Patch 10.2.7 - Guild Roster Broken

I’ve tried with and without addons … but the guild roster appears to be broken with the new patch.

It is showing different people online, for different people. I logged on this morning and it showed myself and 2 others online … so I was rather surprised when a whole load of other guild members started chatting in guild chat. Different guild members appear to be seeing different people. Some were seeing 4 people, some 11 … one was seeing one of the guild members online with two characters, one could see 15. And then various other reports.

It’s a real pity that Blizzard removed the ability to see the old roster interface … at least that used to report correctly, even when the new interface bugged. Obviously wouldn’t be an issue if the new interface worked all the time … but unfortunately that has never been the case. Fingers crossed the “guild updates” coming with TWW actually fix some of these bugs. In the meantime though, if we could get this issue resolved, that would be great.


Got the same problem here. Only one member online in roster. After some relogs and realm changes it shows everyone in valdrakken.

Update: Just found out. Guild roster is not loading the members that are already online before you joined the game. It shows only the members online that joined after you.

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That can’t be right … I logged in and there were half a dozen already showing as online … they didn’t all just log in at the same time as me

You can only see the ppl that login after you. The ones that are already online you see them as offline. I dont know what new team does blizz have there but with every patch smth that worked before gets broken.

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Same in my guild. Lots of people don’t show, and sometimes they show as being logged on with several alts at the same time, who is just forever afk.

Same problem here, “happy” to see that its not only me. Even installed wow on a laptop that had never had it to get 100% clean installation, but still same problem.
Similar to Zarîano I have also seen that people coming online after me shows in roster. And sometimes this seems to stick when I log another char. I found out that if you log in on another char within 30 seconds you will see the ones that where online on previous char. If you wait 1min they will be shown as offline, so could also be connected to some server sync.
Regardless, super annoying, hope Blizz will hotfix soon!

Extremely frustrating I would say. I am actually getting more and more tilted overtime, it were the same last patch when the chatlog were bugged and “Service” kept being added regardless if you removed it or not and you logged/relogged into being spammed with boosts offers.

Now I cant even see who is rly online unless they write, I keep getting spammed with the “Guild message of the day: …” etc.
Wouldnt be surprised if its related to Remix with the guild situation etc.

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Same here, members show offline but they are right infront of me in-game!

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Thanks for the reports everyone, this is being investigated!


Any update? 3 days in and things seem to be getting worse in retail instead of better!


Do you have an idea of what has caused it? I’m assuming something was changed with the latest patch that had a knock-on effect?

Unfortunately guilds have had an increasingly hard time over the years, having felt very little love, and stuff like this just reinforces that feeling. Would be nice to get some updates (and the occasional warm guild hug :stuck_out_tongue: )

Any updates on this yet? It’s really annoying that I don’t know who’s online in my own guild unless they log on after me

Wakey wakey Blizzard!

Any updates? That’s not a huge game-breaking incident but what are your MTTRs? It’s been 5 days already… Give this some attention instead of developing “endgame” monstrosities like the upcoming abomination of the Delves.

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Some of us might like the idea of Delves :wink: There should be enough people at Blizzard to allow some to focus on bug fixing AS WELL as others focussing on new content. Especially when this bug has so recently been introduced that they should be able to work out what caused it.

If they leave stuff long enough, they end up losing the staff who might have the knowledge to fix things without too much fuss - at which point their choice is either to ignore completely (as they seem to have done with so many other guild issues) or spend excessive time digging through code.

Our guild has the same problem? can it take so long …or do you have much worse problems to solve…

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Even if it not makes gaming impossible, it’s super inconvenient, and affects both the ingame activity and social aspects.
In the past 3 raiding days, instead of rank based auto-inv in the game we had to manually inv, suggest each others to the raid and ask guildies on discord to let us know if we missed any of the signed raiders just because we can’t see them online. It’s also a PITA to plan anything with folks who are not real ID friends, just because you can’t see them online (organize M+ teams etc).

I don’t know what’s more scary, if Blizzard thinks it’s OK to keep the guild roaster broken or if they can’t repair it in a week…

PS: Yesterday night, while was logged in on my main, I’ve seen in the guild tab one of my own alts fighting in Algethar Academy, alongside with friends who logged out after the instance. I see guildmates at locations they had been 3 hours ago. We have 30 online members, but some of us see 8, some other 12 of them. We have members, who are “alone” in the guild.
It’s a diseaster.

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i have never had a bug causing rampage for so long . its been nearly a week this still havent been solved yet . the heck are you doing blizzard?


We should keep reporting this issue ingame until they are resolving it. Did any of you see a blue post about this problem?

A few days ago on this thread … Patch 10.2.7 - Guild Roster Broken - #9 by Tyrskorn

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