PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

Pretty much. He shows up like once in-game, apart from being a raid boss, shadowing Garry.


Yeah, i think from the scenario… dagger in the dark?

Which you only got to if you did the war bit in Krasserang for so many weeks.

Malkorok also bombed Razor Hill Tavern to kill off a Forsaken and Blood Elf as they were reminiscing for showing disloyalty towards Garrosh.

He walked in, acknowledges them both, leaves.


wish we had seen like any of it in game :pray:

I’ll be straight with you given the ESO talk and people thinking about giving it a go.

Despite all the :poop: given to Shadowlands lore, y’all are in for a surprise when you start to read the meta lore of Elder Scrolls. Deeper you read, the worse off you’ll be and I say this as a life long Elder Scrolls fan.

Shadowlands is actually remarkably well written and coherent in comparison to the deep lore of Elder Scrolls. ESO is fairly grounded in its story and that makes it one of the better games in the series next to Daggerfall – don’t @ me, it’s true and you know it. You didn’t understand Morrowind and you’re too afraid to say it out loud because everyone’s supposed to love Morrowind.

And don’t get me started on Kirkbride’s work where nords paint their shields with wasabi so they can lick it to neutralise [magic mushroom drug] farts of invisible space whales and Ayrenn is a time travelling mining forklift from a cyberpunk moon colony who gained sentience and travelled to the Second Era to become the Queen of the First Aldmeri Dominion. People who love C0DA have no idea what the frick Kirkbride is trying to say. Not even Kirkbride knows since he admitted he went on such a decade long bender of drugs and alcohol that he doesn’t understand himself what he wrote during his psychotic episode and his writing was a cry for help and everyone who pretends to love C0DA is just too deep for them to give up after years of sunken cost trying to decipher what the Jills are meant to symbolise.

Shadowlands is like reading Shakespeare in comparison


Or a quick dunk in the Southfury River.

What a fool you are. I’m a god. How can you underestimate a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive?

Jokes aside, that’s a wild statement to make. I admit there’s pieces of lore new to me every time I play through Morrowind but I don’t think its story of artificial divine ascension, chim and profane divinity is too high level. I actually consider it very well-written and I have great respect towards Bethesda for maintaining the mystery around certain details of their lore. A confirmation of what happened at the 2nd Battle of Red Mountain would be similar to an Elune reveal, demolishing long-built and long-lasting mystery in a vague attempt to stir the pot.

Good lore. 10/10.

People supporting Shadowlands lore and comparing it to Shakespeare are the same people who refer to Avengers & Marvel as the “American Mythos” and the “Mythology of the American people comparable to that of the ancient Greek”.


Yeah, I was with you until Morrowind. It really isn’t that complex (imo), but maybe then I really am misunderstanding it.

The last thing I remember hearing about ESO lore was a dust-up about books written from a different era being present in the 2nd, due to some, what, timey-wimey dungeon shenanigans? In comparison to Shadowlands that sounds like a dream. Then again, C0DAheads are surely their own barrel of monkeys to deal with.

Guess it’s down to FFXIV’s story after all. . .

Awschually, the concept of an “American Hero” and the Superhero is a uniquely american mythological concept expressed through their peculiar nationalistic zeal and wrapping it in ancient hero tropes of larger than life figures standing above the masses and slaying the monsters that threaten them. As a psychological reflection of wartime anxieties in a culture perpetually at war with something or someone, americans certainly have a mythos.

And that’s without going into the outright religious treatment of the founders, the erasure of their flaws, fabrications about their virtues and the constitution as an inerrant divinely inspired document despite at the same time fiercely defending amendments to the document.

But is it in any way equivalent or on par with greek myth? Oh dear gods no. If you want some really wacky national myth building, look into romanian protochronism and what the north macedonians say about the small country being the source of all Western culture including christianity.

It’s not that complicated but the simplicity is made richer by ambiguity and deliberate holes in the narratives presented around it.

More like devs copypasting text from one game to another not paying attention to what was in the book because they wanted more books.

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When I was still RPing with the PoG gang I enjoyed hanging out with everyone in the community. In my opinion, that’s the best way to enjoy the game. Focus on the RP with all the people, not some weird OOC feud. :frowning:

still didn’t stop some random stranger trying to spread around we were PCU just because we were antagonists


PCU are not the ones forcing you to pledge an allegiance to either side and personally I 'm not affected by what you like or see

These social leeches would still call you PCU even if the PCU disbanded and everyone quit overnight or they’d just find another stick to measure you with

In spite of this you still pointing your spear at us just looks weird and disingenuous

The only power these guys have over you is the power you give them, do with that what you will.


Seems like good mystic cosmos lore to me.

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Oh? You’re a fan of metaphysical TESlore? Name every drug-fueled lore dream.


Well its lucky the majority of what Kirkbride came up with isn’t actually Elder scrolls canon then?

The most metaphysical ES stuff is Chim, Zero-summing, Amaranth (which idk if is even canon) and The Godhead (which is literally just the classic lovecraftian “sleeping god that will end the world if it wakes up” trope)

And the best stuff? All the crazy metaphysical stuff, completely and utterly detached from the rest of the lore, even Vivec the Chimmer himself isn’t really attatched to the metaphysical stuff besides Chim.

I’m surprised you even replied to be honest, their response showed they were here in bad faith.

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Me too but at the same time I’ve seen the other side and know how bad it was with bad actors constantly trying to convince you who is bad and who is good.
More of a, in case it’s someone who has really had nothing to counterbalance what they heared up until now. even tho there’s a high chance it’s just bad actor #85124

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Tbh TES writers blow WoW writers out the water, if TES were like WoW there would be no mystery left, Akavir would be split up between the three factions, all the daedric princes and divines would be perma dead Sovngarde and Aetherius would have been conquered by now and we would all be on Dwemer spaceships(they would have returned) fighting Anu and Padomay with giant Dwemer lazer cannons.
edit: also no one really takes any of Kirkbrides stuff serious, his writing is ridiculous I dont know anyone who really adhers to it.


Arthas after the Culling be like


You’re not wrong.

I just particularly enjoy the tribunal sermons that read like proper symbolic religious texts but may or may not be literal because it’s a wacky world and the true shape of your reality is super weird.

Drug fuelled ramblings aside, there’s genuinely well written, entertaining lore to be had.

I couldnt even get through the Sermons/Lessons of Vivec, most people I know find it ridiculous along with 90% of what Kirkbride wrote, its not even that its complex its literally just nonsense the Vivec/Molag stuff and such.