PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

Oh god yeah, sadly in the ol’ Kaldorei community, there were real issues with groomers. I remember starting WoW when I was thirteen. Had to report a lad to Blizz / Police for trying to get too close to me. - All these years later, still gives m the creeps when I think about it.



I’ve been on this server longer than I was on Sha’tar now.

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In this case it was blood elves (dark skinned DKs as I recall) posing as night elves in Silvermoon. Wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they performed similar antics on the Alliance though. Reports were duly written but… I honestly think they got away with it more often than not.

Yeah, having played on AD pre PCU I agree, AD always had cliques, and back then the cliques were pretty damn toxic(admittedly havent a clue what they are like now other than what I hear), Alliance side atleast, alot of weird…“rules” that were imposed on the wider community by a pretty vocal minority that considered itself incharge, quite one sided rules aswell, I remember Civil Death being abused so much, Civil Death was the go to move by the premier clique of the day against any guild they didnt have the manpower to bully or the wit to poach from.

Whats it mean?

That was basically a made up law some clique gave themselves to strip any guild of the right to be in any active rp hub without being butchered by anyone who chose to act on the “civil death warrent”, basically you wasnt considered a member of the alliance anymore and anyone could kill you without consequence, it often was slapped on any guild who wasnt a part of the clique n had roughly 60+ members most of which were active, an arguement would occur…some bullying would be attempted only to backfire massively and then civil death would be called about, it was a way for them to deal with guilds they couldnt realistically bully.

For the record this is known as being declared an outlaw. The difference between an outlaw and a criminal is that a criminal is wanted by the law and afforded some basic protections under it. An outlaw is literally declared outside of the law and historically it meant that people are allowed to - even encouraged to - kill you, because offering any aid to an outlaw makes you an associate. Sometimes there’s even a bounty for the person being wanted dead to further incentivise their lawful murder.

It was the last ditch effort when someone escapes justice, i.e. they dodged court summons or escaped from custody as it shows intent on the person’s part to refuse to participate in lawful society. In German the word for outlaw roughly translates to free as a bird – as in, you’re free to be killed like a bird.

The concept is not new; we see outlaws in WoW on the regular – Defias Brotherhood, for example. The problem is that declaring another player an outlaw (as opposed to a criminal wanted by the law) is it’s prone to some serious mishandling and power trips from those involved, often without a good reason for it (like escaping justice for existing crimes).

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Aye, that was what it meant basically, an outlaw…anyone could kill you and your guildies n suffer no consequence and you’d be pressured to accept it, thing is though it was so OOCly influenced, I noticed a pattern in those it was slapped on, it was always slapped on those who were large active guilds n didnt really entertain the premier clique to much and did their own thing or people the clique tried to butcher but failed due to numbers haha n realistically were shoehorned into accepting defeat in fights they instigated(or theyd rage n log), it was abused loads and a cause for so many drama threads in the past.

This is bad, yes. However in my 10 years on AD, I have never seen any of the PCU guilds actually declare someone an outlaw on the basis of the person/guild failing to bow down to their imagined authority. In every single example that I can think about off the top of my head, it was the result of IC actions leading to a point where simple arrests and a night to sober up in jail no longer cut it with repeat offenders who showed blatant disregard and unwillingness to participate in lawful society after numerous violent assaults on other characters – at which point historically, being declared an outlaw was the final option.

Either that or just execute them in captivity, but nobody likes that.

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Oh no, I wasnt accusing PCU of doing this, this was before their day an entirely different clique, I wont name names of course it was over a decade ago in truth who cares haha but an entirely different clique altogether, it was basically a “We cant beat you, so were gunna ruin your rp” move.

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Painfully oftentimes starting from something as little and minor as being told by a grunt not to sit on mailboxes.


What do you mean I can’t :poop:talk the Warchief, the Horde and openly support or plan a rebellion in the Valley of Honour? Have you not heard of free speech?


IC free speechposting never fails to amuse

This is actually a point brought up in War Crimes. Does the Horde have free speech? The citizens, i.e. Kor’juz believe they do; they are free to speak out as any true orc should, for unwillingness to stand behind your opinions out of fear is cowardice and makes you no better than a slave. And anyone who silences the voice of dissent is a coward afraid of confrontation. If that order comes from the Warchief, the Warchief is weak.

Malkorok on the other hand disagrees, saying that the Warchief is the Horde, and speaking against the Warchief means speaking against the Horde itself and is thus equivalent of treason. He beats up Kor’juz, breaking his fingers, but leaves him alive for others to see what happens to those who speak up.

Now obviously Malkorok is made out to be wrong here and that the consensus among the other Horde leaders is that Kor’juz is right; it is the right of any true orc to speak their mind and challenge weak leaders, lest they be cowards themselves. But there’s a difference between voicing your opinion and criticizing the Warchief’s mismanagement of the Horde, and inciting open rebellion (as opposed to challenging leadership in honest combat as is tradition).

One is treason (if the rebels lose), the other is not.


Absolute powermove

Unless im also misremembering and spitting headcanon, was dissent also not allowed during both Garrosh’s and Sylvanas’s rule? Under Garrosh, the Kor-Kron was basically rounding up everyone who wasnt in support, atleast publically, and I do recall that they(Blizzard) were giving mixed messages with Sylvanas. At some point claiming she had a like 99.8% support or “the hearts of the people” but also somewhere later that dissent was being snuffed out/silenced?

When dissenters are disappeared, you unsurprisingly end up with record approval ratings.


Modern problems require modern solutions.

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At the end in the little pre-rebellion thing if you’re on the Sylvanases side, you go through Orgrimmar and there’s various citizens looking at rebel propaganda and discussing it only to be taken away by grunts and stuff.

wait i didn’t know malkorok did things i thought he was just a juiced up purple orc in the raid

is this another Novel Lore