PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

But Sabelon. We can’t have our own thoughts and opinions, we MUST be part of the hivemind!


Drone #456378, do not refer to Project: HIVEMIND. Correction incoming…


I can tell you (with absolutely no bias, and that’s only because I’ve been huffing the PCU Fumes™ this afternoon and I’ve been wired several Dogecoins just now) that there is no hivemind and you need to attend reconditioning.

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There is no hivemind.

Back to work citizen.


Bro, you’ve been scammed

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There’s no way I’ve been scammed. I bought them when they were high and I’m gonna sell them when they low. That’s how you win.


RE: the bygone be bygones debate, as someone who has been doxxed several times and had personal information leaked willy nilly as an epic gotcha for being part of the PCU I have absolutely 0% interest in forgiving or forgetting the insanity perpretated by the anti-pcu crowd.


I know - if you’d read my post, you’d have seen that I acknowledge that the makeup of the PCU has shifted towards guilds with their own GMs. At the PCU’s foundation and for some time afterwards, almost all of the guilds were held by Perroy, with the work of running them outsourced to officers. There was a hullabaloo when one of those officers asked for GM rights in the guild he’d been building up for Perroy for months, and the request was shot down.

I think that naming a roleplay community after yourself (and directly owning most of its avenues of communication - guilds, servers etc) is inherently taking implicit credit for it.

I can’t make you assign credence to any of my accounts of the PCU’s origins, and if you don’t believe I was once a confederate of Perroy’s who was privy to his reasoning, then there’s nothing I can do to make you believe it.

For what it’s worth, the Discord call went on for several hours. I’d made a crude comment about the PCU in AD/D, Perroy’s Discord server which I modded at the time, and I was summoned into a private call to be admonished / brought around to the idea of the PCU. This was in the later patches of Legion, because I remember my character was in the Vindicaar, but I don’t remember exactly when.


No actually you wait for Elon to tell you when to sell. Much like PCU tells their people to do certain things :^)

This is just some of it, by the way:

So, in essence, they called me an ERPer/accused me of being one because if you disagree with the PCU, you have to be an ERPer. That’s unironically the only argument they ever raised when I asked for evidence.

And of course, they never had any because I do not, and never have, ERP’d. And when they realized it was a sinking argument that made them look bad, they just resorted to other tactics, many of them spreading the rumor that I do not RP at all, therefore I don’t belong in the community, to the point that some forum-goers were surprised to find out that I do, in fact, RP.

The posts I’ve linked are the defamation related to ERP and is far from being all of it. But I think that is enough, yes?

You know what evidence they had about me being an ERPer? Zero. Their whole argument was “if you are against the PCU, you have to be an OOCer or an ERPer” and after the ERPer argument didn’t sink in, they proclaimed I do not RP, therefore I do not represent the community. That is how low this community will sink in to get their way.

Mind, this did not happen in a random discussion – as you can see, these things kept going on for a while in different threads over a good time period.

Edit. An apology would be nice Lleyaera, by the way.

Because it is what is happening. “Gamers are mature ADULTS” doesn’t exactly ring true to me but ok.

I assume you didn’t bother reading past 1st sentence, so cool - I won’t bother trying to prove you wrong then

A lot of text, not a single evindence of slander, just some name calling, ok.
Guess he calling the rest of us toxic is also slander now, since it kinda fits in the same category.

Skimming through this thread and seeing someone say he sat through ten hours of Perroy supposedly ranting about how he wants to control the server so his roleplay won’t be inconvenienced is incredibly funny, but also a bit worrying in that ChrisChan paranoia kind of way.

Zaphius my man, it’s okay to not like Mortsteth. I don’t like him either. You can just say that and it’s fine rather than needing to go through the complicated loop of “the PCU slander me” which muddies your original point anyway.

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They asked for evidence and stated that I’d be a liar otherwise, I offered it.

edit. And mind, it’s not just Morsteth - there’s Tehya, Bloodshroud, Megnarosh, Stoneguy, and others (or whatever their names are). These people are not disagreeing with me in a rude way, they are spreading false informations about me.

And who in the PCU stated “that’s not cool bro”? Everyone allows these things to happen - and I’m sure from what I hear, not just in my case.

Hey, I once sat through a 12-hour RP trial in which my character was ultimately just shot in the back in the end. I guess I’m a sucker for excessively long AD-related happenings.

I would’ve appreciated the ChrisChan comparison before Friday.


You could’ve also stopped after typing “I don’t like Morsteth” and instead went on to explain yourself for 20+ posts. So what’s the deal here? If you wish to throw your fancy vocabulary into the forums, do it in some story thread perhaps.

its ok you’re the good kind of mf

God I wish that were me

So you made a pointless statement

For the future, just word your posts less duplicitous :relieved: :+1:

Grim Gest, Ronin, Red Venturers, Dustpaw Caravan, Eternal Sisterhood, Ebon Onslaught, Requiem of Sorrow, Aparoshe Stampede, Ardent Pursuit, Cleft of Shadows and Holy Order of Lordain however are not controlled by Perroy

Crazy how that be

Why you think that all the other guilds he designed, created and backs up by an overarching narrative are also " controlled " by him is a problem I fail to see