PC Keeps crashing while playing Classic

Alright so my PC is around a month old and contains very high end components, I9 9900K 2080 Super 16GB RAM, ASUS PRIME Z390-A but there seem to be a problem i seriously cant figure out, my PC randomly reboots /crashes and these crashes only seem to happen while playing WoW, i can play other requiring games without any issues, i have all drivers up to date including windows, no sign of overheat according to HWMonitor… please help before i go crazy.

I should probably also add that this doesnt happen 24 / 7, it hasnt happened for around 3-4 days but just today out of the blue it started happening, tried everything i found online and i really cant see its a problem with my hardware and rather a issue with WoW classic in particular.

Heya Imisstbc, sounds like a bit of an odd issue for sure. I think at this stage we will need to gather up some system files from you so we can take a closer look.

Once you have those files made, copy them into Pastebin and share the link in your reply. To post the link, use the pre-formatted text button which looks like </>

I had something similar. My pc did not crash or anything, but the start was very problematic. Sometimes i had to restart like 5 times to get to my desktop. And even then half the time it was frozen.

The problem was my SSD. It had “DevSleep” active, which is hardcore bad for day to day use. (I dont even know what that is exactly, just that its bad). With a bit of help from a friend i completly wiped my drives, took out the two of four which had DevSleep active and only installed the other two, one with a clean windows. No Problems whatsoever.

It may be the same case for you? You can check with a program like CrystalDiks Info. Just start it and you see a field with “properties”. S.M.A.R.T, APM, NCQ, TRIM are normal and okay, but DevSleep is the bad one. If you have that on your windows drive it may be the problem.

Sorry for not getting back, but since the problem hasnt happened since the last post i havnt felt the need for it, i tried the cleaning UI thing where u deleted cache etc, no crashes so far. I decided to try to give u the system files here but i have NO clue if i did it right, just looks like a mess to me XD
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

Hey there Imisstbc, thanks for the update!

While checking your system files I noticed you seem to have a couple of overlays running, specifically nVidia share and the Windows Game DVR features.

Both can cause the WoW client to crash, with the Classic client being the one more frequently affected. Should the crashes start again, I would like to ask you to consider disabling both, you can find details on how to so do here:

On the same topic, I would suggest you to also check your Discord settings to ensure the related in-game overlay is disabled as well :slight_smile: