PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

This is just some of it, by the way:

So, in essence, they called me an ERPer/accused me of being one because if you disagree with the PCU, you have to be an ERPer. That’s unironically the only argument they ever raised when I asked for evidence.

And of course, they never had any because I do not, and never have, ERP’d. And when they realized it was a sinking argument that made them look bad, they just resorted to other tactics, many of them spreading the rumor that I do not RP at all, therefore I don’t belong in the community, to the point that some forum-goers were surprised to find out that I do, in fact, RP.

The posts I’ve linked are the defamation related to ERP and is far from being all of it. But I think that is enough, yes?

You know what evidence they had about me being an ERPer? Zero. Their whole argument was “if you are against the PCU, you have to be an OOCer or an ERPer” and after the ERPer argument didn’t sink in, they proclaimed I do not RP, therefore I do not represent the community. That is how low this community will sink in to get their way.

Mind, this did not happen in a random discussion – as you can see, these things kept going on for a while in different threads over a good time period.

Edit. An apology would be nice Lleyaera, by the way.

Because it is what is happening. “Gamers are mature ADULTS” doesn’t exactly ring true to me but ok.