Pause button in m+

can u make pause button in m+ dungeons … there is sometimes that ppl wants 1 min break … maybe person gets dc … and some other things can happen


this could work but only if its smth entire group agrees too and happens out of combat


It can work fine, but there needs to be some anti-exploit mechanic like your CDs wont be recovering during paused times etc for example.


Noooo no no no doctor, this will turn M+ into a boring chess game.

There is no need such thing because you practice the dungeons over and over again and after some time, it becomes a flowing river.

Making M+ like torghast with timer is a good idea but pausing a dungeon will drastically change it.


I’d say don’t do m+ if you can’t commit to it.


I think it’s a great idea.
A pause option that does a sort of time freeze effect for everyone including CD’s etc.
That way you can’t abuse it.

Because sometimes internet cuts out, or IRL stuff happens. I’ve had my tank friend have to take a min cos his pizza arrived early.
I’ve had phone calls mid run etc etc.

Maybe have limited pauses, or have each pause count as a player death to punish abuse.


I think the 1 min break… might be something like a phone call or door bell.

Or maybe a loud bang in your house or someone calling for help

your house is robbed? your cat spilled your tea on your pc?? tough luck!! /leaves key

t. avg m+ user


thats some propper bad planning. same with phones, let it ring and call them back after dungeon is over… or did u expect a call? then wait for the call and do dungeon after.

a dungeon takes like 20-40 min. avg 30 min ish. if u cant play for 30 min in one go, you need to fix something.


“Your brother has been in a terrible car accident”

“F you, mum. I’m doing a +5 in plaguefall”


if u expect every call u get or miss to be a bad one, i would practice some zen.


That’s not always an option. You cant just ignore a call from your boss, or elderly family.
If it’s an unknown caller sure.
As for pizza? let’s say you order a pizza, says it’ll get here in an hour. Seems legit got time for a quick run, turns out they show up early. I’m not wasting a pizza for warcraft mythics.

My argument is more, bad things happen happens and you can’t always control that.


Or, you know, accept that real life shoulld always take priority over a video game. There a million things that can happen while you’re in a dungeon, phonecalls, unexpected knock at the door, your wife shouts upstairs that she needs a hand with something, the cat knocks over the drink on your desk, heck, even a bad leg cramp from overdoing it on the squat rack earlier that day.


sure, i just wouldnt play a video game if was was so urgent, i would be ready for life at any moment, problem solved.

As for pizza when it comes is random asf, i know this myself as i some times order it, the 1 hour is more like a max waiting time here i live. it comes from 20min to 1 hour.

And if there is some calls and i ring them back up after 5-20 min, and im not needed more it wasnt a urgerent call. and if something bad happend, me answering wont change what happen, i calll back and comfort after the run.

Thing is, when i play, that is me time, look at it as if u were on work and ur not allowed to use phone, or u shouldnt use a phone, what then? are u a bad person if u arent reachable, should u quit ur job?.

same with ur passion, are u bad if ur bussy? no. and if something happens out of ur controll its not ur fault.

That’s some messed up priorities you have there, my friend.

Each to thier own though.


Why would you ever answer the door in that case?

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Sure you can.

Exactly, but a pause button would help that.

As Palivar said, ya got some messed up priorities my dude.

Reminding me of the old days of the piss jug.


Why wouldn’t you?

You never had a friend or family member stop by randomly? Or a package delivery for the significant other?


Or amazon, they deliver whenever the hell they want.