PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

In the first few lines, I want to apologize if I’m too wordy and emotional, but this long-running conflict breaks my heart.

So the prequel to the problem, I believe, is well known to everyone. There is PCU and there are some anti-PCU guilds that do not want to interact with anything related to PCU events. And there are a lot of ordinary players, like me, who really do not ask or wonder if a person is from the PCU or not and just want normal and fun RP. I do not want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the PCU, I want to talk about the harm that the conflict brings.

The problem is that anti-PCU people are RP in law enforcement guilds in Stormwind and the RP militaries in Silvermoon City, and they are ignore crimes committed by the chars from PCU.

Imagine - somewhere in Stormwind, the Defias, or the Scarlets appear or Sylvanas Loyalists appear somewhere around. They injure or kill several characters, take hostages, the inhabitants of Stormwind (not part of the PCU - just ordinary players) react to this, an adventure or detective RP begins, but after that some guard, spy or the military detachment that already was involved in all these events for some time says "Oh, this is PCU! " and leaves from the middle of the event.
And this is repeated every bloody time.
Guys, can you imagine how the ordinary players should feel in all this?

This happens on the Horde too, just less of it. Some of the players in Silvermoon City, for example, Paladins, Death Knights flatly refuse to defend their homeland from the Damned or Sylvanas’ Loyalists, just because the PCU mainly plays for these factions
Can you imagine how stupid it looks and how hard to RP there for players who do not interested in these OOC conflicts?

And one more problem. All this anti-PCU guilds consider themselves to be more correct, anti-toxic, better players than the PCU, but the problem is that they now prefer to play only social games - weddings, birthdays, balls, meeting at Stormwind Keep and xome close events, but do not react to incidents and murders in open RP.
Yesterday in the magic quarter there was a murder of a void-elf and about 3 BLOODY HOURS 10 people tried to call at least one of the guards. (City Watch and City Centry, as I know, were far from the scene). The rest of the law enforcement guilds (Although there were definitely about 20 representatives of the servants of the law and spies nearby) gathered in a nearby tavern a hundred feet from the corpse and celebrated or discussed something. They witnesses shouted and run around. But no servant of law react on that. You know, it took three hours to wait for the arrival of the guards, and I think that all the players who took part in the RP were tired - the corpse, the murders, witnesses and other players.

I know the claims that some guys in Stormwind are made against PCU, but at least a year ago, when they controlled the guards, when a crime was committed, the guards appeared within five minutes, there were constant patrols and it was very fun to play crime RP.

To be honest, many players like me who want to interact with open world cannot just RP normally in all that. It turns out that in order to RP normally, you need to isolate and quietly play only with your guild. It is very sad.

And it seems to me that in case of problems in Blizzard and a general outflow of players, these stupid conflicts should be resolved - otherwise RP on Argent Dawn will become completely impossible. And I think if we want to keep the community, we need to be friendly and ready to RP with each other.


While I get where you’re coming from, people do have the right to interact with whoever they want in the end, PCU or not. If somebody is uncomfortable with X or Y person, or said community, they don’t have to get involved.


They are in their rights, yes. But! When these people and guilds occupy key positions in a RP world that are required a lot of interactions in open RP and they may occasionaly face ANY players who, for example, are in PCU with their alts, it becomes a real problem. :frowning:

(And honestly, I don’t know how to solve this problem, because after RP with the players from both sides, I can say that there are a lot of misunderstandings, far-fetched and myths, in addition to random real grievances )

Perhaps the guys from the PCU can offer from their side some solution what to do and how to change the public opinion, because all I see - Argent Dawn more and more is divided into many closed social guilds who don’t interact with strangers


Just join the PCU then, they aren’t the ones instigating this dumb tribalism at this point and are just RPing.

Even better, just disregard the bad faith actors who are treating these server politics as some platform for influence and ingame power. The PCU does its own thing and generate RP regardless of the inane bollocks of those who are actively antagonizing them.


They didn’t control guard RP and never strived to be the defacto Guard Guild. They simply created their guild and did their own thing from that point onwards regardless of whether the Community #21-aligned FOTM Guard concept approved or not. They just RPed as Stormwind Footmen and continued doing so regardless of the OOC politics behind the largely moronic Law and Criminal RP drama and struggles.


I’m not worried about myself. I am worried about the toxic atmosphere on the server that get worse. I witnessed one conflict in Duskwood, when players who were not familiar to each began to accuse others of being part of the PCU, and to insult them because they “used too many emotions.” No one from them did not belong to the PCU, by the way.

Such a situation is abnormal and already looks like a persecution mania.

