to play with it doesn’t.

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It still works for dungeons… don’t hit the sync button, group up and pick random classic - been doing it today with no issues. Been getting the green reward boxes on the higher character also.

It’s the outdoor sync that isn’t working.

Cannot do quest’s with friends. That feature don’t works even week.

That does work, but we got nice amounts of experience before. Now, almost nothing.

Really? I have been levelling all day fine from it… I guess the xp before was way too much?

I have read people saying they thought it was too fast to level.

Why is it still bugged? And most importantly, why the silence?! Me and my wife were so excited for this feature, and now we can’t play for two days straight.

edit: Also, if they nerf XP gains it’s going to be 100% typical Blizzard ‘fun police’ style, they should have tested this before and/or anticipated that XP gain was going to be increased, for many reasons, but let’s wait and see what happens.


Party sync works again for us and XP gain has been heavily nerfed - as expected. It is almost non-existent now.


Knew they where up to something.

Edit: It’s broke again!