PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

That’s a way more reasonable and comprehensible response than

due to a simple misunderstanding of what you meant initially, cause your initial “bring it on” attitude re. your bad stuff doesn’t come across as your questioning of what you’ve done to deserve whatever attitude you are getting. (i wont pretend to know what :cow: you have with pcu or vice versa, but you have been negatively vocal on many occasions, intentionally or not)

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I agree. Yes. And I think criticizing a group and asking them not to do certain things is absolutely legit? You either ignore them, or tell them that you don’t like what they’re doing.

And if nothing changes, and rather they intensify their attitude in the opposite direction, you won’t rate that community five stars when people ask what’s your opinion of them.

It is, but some lore is more or less required, because it does seem to be akin to what Vaxir has been saying earlier, instead of letting bygones be bygones.

Our plan of infiltrating innocent RP guilds with our ICstealer Cults to further the goals of the Great PCU Hive Mind, you mean?

Eh, I fear this is an idea that wouldn’t work. Even if it’s nice on paper. I don’t think this is a simple grudge - it is an active problem. My problem with said community is not that one random person among those two hundred people has stepped on my toes five or ten years ago in that one episode. It’s not a problem of what they’ve done, I have a problem with the attitude.

My problem with them is what I’ll define as a toxic culture. One that is quite pervasive in that community as an OOC attitude, and the way in which OOC conflicts are resolved too. This is a problem of the present, not of the past.

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But that hardly describes the issue itself. Sure, even I had problems with some of the PCU members dating back to whole 4 years ago from the top of my head and I actively do not seek interactions with them (with an assumption that they could’ve changed by now? idk), but that doesn’t mean that community itself festers such, what you called as, toxic culture?

It sure boils down to personal experiences, some had worse encounters, some had less, but calling entire community as the one that appreciates and welcomes toxicity is quite a massive statement.

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This is what you all get for accepting an obvious vanity project as a serious part of the community. It was obvious at the time of the PCU’s creation, and I said this to Perroy at length, that Argent Dawn - possibly once the biggest open online roleplaying community in the world - would be starved of life before its time by the inevitable incompatibility between PCU members and players with too much self-respect to join a community named after another player who controls all the guilds and all the roleplay for no deserved reason.


What is a toxic culture to you?
Because ever since I’ve joined the PCU a few months I’ve been met with positivity, friendliness, and an incredible amount of acceptance of myself and my identity, much more than anywhere else on AD has ever shown me.

Because to me, the PCU has a lovely culture and I’ve not once seen it contribute to a negative culture of AD as a whole, I’ve more seen the people who constantly promote the PCU-bad tribalism causing a toxic atmosphere.

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Indeed it doesn’t. As I said, it is not a single episode. It is a recurring theme in the way in which they interact with other players.

It is what has happened to me + what I hear from other people / friends + what I see on the forums. All of this paints a picture.

There are likely normal, average people who are just there for the role-play. But they will get influenced to be part of their shenanigans too. As I said, it’s a pervasive culture, and everyone inside is encouraged to be part of it.

You still haven’t said what that culture is.

Most likely the “You don’t take me seriously and don’t do anything I say” culture.

Well, it goes back to “he said she said” sort of discussion, with answers that will be dependant on whom you ask rather than an objective opinion of people, who have no interaction with either whatsoever.


I can only think of mass upvoting something on the forums that way, which isn’t lethal to those, who don’t partake in it?

I’m not sure what you’re seeing, or if something dramatic has changed in my brief time out of the greater community.
People are encouraged to RP and outside of that, be themselves.

Not how the PCU functions

You should get informed before you assume randomly


I do not think that it is still correct to perceive PCU culture as a single hive mind where absolutely all officers are always biased in conflicts, etc.

In 99 cases out of a hundred that I saw when it came to conflict in the non-PCU community, the guild leaders supported the side of their old guildmates, fearing that people would leave the guild.
Does this mean that the non-PCU community is toxic?

While I’ll concede that it’s a bit of a stupid name, I also don’t believe it was Perroy’s creation. I’m fairly certain it was a name somebody used to mock the notion of the connected guilds/communities, and it stuck as an actual name afterwards. If someone can confirm that or correct it, I’d appreciate it because I don’t wanna be wrong on this one.

Like I’m p. certain it’s the same naming method Daft Punk called themselves by - turning a remark by a detractor into the actual name.

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To add on to this, its not even like perroy NAMED the community.

It obviously existed before one of the anti-PCU dinguses named it that.

And should I? I mean, the moment I do, about five/ten people will begin to spam the thread either denying that anything ever happened, or will just change topic and turn the thread about me being a contrarian.

Just look around and gather information for yourself. Make up your own mind. See how they act and raise a few questions yourself. Others won’t change their mind just because I state they’ve done x and y. And I know many here would not discuss in good faith, so yeah, I don’t care about proving anything to these people.

ie. You or some member of your guild (sorry but your t-mog is similar) were already part of that “your idea is stupid” train a couple of days ago, on that thread about the in-game protest. Perhaps you were nudged to be part of a group that would belittle someone’s legitimate protest with no other basis other than being smug/cause drama?

It is telling that all the people who dismissed the idea in the thread belong or belonged to the PCU (past tense because they don’t play anymore). Either they organized to attack the thread, or they were naturally inclined to do so together (at a surprisingly synchronized time, I’d add). Fortunately, that was a very mild thing but mobbing is a thing that is definitely encouraged in that community.


Hey now Aerilen is a special guy with a special heart

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Zaphius, you’ve been typing for a while now and I fear your point is starting to dragon.

More sincerely: People can’t respond to claims of anything if you don’t say what those claims are. How can people respond to something when they don’t know what that thing is?