Pause button in m+

I think a pause button would soon turn into a lets stop and discuss how to tackle this.

I don’t think it would be wise considering the entire format is that you are up against the clock.


be more responsible with ur time.

in case of extreme emergencies just type it chat and leave key.

highly doubt extreme emergencies happen that ofen, for the rest, be responsible for your time and yourself

Even MOBAs have a pause function in tournament mode. Yeah, there’s a moderator to check for abuse, but then again, M+ isn’t a tournament with RL money on the line. Can’t see how imiting the pauses to a certain (short) amount or duration would hurt.

The timer is there to push the people into playing efficently - requiring damage and coordination, not to punish people for RL happenings.

Lets just pause for c/ds
Lets pause to coordinate what we are going to do here

I’ts not how the game is intended to be played.


Won’t help with its executon and that’s what it’s all about. And cds of course should be put in stasis during the pause, as people suggested above. Again, a limited amount of pauses won’t hurt, they’re just human. If they even go along with some form of punishment (like an added death - as also suggested by others) this will prevent people from abusing it in high keys, and lower keys don’t matter anyway.

But yeah, let’s value statistics over being a little more social in this game. Has done so well for it in the past…

It means you can strategise on the go by pausing, it’s a huge abuse.

i pref the way it is atm, meaning non pause, i had runs been ruind by dc,phones or other random stuff as well from my pugs. But still i do not want a pause, it will ruin m+.

Much of the pleasure for me and other the way it is now from m+ is that you play good and can do higher keeys eyc, if u add pause u willl ruin m+ charm.

That beeing said, i wouldnt mind if they added a non m+ dungeon, just as hard as a 20 or 25, that was without timer, that droped decent loot etc, but dont ruin m+

Rather than ruin M+ with timers,

Add a new Ultimate dungeon, unlocks if you time 20s. for each dungeon you time at 20, you can unlock a ultimate dungeon, it gives super good gear and is i dont know in terms, but some place betweeen 20-25 in difficulity. and it drops mythic raiding ilvl kinds of gear and it has a weekly cd per dungeon. items are non tradeable and you can only get 1 loot a week per dungeon and all loot comes at end of dungeon.

Or ultimate dungeons could drop tokens/shards so you can buy raiding gear from the new vendor.

omg this is amaizng, give me power xD

You coulld even add a option to turn off loot. so you get a msg when u raid or when u enter ultimate dungeon, Doing ultimate dungeon will prohibit you from gaining raid loot.
and same from raids, if you do raid u cant get ultimate loot for that week, this is to counter overgearing and also to make it fair for non raiders. gief gief :open_mouth:

Yeah… no, lets not do it. It will change M+. People are going to pause before every pack…


Again, won’t be possible with a limited amount of pauses and won’t be worth it if there’s a penalty like a death count - at least not in higher keys where every second counts and low keys don’t matter for anything important.

You have to add a lot of death count though for not making it worth it.

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So what? We were talking about emergencies that would otherwise ruin a key because of something happening off screen. Worth it.

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every one supporthing this has no m+ done or rather low score.

come on, there is tons of ppl timing keys and puging keys atm without a issue from +2-atleast 27 in pugs!. how come this works for some, how come we havnt asked for a change and dont want a change. dont ruin m+

But it it not going to be used for emergencies only. It is going to be used for tactics all the time.

And i just googled a high NW, found the +29 of a top team. 13 deaths. On high keys every second matters but there are often quite some deaths.

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Don’t talk as if M+ belonged to you. It doesn’t. Adding human things to the game won’t ruin it, it would most likely only get more people to enjoy it. But I know, the later is a concept many people don’t understand anymore. Case closed for me.
Even Henry Cavill missed a call because raid was much important


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still key should not be broken bcs of real life troubles … and dc can happen to anyone at any time … maybe not often but still can happen

Truth be told, in keys 15 and lower going AFK for five minutes should not break the key.

If it is anything longer than that then you have higher priorities to be concerned about than breaking your key.

Emergencies are, normally, a one off thing. If it happens frequently then there is something seriously wrong with one’s life, which they should focus on first.

I am not sure if we really need a pause option for something that happens like once in a million runs.

I’d rather they get rid of the level going down than they introduce a pause button.

I only play tank and I never answer my door or order pizza, so if someone else goes AFK the rest of can keep playing.

Plus what if someone gets a pizza delivered mid boss? Tentacle slam about to go out and someone pauses to go grab their 'za.

exactly this is game for everyone not just for elite … and game is for fun … and it is not raid where if u wipe u will just do pull again … simply that u can pause bcs next key will get lower if u dont time it … phone call u can ignore but some other things like dc or really u want 1 min break in the middle … and also if u dont want pause in the game no one will force you… and when u use pause button that u have at least 10 seconds pause button timer or even 20 seconds before pause i active that u cant abuse for any planning if u do over pull or anything like that and that after u unpause u have like some time before u can pause again

If something is so important that it needs your immediate attention, then it was probably worth failing a timed run.
It’s just a matter of priority

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