Add: Sorry, that was not the correct term. I meant that then all three guilds of the guards were in normal RP contact with the PCU, and at least they somehow reacted to what was happening in the city and around. And all players could play normally, albeit not without conflicts

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That is sad and stupid…but really what can you do? Just try to be open yourself and hope for the best. I can immagine that it is worse in stormwind because of the all the random walk up rp there, but really how do you think this can change? We are in the wilds of the internet and some people will always hate the big group.


They’ve tried, and it didn’t stick. At this point, I reckon the folks in the PCU just wanna have cool RP rather than deal with inane grudges.

Yeah this is common.
I can let you in on a secret and tell you that you’ll extremely rarely if ever at all see crimes by actual PCU RPers in Silvermoon or Stormwind, it’s all one big bag of paranoia because these people have worked themselves into a frenzy over hearsay.

An exception being the riot events from a while ago. But you know what the local guard guilds did when they didn’t just get handed the reins over that event?

They skipped town 'til it ended. Luckily, some wonderful RPers stepped up to play the role of city guards in their stead.

On top of that, there’s also the simple truth that Stormwind guard RP has an enormous magnetism for people that don’t actually want to RP Stormwind guard. They want to be important, have a fancy title, some authority. But outside of the Watch and Sentry, most of them aren’t even human characters. That wouldn’t be special enough, so you have a void mage ren’dorei or a draenei vindicator as a city guard for incomprehensible reasons.


I mean, are we sure the Velf murder was PCU?

Just be weird to leave that sort of thing up to the masses without other PCU guilds there (like their own guard guild)

Feels like as Tehya says;

The federation of evil are at it again!


I know for sure it was not PCU but some random murder (but there were evidences that connected with noname Scarlets so I think some people may deside it somehow connected with PCU and ignore all because of it) And PCU guards (as I know) were not called by truly random witnesses to the scene of the crime (I do not know it was by accident or intentionally)

I don’t know what is worse - ignoring the incidents in the city because of paranoia or because the guards do not want to play the guard RP with some random people, or because guards are too occupied in social RP drama

Truly our fame preceeds us.


ngl I think Blizzard are the main culprit where RP decline is concerned.


true, but conflicts within the gaming community take a control shot to the head.

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looks at Night Elves
No lore is good lore… no lore is good lore… :cold_sweat:


It’s dumb and cringe. Some people need to stop treating RP OOC as some sort of pseudo high school.

Thats some high levels of perroynoia.


There really isn’t one, I’ll give anyone who approaches me the benefit of the doubt but the anti us folk are deadset on ignoring us entirely based on the community we’re a part of and lets be real, speaking from a personal perspective; if they hate me so much over the community I’m a part of, even tho I’ve never met, heared of, or spoken with them. Why would I want to start knowing them?

The PCU is pretty self sustaining, a lot of people and plenty of creative souls who are great at setting up narratives for the rest to enjoy and interact with. They can keep frothing at the mouth until the end of time about us but honestly the PCU would just keep doing its own thing.

I empathize with you, but (again personal perspective) nothing short of a miracle will stop them from hating us and nothing short of a miracle will move the PCU into reaching out to the ones that hate it because of how self sustaining it is.

Very much an unstoppable force vs immovable object kind of story


As Vaxir said, it’s up to the people involved to determine who to role-play with. There are good reasons if some group wants to avoid another and I believe we should respect that.

I find the whole “there have been misunderstandings” rather inconsiderate. We’re speaking of years-long feuds whose best solution to date has been avoiding each other. It’s not just grudges and misunderstandings, but a difficulty in reconciling different approaches to role-play and fairness.


I do admittedly have this weird- dodgy feeling about those who boycott the PCU. It comes off childish to me. In life, in work, ect. An important trait to learn is to be civil and get along with people, even if we don’t like them, be civil. It just comes off extremely immature to block an entire community with -so- many Rp’ers nowadays. Who could then, ya’ never know, if given a chance become a great friend, or a great RP experience.

Furthermore I find it even more odd, for those who so easily and willingly cancel the PCU because it doesn’t effect them, cancelling 'em over something small. And then, with recent events go: “Oh but cancelling WoW isn’t the way to go?” - It’s just a level of irony and a lack of self-awareness that makes me real cautious of those people who’d block PCU in a heartbeat.


I can guarantee you that if all the PCUbad-heads had a sudden and genuine change of heart, no one would have any issue letting bygones be bygones and RPing. It’s the pandaren way. Nobody gives a damn other than the high schoolers working themselves up to begin with.

But we all know those folks aren’t likely to develop a sense of introspection any time soon.