Pause button in m+

So you wouldn’t care if you had to drop your run in an M+ because someone else wanted a pause? You’d be happy to say ‘Ah well I can run it all again and hope that nobody else wants a pause!’

Yes of course you wouldn’t care, nope you wouldn’t care at all, no sireee, You’d be so happy to have to run it all over again!!

Well guess what? You’re on your own with that frame of mind!

If a “pause” is implemented (big if), it may be something like this:

  • Teleport all players to “last safe position”. Means the dungeon will need check points.
  • Place a bubble round the players so they can’t wander off. Similar to start of key.
  • Stop the clock
  • Mobs will continue on their merry way without having the server “pausing” them
  • And initiate a ready check to “un-pause” (remove the safety bubble) and resume the clock.
    Just means lose a bit of time to run back to where you were. Consider it as a penalty for pausing.

It is something they should consider. For example Microsoft have just added a pause button to vendor qualifications exams (apparently inspired by European inclusivity requirements) even for exams as short as 30 minutes.

Now a dungeon is not the same as a professional vendor qualification but the same ‘discrimination protection’ could be applied. To me there is no reason why a short break could be agreed (out of combat) for upto 5 minutes. Things happen and many people have physical and mental needs. It is a game for fun after all. (though reading on here you’d think it is life and death.),to%20any%20questions%20already%20viewed.

simply ppl will just wait and timer will pass anyway … and from what i see you dont even know what u are talking about … or u are just trolling … so u will rather fail key than wait 5 mins in pause if it is needed … so question for me … what u do when group will not be able to finish key before u need to go?

So, someone who disagrees with you is trolling? You just can’t make it up honestly!

So you would happily run the entire instance again without worries or complaints, be happy because your time run out due to the pause?

I’d make sure that I have enough time to complete the run, which is easy to do now as there is no pause function!

so 5 minutes will make big change for you ? this kind of keys and ending just by group falling apart anyway so u are losing anyway

Yes five minutes would indeed make a difference, because I respect other peoples time, and needs.

still when wait is needed ppl will wait no matter what … is there pause or not … ppl will need wait if someone gets dc and coming back no matter is there pause or not so u can wait or leave

I wouldn’t like it , a challenge with pause doesn’t fit for me .Learn what u did wrong and don’t repeat .


so game dc? electricity go out for enough to pc restarts ? and similar things u cant change that will happen when they want

talk about thet m plus discord mythic plus friends but cant find way would not be abuse no after talk about after could heppen how players expliot it would simple not work only advice i cen give look players rio and there logs m plus see who run whit only way find out good or not

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