Pause button in m+

Then leave the game if its important! How would you like it if you had to wait for a group member to return when you yourself are short of time?

I never answer phone when i’m busy runing m+ dungeon or doing other stuff the person that wants something from me can call again if it’s important or wait till i will be free.
Ordering food right before you go into m+ is a terrible choice
do it after and say i’m gonna wait till my food arives…or don’t play m+ if you hungry eat first play after
Asking for a 2 minute break so you can smoke a ciggarette is a disrespectful to other people time.
so on and on and on

I’m pro the pause option …
but not because of reasons that can be simply avoided just by being aware person :smiley:

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Cycling, formula 1, triathlon and so on. They dont have a pause function either… in those, if you fall behind, you’re left behind.

Wrong… they “can’t play” because they can’t manage their time. That is not the games fault or other peoples fault.

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still that doesnt mean that they dont deserve to play m+ and have chance to make break if they need … every other part of game u can try right away if u fail … but m+ u need get key back to that level so bcs of 5 minutes u loose at least 1 hour or even more … and u will not lose anything if ppl get option to pause m+

Ranked pvp disagrees with you.

Answer the question, how would you feel if a member of your group needs a break, and your time is short! How would you feel? Would you leave the group if your time runs out?

In short, no pause button, if you want to do an instance, make sure you have the time set aside to do it!

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simply how i will fell … it will be give up or use pause … i will rather pause than give up … and what u will lose if other ppl can do pause … simply if u dont want wait leave and end of story

No it is not, in any way, shape or form!

If you cant organise your time and be respectful to others, then that is a you problem, and not the games!

So, by your reply you would be quite happy to have someone in your group pause the instance, meaning you will now not be able to finish it in time because your time will run out, and you need to be elsewhere?

Are you both seriously and without irony comparing running a dungeon in a video game with professional athletes and sports people doing the job they’re paid to do?


Is there a pause in any other part of the game? No. Should there be one here? No. Get committed people on your timed runs.

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than simply ppl just wait and u can just watch that time is going out … AND IM NOT TALKING ABOUT ISTANCE … IM TALKING ABOUT M+ .

One…stop shouting, you’re making a fool of yourself!

Two…what do you think m+ is? Its an instance!

So you will gladly sit there and watch your time dwindle away to nothing because someone wants to pause, so meaning you wont be able to finish the instance, because your time runs out?

What was i saying about been foolish?

That’s pretty much every debate here as most game based things aren’t really up for debate, most people don’t change their mind.

OP wants a pause button enough they don’t care about any disadvantages. No words will change their mind.

For others the disadvantages aren’t worth it. No words will change their minds.

Comparing it to sports makes it seem like the discussion is progressing.


simply if 5 ppl want to do m+ with pause … they have right to have m+ with pause … and end of story … u cant order other ppl how the will do their own m+ dungeon … do your own dungeon like u want and let others to do how they want and can

Nope, but Blizzard can, and they do, guess you are **** out of luck aren’t you?

I notice you still haven’t addressed the question about how you would feel if you couldn’t finish the instance in the time you have set aside because some other member of your group wants to pause?

Just imagine you need the last boss to drop something you have been after for a long time, and you run out of time before you get there! How would you feel about that?

Are we talking about changing a system that’s working fine for a happening that is possibile once in how many runs? Like 1 in 500? 1 in a 1000 or even more? Is this change truly necessary?

I had very few runs ruined by unfortunate events, we left, we found another key and kept playing. No big harm, no “omg i lost 30 minutes of my so valuable time” drama, we just accepted that sometimes thing like that can happen and moved on.

If a thing works properly is it truly wise to change it (including unthought consequences) for a rarely happening event? My answer is no, but anyone is entitled to his own opinion.

No, im just pointing out the person i responded to was wrong.

Would’nt work without some restrictions since you could just pause before every big pull as a premade pull and perfectly plan it out.

Maybe like 1 Pause per key for 2 minutes or so would be fine.

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simply nothing will happen … simply u care about finishing key … u dont care about doing key in time … and u care just that u get item … but how they will get back key to that level u dont care at all

Build it into the ready check, if everyone replies with the same respone the timer gets paused along with the dungeon.