Pause button in m+

Time off is time off.

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i got a smartphone, if a friend come over, and i dont open door, i would expect them to call me, then i could swap on speaker and speak abit, expain that im ready in 10 minutes. if he drives for 30-min-3 hours and cant wait for 10 min, then he can just go.

It depends though, we talking a random poop key? low stuff where u got plenty of time, is it a high key for all in grp and every one will gain score?.. it all depends.

I know for sure if it was a key that gain me score than the world can be on hold for a moment.

Because the only time someone would come knocking on my door unexpectedly is when people are doing political campaign stuff and going around knocking doors.


No matter how popular this is or not you won’t get a pause button.

It’s not as simple as just freezing the game for the clients of those who are in the dungeon, you’re also asking Blizzard to also stop the servers from making calculations for your dungeon and Blizzard aren’t going to give you options to take control of the back end even if it is for a pause function.

Man, I wish that was viable when I was working care.
Time off is, whenever the boss let’s you. And you gotta pay those bills my dude.

make into two different score types. pause runs vs non pause runs. pausing the run and discussing tacts can be a huge advantage and can be exploited. i like the idea of pause ofc, but it woulld ruin m+

Say you’ll clock in for an hour of pay any time they contact you outside of work hours. If they want you to be available, they should be paying you.

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You should get some laws in your country then to help that.

You’re not allowed to be scheduled for more than 5 says/week here. You can work more if you want but they can’t legally schedule you. So yes, my boss can bite it on my days off or send a text if he needs something.


Getting off topic but that wasn’t an option. And I think if you said that to any employer round here you’re on grunt duty for the rest of your employment. Or fired.
I didn’t mind the pay was good. zug zug.
But we’re getting off topic now.

Back to the subject at hand.

That’s not how that works.
You add a spell effect like the Nozdormu fight, or the time stop when you get shifting fates in shadowlands. Pause the timer from progressing, freeze your character in it’s current state.

Game says, 3…2…1… pause.
Then 3…2…1… go.
Add a death to the timer to make up for possible 2-3 seconds of variable time loss. And don’t let it be used in combat.

Like Dota’s game pause.
It’s not abusable, because the mobs are also frozen, you don’t regenerate hp or mana etc, your CD are on hold bla bla bla.

lets say u mess up a pull, then pause to discuss tact and a better way to make up for the mess, doing this on pause vs non pause is a huge advantage. just nononononononononoononononoonoononono


No, just no. We don’t need another M+ scoring system.

That is not the same as the Nozdormu mechanic.

Its basically what I said but with a 3 second timer on each end.

and we dont need a pause :smiley:

Yer i can see that, but if you put a penalty or limit on pausing it sort of cancels it out.

Like I said, every pause is a death count, or limited pauses. That way you only pause if you need to.

Being able to pause and discuss tactics. Kinda sounds cool to me. Much better and easier on the players than, one whipe. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE quit. Or a player who just doesn’t get the tactics at all.

Then why the awful suggestion? :man_facepalming:

its not my suggestion, but if came, it would need to come with 2 scoreing systems.

Having a premade and puging on pause mode would make having a premade even more luxuriouse, as premades are kinda always on voice and could exploit this to the fullest.

If a pause system comes and there just 1 score system im out.

That was what my comment was referring to…

Blizzard won’t be considering this even if they happen to read the suggestion.

No you were saying about blizard stopping the servers making calculations for your dungeon, control of the back end.

There’s no control of the back end. Scoring is static, with minimal bonus points for being over under. There’s no magic math that runs calculating interupts and dps etc.
It’s just dropping a zone wide debuff, that stops adds, CD’s and the timer.

Unless you were talking about something else, then I apologise for not understanding you.

By having the ability to pause a dungeon run you’re effectively telling the server “we don’t need you to do anything until we unpause” which IS telling the server to stop making calculations for your dungeon during the time the game would be paused. It literally is a controlling function.

In order for that to be possible you need to have the ability to tell the server to stop like I’ve told you. It’s nothing near being the same as a “zone wide debuff”.

I don’t think you fully understand what Blizzard would have to do in order for a pause function to exist, its not something that they would be willing to do in my opinion. The game has actual problems that need resolving.

At the end of the day M+ is what it is, it sucks when people disconnect or have real life stuff come up but its something we all have to deal with.

I won’t say more because it will just involve going around in circles.

Ehhh, yes you can, my free time is my free time, what I do with that time is up to me.

And just because we have mobile phones these days doesn’t mean you have to be reachable 24/7.

That being said, I don’t have a problem with a pause function as long as it cant be abused for some degenerative gameplay, but I don’t see the need either.

I agree, a pause option for those emergencies would be good.

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