PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

That’s sort of the point.

There’s three ways forward from here, concerning the problem that this thread was made about.

  • Live and let live. Some people just don’t want to play with each other and that’s okay. This might make it difficult for the people who want to play with everyone, but that can’t be helped.
  • Everyone on every side lets bygones be bygones, which just isn’t going to happen. Grudges don’t disappear that fast and no one is interested in putting in the effort required to mend these rifts. Who can blame them?
  • One group comes out on top and has the support of the greater community. Roleplaying with the other group becomes verboten, thanks to relentless bullying and peer pressure. As no one wants to roleplay with the ostracised group anymore, the problem’s solved.

The first route doesn’t solve the problem, the second is inconceivable and the third is abhorrent. So, I personally think that the best way forward is to just live with this relatively minor problem, which only impacts a small group of people.

PCU dismantling their ‘brand’ would go a long way toward terminating the stigma and reuniting the realm.

I’ve had many people relate their negative experiences with the PCU in the past, and they largely seemed focused around a select group of people. Pretending nothing happened isn’t helping anyone, I don’t think.

Moreover, I -firmly- believe that the only two things preventing the server unity I mentioned above, are the brand, and the unwillingness of the reviled (quoting what I have been told) to apologize for their misdeeds.

Kill the brand, have the people in question post an apology, and watch the divide disappear. If the incidents of the past don’t repeat themselves, that is.

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And thus kill the RP of 350+ people

Maybe no


Not at all. Just terminate the ‘PCU’ bit. Why would the guilds have to shut down?

the ‘PCU’ bit is the bit that gives these guilds good cohesion and co-ordination and lets them pop off with drama-free large-scale events.

Throwing that on the sacrificial altar (not to mention that it won’t work as you envision anyway) is gonna be a heavy hit to any guild with high involvement in the PCU.

On top of that: Why would the PCU have to be the one to make that step? They’re the ones just moving forward and RPing. The people in paranoid frenzies witch hunting for PCU members where there are none should be the ones getting their stuff together.


If you think a namechange matters, you really don’t understand how schizophrenic most of the people with “Anti-PCU” in their TRP are. Case in point, half the people professing to be harassed in this thread note that they aren’t even IN the PCU.

My final post on these forums. I truly have achieved divinity.

The ‘PCU’ bit is not at all the thing that gives the guilds good cohesion and coordination. The community would remain. The Discords would remain. It wouldn’t be a hit to anything but the group identity that has become synonymous in most people outside of that group with badrp. Not even necessarily IC, but OOC. The fact of the matter is that most people outside of the PCU do not want to engage with the PCU. That is the reason for the divide.

As for why they would have to be the one to make that step! Well, this entire segregation started with people slowly but surely being driven away by practices of the OG Rotgarde and so forth. You were there, you know what transpired. Even if the more publicly-known stuff is exaggerated, issues arose across a wide variety of guilds and players. It’s not some blind witch hunt, nor is it a paranoid frenzy. Certain members of the PCU have behaved in a way that other people found unappealing, to the point where they effectively decided to outright ignore the PCU. I can tell you that a lot of the people I know would be hard-pressed to ignore someone’s RP, unless it was inherently absurd.

Meanwhile, I haven’t seen any acknowledgement of that on the PCU side of things. Every time someone brings the issue into question, the post either gets dismissed or laughed off as insignificant. Or, it gets swamped and buried.

To answer your question; they don’t have to, but they can. It would cost them nothing, and they refuse to.

With the fever of 69, I disperse into the aether. Farewell.


Dude, tell me what you are smoking. I gotta have some too. Why on Azeroth would we dismantle the last bastion of proper organized RP.


I’m proud of u for achieving your goal.

Then absolutely nothing changes

Can you forward me the statistics on this

Once again, please hook me up

no i’m a BfA baby. I’ve not once seen the rotgarde do anything unreasonable nor have I seen screencaps of such

The OP very much confirmed that it actually is this, because the paranoia is all centralized in places where the PCU barely if ever at all goes.

Simply incorrect.


Sounds like; “he said she said, 2nd hand information” again.

Dude is in Howl of Thoradan can’t be good faith

howl of thoradone posting on these forums

Just post on Venn mate

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That dude is not right but pcu is hardly the last bastion. Dont forget Lordamere Rangers and other northern guilds that provide fantastic rp

I can’t believe you bothered to read 400+ posts TBH.


Because it’s always someone’s former friend’s cleaning maid’s father’s sister’s niece’s classmate’s tennis team member’s father who has the bad experiences. Or even better, the “[Vague thing] did happen, I have logs, but I won’t share them because I respect the privacy of the individuals involved.”

If you approach an officer with firm info and perhaps even screenshots, action will be taken.

“Hello mr. PCU officer, one of yours was jumping around Stormwind on an alt and saw us roleplay. He got into the middle, mounted up and disrupted our RP. Here’s a quick screen, don’t really have videos man, but I tried my best.”

We too would like a community where others take action on stuff like this, whether they are an RP guild or OOCers.

It’s just that half these accusations are either made up or happened in 2014.


This is always such a cop-out.
Like don’t even bring it up then…:weary:

Wow I’ll show myself out shall I! ;D

(Not that any of my RP is organised, I couldn’t arrange a piss up in a brewery IC)

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You wormhole’d me onto the rooftop of a brewery if that counts.

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Why should anyone bother. And why should anyone do anything else beyond…

…what you have just said. In all the years Ive been in the PCU, I have heard about the crimes of the PCU on Discord, in game, on forums, on Facebook, on Twitter. And when the question came to provide names, screenshots, anything at all, there was just a deafening silence. Over and over. The pattern repeats itself and its simply because of empty parroting and delirious fabrications of people who know nothing about what they are talking about but want to appear like they are in the know, that they have the scoop.

Its been increasingly difficult to provide the benefit of the doubt, and I can pinpoint the exact point in time when I simply had to stop. It was on the fateful day of when an Orc named Bloodchortle (see what I did there? I actually said a name of someone I am going to talk about) proudly stood in Org at Valley of Strength and started going on about how he was doxxed and that he has the proof. Naturally, this amassed quite the audience. The PCU came to witness the deterioration of this man, RPers outside of the PCU were watching him going on and on and even random people without TRP3 profiles came to check it out. That man had the audience and he had their attention, and everyone was saying the same thing: post the proof.

Guess what, he didnt, logged off and my ability to give the benefit of the doubt to people like him, you and everyone else has died of exhaustion. Congrats, by your own doing the only thing I can now say when met with something like what you have just laid down is: you lie.

Congrats on 6 9 haha funne